ARTICLE ONE: Name and Purpose - University of Alaska …

Club Council AgendaThe Student Union South Cafeteria | 1:00 pmApril 17, 2015CALL TO ORDER 1:14 pmAPPROVAL OF AGENDA 1:15 pmAPPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING’S MINUTES April 3, 2015 – funding requests: MBA, Sustainability, Circle K - all approved, 2 final expense reports, 2nd reading of bylaws, 1 new club: Lions Club.PERSONS TO BE HEARDClub Announcements: AE run this Saturday at noon at the SSB building.BUDGET REPORT $499.07 Total – amended to $1999.07. USUAA Report – JT – Elections completed, constitution change to provide more leadership scholarships to students, changes to Green Fee board, restructured USUAA to allow more people to participate. Limited senator seats and increase delegate positions. Approving final budget this week. Advocacy and follow up from Senator Murkowski’s visit, WiFi technology conversation - a lot of connections has been slowing down speed. University trying to address the wifi issues. LEADERSHIP COORDINATOR – Cody – Monday flash mob t-shirts – giving out t-shirts to people to wear, will be in SU RH and SSB from 9 to 12 handing out t-MITTEE REPORTSCampus Programming Board - Ashleigh R. – no reportStudent Union & Commuter Student Services Board - VacantSpecial Projects Fund - Jeanette S. – no reportConcert Board - Amy R. – Garfunkel and Oates are coming, selling out really fast. Next Friday is the event, if you want to come buy tickets soon!Diversity Action Council - Enetta W. – Meeting today with VC, provost, and school cabinet - went over diversity database and moved forward with that project. Discussed diversity awards that went out throughout the year. This was the last meeting for the year. We need someone to fill the student position next year.NEW BUSINESSAttendance WaiversNoneFunding Requests NoneFinal Expense Reports NoneNew ClubsNoneBylawsStart Third Reading – see attached bylaws. Vote to Approve – Bylaws approved. 33, 0, 3.FOR THE GOOD Student Involvement AwardsBest Club Award – 1 submissionDarth Sidious Longevity Award – 1 submissionsMost Involved on Campus Award – 0 submissionsMost Involved in the Community Award – 0 submissions Joy – Pre finals Friday or Saturday nerf war. Capture the flag tomorrow 7:30 at Goose Lake Psi Chi – BSCN conference today in LIB 307 at 7pm, speakers are up here. Today is Paige McKerchar – sign language with infants and psychology with childhood education discussions. Student Vets – Derek Monk fundraiser for his family and the other family involved in the crash. Our Facebook site has the donation link on it. ADJOURNMENT 2:12pmClub Council Bylaws Adopted 5/2007Amended 4/2014Amended 3/2015ARTICLE ONE: Name and PurposeSection One: NameThe name of this organization shall be Club Council, hereafter CC.Section Two: PurposeCC operates in accordance with the Union of Students of the University of Alaska Anchorage, hereafter USUAA, the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws, and on the authority delegated by USUAA. This organization shall exist to accomplish the following:Officially register UAA Clubs, hereafter Clubs;Assist University clubs with activities; Promote student interaction and involvement; and;Allocate funds to registered clubs for events as well as CC events.ARTICLE TWO: MembershipSection One: VotingRegistered Clubs have the responsibility to appoint a club member to serve as a CC representative and up to three alternate representatives. Only one member of each registered club may vote at each meeting. One person may represent up to three (3)more than one club at CC. If an individual represents more than one club, he/she may only have one vote per question, not one vote per club they represent. Section Two: Equal AccessCC affirms the right of any registered Club to have equal time and presence on campus in scheduled buildings and areas, regardless of content. This right extends only to UAA students, staff, and faculty members of that club.Membership in Clubs shall be open to all full- and part-time students carrying at least three (3) upholds the following anti-discrimination clause:“CC provides equal opportunities for all regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or changes in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood.”Section Three: Club Responsibilities To be considered an active Club, afforded all privileges by UAA, Club executive boards must:Complete the Registration Update/Re-registration process on the UAA CollegiateLink website (hereafter UAA Life) with the assistance of the presiding club president and/or advisor by the second week of classes of the fall semester. Ensure that the President and Treasurer complete Student Officer Orientation;Ensure that the President submits the Statement of Compliance on the UAA Life page;Ensure that the club’s advisor submits the Student Club Faculty/Advisor Agreement form on the UAA Life page;Ensure, with the assistance of the presiding club president and/or advisor that the club’s registration reflects the current club officers and membership throughout the academic year, and update the registration as necessary.Report to CC via UAA Life when their club meetings are held.Participate in the club he or she represents as well as CC meetings and activities on a regular basis.Section Four: New Club ProposalsAll new club proposals will be reviewed by the CC Officers to verify that all requirements have been met. Upon approval, the CC Executive BoardExec officers will contact the new club to schedule a presentation at a CC general meeting. A representative from the newly approved club will be asked to speak for roughly five (5) minutes to provide CC with information such as affiliations with national or regional organizations, and the purpose of the Club. This presentation will be followed by a short question and answer period, after which the new club will be a recognized UAA student club.Section Five: Seed MoneyAll newly registered clubs may receive up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) in “seed money” provided the budget allows for it. “Seed Money” will be disbursed to new clubs in the order by which the clubs are recognized as new by completing the New Student Club Funding Request process with the Executive Board.ARTICLE THREE: Officers and BoardsSection One: PositionsThere shall be three officer positions, consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Business Manager, hereafter CC Executive Board.Individuals who hold elected seats on the USUAA assembly cannot hold these CC Executive BoardOfficer positions, for reasons of conflict of interest.All officers must be members of a registered club.Section Two: Duties of the CC Executive BoardThe responsibilities of the Officers of the CC are as follows:Chair: The chair shall: coordinate CC business; chair meetings; chair the Haunted Halloween Fun Night Committee; establish CC meeting agendas; in the absence of the Vice-Chair, officially represent CC at the Union of Students meetings; and make board appointments suggest appointments as as necessary.Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall: maintain attendance recordsdetermine and establish quorum at the beginning of all CC meetings, and the as well as the required numbers for votes of approval;chair meetings in the absence of the Chair; and act as the CC representative to the USUAA;. The Vice-Chair will vote on behalf of CC at the USUAA Assembly meetings; and report both to CC and USUAA; andform and make Ad-Hoc Committee appointments as necessary.Business Manager: The Business Manager shall: chair meetings in the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair;. The Business Manager shall monitor the process of requesting, disbursing, and receiving funds, as allocated by USUAA to CC, and from CC to Clubs;. The Business Manager shall present budget reports to CC; and facilitate the proposed budget for the following fiscal year forto the USUAA in concert with the Chair and Vice-Chair, and Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life, hereafter SCGL; andChair the Haunted Halloween Fun Night Committee.Section Three: Boards The CC ChairExecutive Board will appoint representatives to each of the following boards, subject to a simple majority vote of concurrence by CC:Campus Programming BoardStudent Union and Commuter Student Services BoardSpecial Projects FundConcert BoardDiversity Action CouncilThe duties for the CC representatives to their respective boards include: attend all board meetings, vote on behalf of CC, and report to CC after each meeting.Board representatives can be removed from their positions at the discretion of the CC Chair, subject to a majority vote of concurrence by CC (50% + 1 vote of voting members present).Section Four: Officer and Board Appointee QualificationsAll CC elected officers and appointed representatives must be members of an active club.Section Five: Officer ElectionsElections for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Business Manager shall be held during the final CC regular business meeting of the academic year. Nominations shall be open two weeks prior to the election.Voting shall be done via the electronic voting system. In the case of a tie, a second vote shall be held to break that tie.The term of office shall be for one year beginning July 1.Section Six: VotingVoting shall be done via the electronic voting system. In the case of a tie, a second vote shall be held to break that tie.Section Seven: TermsThe term of office shall be for one year beginning July 1.Section FiveEight: AbsencesElected Officers and appointed Board Representatives are allowed four (4) absences of any nature per semester during their term. After three (3) absences, the Officer or appointed Board Representative will be notified that they are in jeopardy of losing the position. The Officer or appointed Board Representative will be relieved of their position after the fourth absence subject to a majority vote of CC.Section SixNine: Vacant SeatsIf an Officer position or appointed Board Representative position is vacated, an election will be held or appointment made to replace the individual. The election and appointment procedures will be the same as listed above; the term of office will be the remainder of the current term.ARTICLE FOUR: Meetings Section One: ScheduleMeetings shall be held every other Friday of each fall and spring semester, excluding recognized UAA breaks and holidays. The time of the meetings shall be determined by CC Executive Board at the beginning of each semester and shall not conflict with the time of the USUAA Assembly meetings.Section Two: Governance and ProcedureMeetings shall be guided by “Robert’s Rules of Order”.Section Three: QuorumA quorum will be forty percent (40%) of the CC’s representatives from clubs that have active status. A person representing more than 1 club may only count once towards quorum. If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes of the posted starting time, an informal business meeting shall be declared.Section Four: Officer AbsencesIf quorum is reached and no officers are present to chair the meeting, the administrative assistant or Leadership Coordinator from SCGLthe Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life shall chair the meeting in a non-voting capacity.ARTICLE FIVE: Funding Request ProcessSection One: PurposeCC receives student fee monies from USUAA, which are budgeted into the CC Transfer Fund. The Transfer Fund exists for the purpose of promoting student involvement on campus, specifically for student-led activities and events for the benefit of all UAA Students. These events include, but are not limited to: Student Involvement Fairs, Campus Kick-Off, Haunted Halloween Fun Night, and other club-sponsored events.Section Two: Application ProcessCC will accept requests from clubs for financial assistance in their activities or events from monies budgeted into the CC Transfer Fund. The discussion and approval of these funding requests will take place at regular business meetings. All funding request paperwork must be completed and submitted by noon of the Friday prior to the day of voting. by: Email to the CC Executive Board via HYPERLINK "" Paperwork physically entered into the logbook in the Student Clubs and Greek Life Office. Section 3: CriteriaFunding Requests shall not be accepted for an event that occurs before the request is scheduled to be considered by CC.Funding requests shall be voted on in the same order SCGLthe Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life and the CC Executive Board receives them as verified by email and the logbook. A funding request will not be considered in the following cases:If the requested amount exceeds either 50% of the total cost of the specified event, or ten percent (10%) of the total amount allocated for funding requests in the current fiscal year, whichever is the lower amount.If the requesting club has an approved attendance waiver, and the requested amount exceeds either 50% of the total cost of the specified event, or five percent (5%) of the total amount allocated for funding requests in the current fiscal year, whichever is the lower amount.If the account of the club requesting the funds has a negative balance at the time the request is made.Should the club be able to prove that the balance will be in the positive by the meeting that the request would be considered, the request may proceed. Proof shall constitute a JV transaction number, email, or other documentation verifying that funds are in transit to CC.If the club is unable to show that they will be able to cover the essential costs of the event should CC fail to approve the request. Clubs may solicit funds from University and non-University entities for their events to ensure that they will have sufficient funds to execute their events. Section Four: ApprovalA two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of approval is required in order for the proposal to receive the full amount requested. If the proposal receives approval by less than two-thirds (2/3) but greater than one-half (1/2) of the voting clubs present, then the funding request will be reconsidered for a lesser amount.The CC representative or person presenting the funding request on behalf of the requesting club will be given the opportunity to ask for approval of an amended amount, not to exceed the amount enumerated in the initial Funding Request. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote is required in order to approve the amended amount.Should the CC representative or person presenting the funding request on behalf of the requesting club decline to request an amended amount OR the amended amount receives approval by less than two-thirds (2/3) but greater than one-half (1/2) of the voting clubs present, the most recent requested amount shall be lowered in stepwise fashion to an amount deemed appropriate by the Council until a two-thirds (2/3) majority is reached, or less than one-half (1/2) of the clubs present vote in favor of the proposed funding request.If less than one-half (1/2) of the clubs present vote in favor of the proposed funding request, then the organization in question will not receive monies from the CC Transfer Fund for that request.If the funding request does not pass, then the requesting club shall have the option of resubmitting the request with proposed changes once per event.Section Five: Remaining Transfer Fund MoniesTransfer Fund monies remaining after all of the fall and spring funding requests of the year shall be allocated by a majority vote of the CC Executive Board as they see fit, provided such spending meets the criteria of Article V, Section 1.ARTICLE SIX: Attendance WaiversSection One: Criteria and Length of EffectivenessIf there is a compelling reason preventing all members from a club from attending the CC meetings, then the club may apply for an Attendance Waiver which will excuse that club from attending the CC meetings for that semester. The Attendance Waiver Application Form must be submitted to the CC Executive Board. The Attendance Waiver application must be approved by a majority vote of CC. The approved Attendance Waiver shall be effective for one semester.Section Two: CommunicationsClubs granted an Attendance Waiver must provide monthly written communication with the CC Executive Board before noon on the first Friday of the month. The CC Executive Board will relay information between the club and CC. The Chair of CC shall ensure and facilitate communication between the Council and clubs granted attendance waivers.Section TwoThree: QuorumA club granted an Attendance Waiver is excluded from quorum for the duration of the waiver.ARTICLE SEVEN: SuspensionDeactivation Section One: CriteriaAn officially registered club will be suspendedconsidered inactive if the club:Fails to file complete the Registration Update/Re-registration process on UAA Life before the appropriate deadline,Fails to abide by University regulations, orMisses four (4) or more CC meetings in a semester, or six (6) or more in an academic year, whichever occurs first. As a courtesy, the Vice-Chair will notify club presidents when a club representative has been absent from two (2) or more CC meetings, or.Fails to abide by University regulations.The CC Executive Board and/or SCGLthe Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life shall notify a club of upcoming deactivation suspension via email, with the date it will become effective. Notification shall occur when a club has at least two (2) absences in a semester.Section Two: ReinstatementReactivationA club can be reactivated by submitting the appropriate paperwork to the CC Executive Board or the Student Clubs and Greek Life Office Staff. A club cannot be reinstatedreactivated during the same semester suspensiondeactivation occurred, with the exception of clubs that fail to meet the Registration Update/Re-registration deadline.Reinstatement can only occur after one (1) semester of suspension has elapsed, with the exception of clubs that fail to meet the Registration Update/Re-registration deadline.A A suspended club clubs may appeal its suspension utilizing processes specific to the reason for suspenion:may be reinstated by completing the appeals process.An appeal of suspension resulting from failure to file a registration update or complete the re-registration process may be submitted after the deadline to SCGL.An appeal of suspension resulting from failure to attend CC meetings must be brought to the CC Executive Board no more than fourteenthirty (1430) days after the date of suspensionCC will hear the appeal within fourteen (14) days after it is presented to the CC Executive Board has become effective, and heard by CC.The appealing club shall explain the lack of attendance toat the CC meeting, and the reasoning behind the club’s failure to submit an attendance waiver.The appeal must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of CC’s present voting membership. Should the appeal fail to reach the two-thirds (2/3) threshold, the suspension shall remain in effect through the end of the current semester.An appeal of suspension resulting from failure to abide by university regulations must be brought before the Ad-Hoc Committee no more than fourteenthirty (3014) days after the suspension has become effective.Section Three: SanctionsWhen a club is suspendedbecomes inactive, a freeze will be placed on the club’s financial account. No financial transactions may take place while a club is suspendedinactive.SuspendedInactive clubs cannot request funding from CC. Inactive clubs lose all benefits related to being a registered Club. Section Four: QuorumSuspended clubs A club that is inactive shall be excluded from quorum.Section Five: AppealsA club may appeal its deactivation in writing to the CC Executive Board no more than thirty (30) days after deactivation has become effective. Upon receipt of the appeal, the CC Executive Board shall bring it before CC at the next regular business meeting, where a two-thirds (2/3) vote may approve the appeal and overturn the deactivation.ARTICLE EIGHT: Indefinite RemovalDeregistrationSection One: CriteriaA Cclub will be indefinitely removedderegistered in anyone or more of the following cases:Suspension resulting from failure to file a registration update or complete the re-registration processInactivity for twothree (32) consecutive semesters;Refusal to abide by the University regulations, SCGL policy, and the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws; and/or,Violations of Municipal, State or Federal laws.Section Two: Determination of Indefinite RemovalDeregistrationA club that has been suspended as a result of failure to file a registration update or complete the re-registration process for two (2) consecutive semesters shall be considered indefinitely removed without further action.A club that fails to abide by University Regulations, SCGL policy, or the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws, or violates Municipal, State, or Federal Laws shall be reviewed and investigated by the CC Executive Board to determine if indefinite removal is justified.The CC Executive Board shall, at the conclusion of their investigation, present their findings to the club in question, and provide an opportunity for response via written communication or physical meeting within thirtyfourteen (3014) days of the conclusion of the investigation. Should thirtyfourteen (3014) days elapse without response from the club in question, or upon receiving a response from the club in question, the CC Executive Board shall vote to indefinitely remove the club by two-thirds (2/3) majority. A club that fails to abide by University Regulations, SCGL policy, or the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws, or violates Municipal, State, or Federal Laws, and is indefinitely removed by the CC Executive Board may appeal that decision to an Ad-Hoc Committee following a three-fourths (3/4) vote from CC.Upon completion, the results of the investigation by the Ad-Hoc Committee, and the Committee’s recommendation shall be presented to CC. A three-fourths (3/4) vote from CC and approval of SCGL is required to indefinitely remove a club.The CC Executive Board shall determine, in consultation with the Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life, the procedures for loss of registration.Section Three: Club FinancesDeregistered CIndefinitely removed clubs shall have their University accounts closed at the direction of the CC Executive Board and SCGLthe Office of Student Clubs and Greek Life. All funds from the closed accounts will be reverted to the CC Transfer Account.ARTICLE NINE: Ad-Hoc CommitteesSection One: Formation and CompositionAn odd-numbered Ad-Hoc Committee of no fewer than five (5) and no more than eleven (11) CC members will be formed by the CC Vice Chair to organize, schedule, plan and conduct special public proceedings, such as impeachment hearings, appeals of suspension resulting from failure to abide by University regulations, and appeals of indefinite removal.Should the Vice Chair be unable to make appointments due to ethics or lack of presence, the Chair shall appoint members to the Ad-Hoc Committee.Should the Chair and Vice Chair be unable to make appointments due to ethics or lack of presence, the Business Manager shall appoint members to the Ad-Hoc Committee.Should the Chair, Vice Chair, and Business Manager be unable to make appointments due to ethics or lack of presence, the administrative assistant or Leadership Coordinator from SCGL shall appoint members to the Ad-Hoc Committee.The Committee shall be guided by “Robert’s Rules of Order,” and shall elect their own chair with a majority vote.Section Two: Operations and ProceedingsDuring hearings, the Ad-Hoc Committee will receive testimony from all interested parties.The public hearings will begin no later than seven (7) calendar days after the committee has been formed, except during Finals Week, school holidays and breaks, which shall be excluded from the count of seven (7) calendar days.Within seven (7) calendar days of the conclusion of the hearings, the Ad Hoc Committee must submit to CC, in writing, their findings, majority and minority opinions, and the recommendation of the Committee. Ad-Hoc Committees may disband upon resolution of their business by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of their members.ARTICLE TENNINE: Impeachment Section One: CriteriaCharges of Impeachment may be brought against any elected CC officer for malfeasance,nonfeasance, and/or misfeasance.Section Two: ProceedingsCharges of ImpeachmentImpeachment proceedings may be brought by any club member, subject to a simple majority vote of CC’s entire voting membership.Impeachment accusations and proceedings shall be subject to the following guidelines:Documentation of all alleged transgressions must be presented to CC before a vote to begin impeachment proceedings is called.Discussion amongst the membership including the individual against whom the transgressions are alleged shall occur before a vote to begin impeachment proceedings is called.Upon approval of the Charges of Impeachment by a simple majority of CC, an Ad-Hoc Committee shall be immediately formed.Should the Charges of Impeachment fail to reach a simple majority vote of CC, the officer in question shall maintain their office. CC Officers shall have protection from double-jeopardy.Officers subject to impeachment charges shall not be able to make appointments to the Ad Hoc Committee.Section Three: Suspension of Officer ServiceUpon approval of the Charges of Impeachment, Tthe accused will be suspended from service on any issue pertaining to the impeachment proceedings until judgment is rendered.If the impeachment charges are sustained by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire voting membership of CC, the said member’s term of office will terminate immediately.Section Four:An Ad Hoc Committee of no fewer than five (5) CC members and no greater than eleven (11) CC members will be formed to organize, schedule, plan, and conduct the impeachment hearings. The Committee shall operate under “Robert’s Rules of Order,” and shall elect their own chair. During the impeachment hearings, the Ad Hoc Committee will receive testimony from all interested parties.Section Five:The public hearings will begin no later than seven (7) calendar days after CC has brought Impeachment charges, except during Finals Week, school holidays and breaks, which shall be excluded from the count of seven (7) calendar days.Section Six:Within seven (7) calendar days of the conclusion of the hearings, the Ad Hoc Committee must submit to CC, in writing, their findings, majority and minority opinions, and the recommendation of the Committee. If the impeachment charges are sustained by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire voting membership of CC, the said member’s term of office will terminate immediately.ARTICLE ELEVENTEN: Amendment of BylawsSection One: Amendment ProcessThe Bylaws of CC may be amended, repealed or replaced in part or whole by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of CC’s voting members present at the noticed, regular business meeting at which the changes are presented.Section Two: ParticipationAmendments may be presented at any CC regular business meeting, but are subject to Robert’s Rules of Order for approval.Section Three: USUAA ApprovalAmendments to the CC Bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by USUAA. ................

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