University of Alaska Anchorage

Club Council AgendaThe Student Union South Cafeteria | 1:00 pmJanuary 31th, 2014CALL TO ORDER 1:08pmAPPROVAL OF AGENDA PERSONS TO BE HEARDJoycelyn Weaver - UAA Career Services – City Wide fair Feb 13 9am-3pm,Resume review feb 6.Wright Franklin – KRUA – Public service announcement, FREE. Limit can’t ask for money, has to be two weeks out. Forms online, or E-mail anyone from KRUA Nona Gunn- UAA Advancement- Feb 13 noon, Alumni Center. Free pizza and tour of the new office. Knowing the services you can get after graduating. BUDGET REPORT- $11,711 left in the funding account.USUAA Report- Meeting right after 3pm, advocate for UAA and projects on campus. Starting to plan the spring Masquerade ball. LEADERSHIP COORDINATOR- Student officer orientation feb 5th 3-5pm, Know your status STI testing FREE Tues feb 11 9-3 am RH building 116, Student involvement fair went great, thoughts on the music and if its to loud, Student show case deadline today submit any work from this year. Understory journal deadline feb 1, evening with Chad Pregacke feb 4 6-7:30pm, Coordination Position opening up currently Paula Fish will be taking the position until filled, Leadership honors graduating May leadership applications by next Friday 5pm, Student commencement speaker application due by feb 6 5pm. COMMITTEE REPORTSCampus Programming Board- Winter fest feb 21Student Union & Commuter Student Services Board-Still in employee meetingSpecial Projects Fund- No major request from clubsConcert Board- concert board different music events on campus and maybe comedians. Diversity Action Council-5,000 black history month, next meeting feb 14th if you want to request money, any culture or diversity clubs, 10 year plan; diverse campus body they will take questions or comments. RH multicultural center 9-10:30? NEW BUSINESS- meeting on what and how to change things in the bi-laws and making things easier for everyone.Attendance WaiversNational Association for Music Education Collegiate- Voting results 95% approve 2% no 2% abstained Physical Education Majors Club- Voting results 95% approve 2% no 2% abstainedFunding RequestsSimple Truth- Nick, want to put together a two part lecture session from Douglas Jacoby, about debate about god, very involved in Christianity. Answer questions that people have on god in general, supernatural and topics that everyone would like to listen to. 4-4-2014/4-5-2014 Requesting 2,000 dollars for event speaker fee, hotel, room rentals and advertising. Free event open to the public. Q- Look at less expensive venues? No, not yet. Student Union would be a lot cheaper and can hold just as many people. Q- is the speakers background just in theology or does he have background in origin sciences? He does have a lot of experience due to these debates he holds. Discussion: Math for this doesn’t add up, the club would be profiting from this funding. This is a worthwhile event to promote, its good that we are doing more of these types of events on campus. Motion to vote. 34 approve 6 No 1 Abstained…funding approved fully $2000.00Art Student Association: Life drawing is required for every discipline of art students. Only one class available to students, so club would like to pay for models and donuts and coffee for anyone (not just art students) to come and do life drawings. Saturdays at noon will be when they are available. Q-Do you have to be a UAA student to go? No, anyone can come. Discussion: Ive been to a life drawing, its really fun and anyone can join in. 36 Approve 0 No 0 Abstained….funding approved fully $343.00Black Student Union: Asking for funding for Black History Month. Started yesterday in the Student Union, had a speaker come. BSU wants to celebrate the history and acomplishments of African Americans. Opportunity for campus to learn the many ways African Americans have contributed to our society. Focus on international and cultural outcomes. Celebrating BHM lets people know about peoples stories and give people a chance to learn about what AA have been doing. Have many programs planned throughout the month. 40% of dance proceeds will go to help Alaska students attend college, 40% will go to the Vera Allen Jones fund. Q- where can I find event list? Online and TNL also posters around campus. Q- What is the $2000 for? Going towards all events, total cost for month is $10467.99, have received funding from many sources on campus already.34 Approved1 No1 abstained….funding fully approved $2000.00New Club ProposalsCLUB ANNOUNCEMENTSHuman Services Club – Sarah Cerecky – Still looking for clubs to make chili for chili challenge. Chance to win money, only one person from club needs to stay to serve. Flyers handed out if interested. RSVP by end of February.Theatre on the Rocks – fundraising for our club, men of theatre calendar. Available in RH on Monday 11-3. $15 per calendar also having a bake sale and will sell calendars at shows.ARIGAA – Hunter – Thursday event Christian professor from MIT presenting and discussing with a professor here. RH 110 7pm.ADJOURNMENT 2:25 pm ................

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