Bay Area Magnet Convening (BAMC)

Bay Area Magnet Convening (BAMC) September 10, 2015Attendee: Anita Girard, Barbara Rickabough, Chris Stevenson, Chris Tarver, Douglas Van Houten, Ellen Kissinger, Gloria Martinez, Helen Benedetti, Jackie Keane, Jenna Zaliauskas, Jody Mechanic, Katie Choy, Kristine Taylor, Lynn Forsey, Meriam Signo, Susan Herman, Janette Moreno, Alice M, Denise Renfro, Carmen Manosca, Linda De La Rue-EvansAgenda Meeting Minutes0900 – 1000: Magnet Program Directors DiscussionConsultant Assistance: Journal SubmissionConsultant fee to help with journal is about $150 an hourSet aside 10k for consultant fees from budget Using conference calling for active participants in helping with writing the article for publicationLynne Forsey might have some time to help with writingHosting an ANCC Workshop – location/topic/etc.Max budget set aside 10k Need to pay for venue, food (breakfast, lunch and snacks)Look at dates that are available for hosting and possible locationWashington Hospital auditorium can hold up to 200 people maxDoug Van Houten will look into datesCordella can hold up to 150 people maxChris Stevenson will look into datesANCC Magnet Conference … MPD Meeting October 6; Mixer October 8Mixer held at Omni Hotel on Thursday October 8Oct 6 is Magnet Director Program Meeting at the conferenceOct 7 is full day at conference and Welcome PartyOct 8 is full day conference and MixerChris Tarver will send out email with information about conference October 29 for Post Magnet Conference Session- PlanningTime is available for post Magnet Conference at 3-6pm Direct care staff should attend the sessionAllowed 10 min time slot for each presenterCondense talk about favorite topic/posterHave each hospital presentSend out a template for people to sign up to help reduce duplicate topics being presentedChris Tarver will send out email to groupbayareamagnetconvening.Contact information sheet for each hospital to fill out for websiteMichele Lee will add contact information on to websiteNeed to swap out Washington Hospital logo on websiteDoug Van Houten will send logo Video will be added to website after it is presented at the conferenceFinance ReportAllocating money in fund 150kAbout 2k was spent on the video that was created in during May’s meeting10k for consultant fees10k for hosting ANCC workshop$500 per BAMC meeting for 3x a year (breakfast, lunch, and snack)RoundtableVMC – 2 years of EPIC and not on Magnet JourneyWHS – Finished doc on August 3rdchanged shared governance council – added new council (professional engagement) to help increase patient satisfaction and increase excitement in staffUCSF – submitted report to MagnetNorthBay – NDNQI survey is next week at hospitalThey are going the Magnet conference for the first time New hospital president, CNO retiredRestructuring shared governance subgroupsStanford - TimeTopic1000 - 1015Welcome and Introductions1015 – 1100Peer Review Tools – Round TableImplement with nurse manager council first (this was recommended by the union)Managers then went back to talk with staffSome staff stated there were fears of blame to one another, fear of management punishing themOn performance evaluation; it only states whether the staff participated in peer review or notInvolved staff with developing questions Questions relating on how to increase quality care for patientsIt’s a tool to advance their practiceThis was done during work hours within the month and time framePeer is evaluated 2 times a month by different peopleIt is anonymous, and very objectiveManagers post overall percentage of questions with reply of NoPosting every month to see the resultsUsing an excel spreadsheet to help with randomization to assign staffBAMC PAVA Peer Review PP Magnet Convention 0915.pptx 1100 - 1120Writing SOEs – Format Ideas for 2014 ManualECH kept submitting during the site visitSubmitted in June under 2014 manuelMarch and October supplement on submittal Make sure graph and charts have all the labels – be very specific in labeling (pre, intervention, and post data)Take pictures of important slides during the conference for referenceWHS did electronic submission of documentCheckbox approach was very helpfulConsultants who are helping are very important; especially finding one that fits into the culture of the hospitalThe success is doing it over and over. Plus, to take responsibility of the whole document not just your own sectionFinding people to do various roles and who are good writers Need to let writers know to let go of their egos because if you see red marks; it is not a reflections of you being a bad writerAlways test the links to make sure they work; some might work at work but doesn’t when using a different computer somewhere elseBAMC magnet writing tips 091015.pptx 1230 – 1300Mentoring/Succession PlanningScholarships: National Nursing Education Initiative and VA Learning Opportunity ResidencyHelp with growth from within the organization of VAPrograms to help with advancement but need for the individual to apply and be accepted into the program: ELDP (Emerging Leaders Development Program) and LDI (Leadership Development Institute)CPPD-BAMC_Gordon__Betty_Moore_Foundation-final-09_08_2015.pptx 1300 – 1330Hospital Updates – 5 minutes eachECH – EPIC Go-Live Nov, sending 12 people to Magnet Conference, Joint Commission is due to come anytime, Lots of peer to peer review going on at each department and staff are being very receptiveUC Davis – identifying stories to use with next documentation, spent all of last year with peer review, 2 Day Program (Nov 3,4) with posters from each unit to display what was most accomplished within the past year – staff can earn up to 1 CEU for critiquing 6 postersWHS – Magnet Fever! Sending 10 people to Magnet conference, focusing on engaging the staff with new Professionl Engagement Council, New building with 40 ER beds, 50 CCU beds, and 68 Med Surg beds are coming soon! Plus a new parking structure with seven floors, in contract negotiation with PRN, Board approved for new Palliative Care program to start.UCSF – Interim report created to Magnet, Going to submit document in August 2016, in process of changing governance council (consolidating and combining other peer council together), Poster faire in October in at the hospital, Sending 8 people to Magnet conference (new staff that have never been before), multi lean project going on, and lab survey going on this week. NorthBay – construction going on, sending 20 people to the conference (mostly direct care nurses), 2 poster is being presented at conference, prepping for writing next yearStanford – Construction going on, sending 40 people to the conference, 2 poster being presented (shared leadership got accepted 2 years in a row), MERP survey just got completed, Cancer Center is now opened and passed all inspection, Clinic at Yahoo and Google is opened, Patients’ input are part of their bylaws, revamped peer feedback forms with executives approvalLucille Packard – sending 25 people to Magnet conference, needed to write an essay for application to go to conference, annual summit at the end of October with 8 booths with information, having PeopleSoft build employee professional files in their systemVA – nurses resource faire just happened with over 200 attendee, new building to be finished in 2016, on the journey to Magnet, Chair of their UBC council goes to their management council to help bridge the gap with staff and manager1330 – 1445New Grad/Specialty Transition Training Programs Panel (each present for 5-8 min, then Q&A)OR – El Camino HospitalMass retiring problem in OR dept with increasing numbers of RN retiring Luis B created interview tool, application, tool and training tool which was accepted by AORN when creating an OR training programProgram incorporated 3 in-house RN and 3 external candidates for a 6 month trainingNew Grads to Float Pool – UC DavisNew grad program is 1 year program for BSN RNs4 cohert a year; enrollment is open for 1 week with 600-1500 applicants 15-30 applicants are selected in each cohertIn 2010, 79.1% of all RNs are BSNThey have a RN Residency Coordinator that manages this programMCH – Washington HospitalFeeling the Kaiser effect! – after orientation and 1 week of training; staffs are leaving to go work for KaiserAt least one new grad program a year with 9-10 students1445 – 1455Planning for next meeting:Date: January 2016 for BAMC Meeting Tentatively Week of Jan 18, 2016Confirmed January 21, 2016 with Chris Stevenson May Meeting – WHS is offering to hostWill talk more about date at the January meetingHost/LocationChris Stevenson will check for availability 4500 Business Center Drive, Fairfield, CAConfirmed by Chris Stevenson via emailSOE to reviewExperience with Magnet survey and document writing with WHSConference Material - talk about presentations what was presented at the conference and manual script for publishing ................

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