Hazard_ .uk


This risk assessment covers the main significant risks associated with broadcasting/ recording, at live events but is non exhaustive. Where additional risks are identified these should be evaluated and suitable precautions listed on this assessment and implemented. All contractors shall complete a risk assessment for their activities.

Event Description: (Dates, BBC or third party event, ticketed or free entry, expected audience, times of broadcast, recording/filming event, summarise BBC’s key responsibilities vs venue’s key responsibilities, contact details of those authorised to implement “show stopper”)

BBC Producer: (Contact details):

Promoter: (Contact details):

The BBC has engaged the following contractors/third party services:

▪ eg. Insert Name of Third Party: Insert name of service being provided to the BBC (Risk Assessment Obtained/Outstanding)

▪ eg. Insert Name of Third Party: Insert name of service being provided to the BBC (Risk Assessment Obtained/Outstanding)

▪ eg. Insert Name of Third Party: Insert name of service being provided to the BBC (Risk Assessment Obtained/Outstanding)

| |Hazard |Control Measures | Measures Implemented/ Comments |Responsible person |

|1 |Fire, explosion or other emergency |It is the duty and responsibility of the venue owner/ occupier, or event |Received and attached: | |

| |e.g. due to inadequate fire detection|organiser to provide the production with details of: | | |

| |or fire fighting equipment; unknown |Escape routes, alarm signals, location of fire fighting equipment, | | |

| |directions to escape routes; poor |extinguishers, evacuation plan (incl those with Special Needs), emergency |No. of qualified first aiders, who are providing | |

| |visibility; blocked escape routes; |lighting & first aid provision (if applicable). |first aid and where kit located: | |

| |bomb threat; accident or crowd |Consider first aid provision for the rig/de-rig. | | |

| |disturbance. |Ensure the venue has fire detection systems which are maintained and in working | | |

| | |order. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |These will be relevant for the rig, event and de-rig and all production crew | | |

| | |will be briefed on the arrangements for the particular venue. |How briefed: | |

| | | | | |

| | |Note: arrangements may well change during these phases and need to be confirmed.| | |

| | | | | |

| | |Escape routes will be kept clear of obstruction and designated emergency escape | | |

| | |doors will be unlocked whilst staff and or audience are present. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |A secondary means of escape from the broadcasting/ recording area should be |To be checked during rig, production and de-rig. | |

| | |identified. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Assess the fire risk that the production is introducing into the venue/ location| | |

| | |and provide extra fire extinguishers to cover the level of electrical equipment | | |

| | |being introduced. See venue fire risk assessment. | | |

| | | |CO2 fire extinguishers are not always available in | |

| | | |venues/ locations and will need to be provided. | |

|2 |Working at Height due to |If working at height, this must be risk assessed. | | |

| |person/equipment/ branding falling; | | | |

| |person or vehicle colliding with |Ladders can be used if: | | |

| |platform; structural collapse, ladder|short duration work only. | | |

| |collapse, falling from ladder. |industrial quality | | |

| | |in good condition | | |

| |Note. Also see “Installation of |regularly inspected for damage. | | |

| |Branding”. |used at an angle of 4-1 | | |

| | |“Foot” ladder or secure (where poss) ladder at top of run. | | |

| | |on a secure footing | | |

| | |user maintains 3 point contact with ladder | | |

| | |user should avoid over stretching | | |

| | |items of equipment to be secured | | |

| | |take account of weather | | |

| | |ensure equipment cannot be blown of edges | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where there is no edge protection: | | |

| | |Avoid working at height | | |

| | |Establish a safe distance from edge (min of 2 metres) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Hung/slung microphones will not be sited as to present a risk to members of the | | |

| | |public. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Any equipment suspended at height is to be ‘double-bonded’ (i.e. with clamp and | | |

| | |cable) in position. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where safety harnesses/restraints are necessary, suitable anchorage points are | | |

| | |provided and users are properly trained | | |

|3 |Temporary Structures |Temporary structures e.g. stages, scaffolding, access towers and platforms must |Sign-off certification obtained, prior to use. | |

| |Collapse due to weather, unsuitable |be certified as safe to access by the venue owners/ occupier or agents before | | |

| |ground conditions, poorly built, |used by broadcast crew. Request sign off certificate from temp structure | | |

| |vehicles colliding with structure |contractor. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where these are to be contracted by the BBC they must be erected by a BBC pre- | | |

| | |vetted contractor. If you are forced to use venue scaffolding contractor, liaise| | |

| | |with BBC Safety. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Working platforms must be provided with guard rails (1.1m and intermediate), | | |

| | |fully boarded floors, kick boards, nets or some arrangement to prevent anything | | |

| | |falling and causing injury to people below, inc. a safe means of access and | | |

| | |egress. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Wind loading and monitoring procedure for outdoor temporary structures to be | | |

| | |agreed with the supplier and instigated. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ensure the expected weight loading (incl branding, cranes & any dynamic loading)|Request wind management plan from supplier. | |

| | |on the temporary structure is advised to the supplier and confirm that this has | | |

| | |been accounted for (especially where heavy equipment is being used on the | | |

| | |structure.) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3 |Staff exposed to large crowds Leading|No person will be asked to work in circumstances which might result in conflict,| | |

| |to a potential for disorder and or |against their will. | | |

| |physical/verbal violence towards | | | |

| |cast/crew |Current advice to be sought from event organiser or venue owner/ occupier. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Consider the ‘audience profile’ expected, with regard to the performance being | | |

| | |recorded. This can provide a good indication to the ‘nature’ of the crowd | | |

| | |attending the event. Crowd behaviour / unpredictability and movement to be | | |

| | |assessed and monitored. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Consultation with; BBC corporate security team, local Police and venue security | | |

| | |with regards to the likelihood of violence and any issues regarding the local | | |

| | |environment (other events taking place, known criminal activities, etc.) | | |

| | |Extraction plan, emergency escape routes, back-watchers, crowd stewards, extra | | |

| | |security, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Crew has undergone appropriate relevant training, where required. Working in | | |

| | |Crowds’ – BBC training course. All crew to withdraw if their presence may | | |

| | |inflame or prolong a dangerous situation. Stay alert to crowd mood and density. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where possible, avoid lone working. Lone operators will not be deployed in | | |

| | |situations where violence is foreseeable, without suitable control measures | | |

| | |being put in-place, ie training, establishing communications regime, etc | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where possible crew will be located in area away from public, ie safe vantage | | |

| | |point. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |If any circumstances result in a gun or other dangerous item being produced, the| | |

| | |production will evacuate. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where necessary, a secure area has been designated with the artists and crew. | | |

| | |Entry to areas is by separate pass identification only. | | |

|4 |Risk of Over Crowding if event is not|The production has confirmed what arrangements are in place to ensure the |Detail the arrangements e.g.; Ticketing, security, | |

| |ticketed, if necessary security |audience will not exceed the maximum capacity. |Premises Licence conditions, etc. | |

| |arrangements are not in place | | | |

|5 |Faulty work equipment due to |Suppliers of equipment and services must ensure that equipment is adequately |Documentary evidence: | |

| |unsuitability, lack of maintenance; |maintained, inspected, tested and records kept. The production may request | | |

| |manual handling |documentary evidence that it has been adequately examined or tested. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Any cables shall be properly routed, (preferably flown in public areas) or | | |

| | |covered when crossing walkways. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Access/egress is suitable for the equipment to be brought in. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Where lifting equipment has to be used e.g. winches, block & tackle, etc, this | | |

| | |shall be suitable for the purpose and lifting certificates available on request.| | |

|6 |Hoists (MEWPS) |Where these are hired by the BBC production they must be provided by a | | |

| |Toppling over due to unsuitable |pre-vetted contractor. | | |

| |ground conditions, persons falling | | | |

| |from height, items falling from |Confirm the supplier’s requirements for a site survey/recce to be carried out, |The supplier is required to ensure that the proposed | |

| |hoist, overhead power lines, weather |to assess the proposed location, prior to use. |location is suitable for the hoist to be located/ | |

| | | |used in. | |

| | |Confirm that the hoist inspection certification is available with the equipment | | |

| | |and in-date, prior to use. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ensure hoist op understands BBC’s plans and requirements before engaging | | |

| | |ensure arrangements are in place for equipment failure of hoist | | |

| | |ensure arrangements in place so that hoist can be lowered safely in the event of| | |

| | |an emergency | | |

| | |safety rails built into hoist of sufficient height (approx 1 meter high) and | | |

| | |strength to prevent persons falling | | |

| | |use fall arrest harness secured onto anchor points in the cage | | |

| | |ensure hoist is not moved with people in hoist/platform bucket (unless it’s a | | |

| | |self-propelled boom and the ground conditions it will operate on have been | | |

| | |assessed) | | |

| | |secure items in bucket to prevent items falling | | |

| | |Speak to venue owner and identify location of overhead cables | | |

| | |Ensure horizontal safe distance (15 meters) from any power lines | | |

| | |Ensure the weather is checked prior and stop work if wind/adverse weather is | | |

| | |expected. | | |

| | |Wind monitoring during use of hoist must occur with a documented action plan if | | |

| | |safe levels are exceeded | | |

| | | | | |

|7 |Electrical Safety |Identify the ‘Senior Person Responsible’ for the temporary power installation. |Named person identified | |

| |Contact with electricity causing | | | |

| |electrical shock, fire or burns. |Confirm the permanent electrical installation certification for the venue is | | |

| |Batteries can cause fires if |available and in-date (Issued under BS7671 – Requirements for electrical |Held by the venue owner /occupier. | |

| |terminals come into contact with |installations). | | |

| |conductive materials | | | |

| | |Sign-off certificate obtained for the temporary electrical installation (BS7909 | | |

| | |- Code of practice for temporary electrical systems for |Certificate provided by an ‘Electrically Competent | |

| | |entertainment and related purposes). |Person’. | |

| | |Note: Formal sign-off is not required for temporary electrical installations | | |

| | |under 6 kilowatts. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The person in charge of technical resources e.g. sound supervisor or resource | | |

| | |manager is responsible for ensuring that portable electrical equipment has been | | |

| | |suitably tested prior to use, ie visual checks made on equipment (inc cables, | | |

| | |sockets) before connecting. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Venue power sockets to be checked, with Martindale Tester. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |All electrical equipment used outdoors should be suitable to work in wet | | |

| | |weather. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |All portable equipment fed through 110V isolating transformers or RCD trip | | |

| | |switches. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Batteries should be stored and carried in suitable containers. Specific | | |

| | |arrangements apply to lithium ion batteries on aircrafts, check with airline. | | |

| | |Batteries to be disposed of according to manufacturer’s guidelines. | | |

| | | | | |

|8 |Adverse weather conditions |Keep a check on weather, advise crew to wear suitable clothing and footwear for | | |

| |Causing dehydration, sunstroke, |environment and expected weather. | | |

| |hypothermia. | | | |

| | |Agree a fall back plan, if weather deteriorates and becomes unsafe. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ensure crew are also advised to provide sun screen/ sun block when working | | |

| | |outdoors. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Locate areas where crew can rest and shelter from the weather. | | |

| | | | | |

|9 |Inadequate arrangements for staff |Suitable arrangements shall be made in respect of working hours, rest | | |

| |welfare could potentially lead to |facilities, water provision and catering. | | |

| |fatigue / ill health or an incident | | | |

| | |Where working hours are expected to be long and crew are driving before and | | |

| | |after their long working day, consider overnights or taxis. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Schedule in down times/days, to ensure crew have time to rest. Hours should also| | |

| | |be monitored. | | |

|10 |Exposure to excessive noise levels |Suitable equipment to be provided for recording use (e.g., noise cancelling/ | | |

| |could potentially lead to temp and/ |limited headphones – ear muff type) | | |

| |or permanent hearing damage / loss | | | |

| | |Rest area should be located in a quiet area, away from any excessive noise. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ear plugs to be available for all staff that are likely to be exposed to loud | | |

| | |noise. Especially in “Hearing Protection Zones”. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Staff advised to wear/ use the hearing protection provided and to vacate any | | |

| | |noisy areas when not working. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |All persons exposed to high noise levels to have regular audiometric tests. | | |

| | | | | |

|11 |Special effects (lasers, pyro’s, |Lasers | | |

| |strobe lights, etc.) If used |Contact a safety adviser as soon as the use of display lasers is known. | | |

| |incorrectly they can cause ill health| | | |

| |effects, damage to the eyes, as well |Where contracted by the BBC, select a contractor from the BBC laser pre-vetted | | |

| |as damage to equipment |list (you can use companies who are not on the list but must speak to BBC Safety|Ask the contractor if the precautions in place meet | |

| | |immediately, who can help you check competence levels. |the requirements of HSG95 (The radiation safety of | |

| | | |lasers used for display purposes). | |

| | |Where an artist engages a laser specialist, you should ask band management for | | |

| | |“Set List” and ask them to identify which tracks will have lasers used. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Get a risk assessment and supporting documents from the supplier/ event | | |

| | |organiser. The assessment (and documents) should include: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Description of fail safe and emergency stop arrangements and how the setup, | | |

| | |including mirrors and targets, is protected against accidental /unauthorised | | |

| | |disturbance, use or access | | |

| | |Clear description of who may be at risk, where and how, including; audience, | | |

| | |performers, crew, venue staff, and people outside the venue. | | |

| | |Drawings of the venue layout showing laser position(s). | | |

| | |Cueing arrangements – make sure those working on/near the stage are aware of | | |

| | |timings for lasers. | | |

| | |Arrangements for rehearsal including; setup at low power, display area clear of | | |

| | |personnel. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Audience scanning is permitted legally but difficult to prove that safe levels | | |

| | |of laser radiation are not being exceeded. However, it is BBC policy that | | |

| | |audience scanning is not permitted (where the BBC has control). | | |

| | | |Staff should not be present in the audience area if | |

| | |Pyro’s |laser scanning is taking place. | |

| | |Where provided by a BBC production, select a contractor from the pyro pre-vetted| | |

| | |list. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Determine the following from the event supplier; | | |

| | |Safe distances – exclusion zone established. | | |

| | |Cueing arrangements – advise staff accordingly. | | |

| | |Emergency arrangements. | | |

| | |Misfire procedure. | | |

| | |Control of fragmentation particles and other debris | | |

| | |Noise: All persons present when explosives fired to be adequately protected from|Set list for music should highlight. | |

| | |the effect of noise. | | |

| | |Toxic effects - ventilation is adequate. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Strobe Lighting | | |

| | |All members of the production to be advised of the risk of photosensitive | | |

| | |epilepsy. |Are physical barriers required to protect staff? | |

| | |Where strobe effects are used, the controller must limit these to 3 flashes a | | |

| | |second or less. | | |

| | |Where the contrast of light affects only a small part of the field of view, e.g.| | |

| | |in discotheques, flashes need to be controlled to 5 flashes a second. |In rare circumstances it may be necessary to provide | |

| | | |respirators (always seek specialist advice in the | |

| | | |selection of such equipment). | |

| | | | | |

| | | |See test firing of each effect to inform all | |

| | | |concerned of what is expected during the | |

| | | |event/performance. | |

| | | | | |

|12 |Movement of vehicles & pedestrians |Crew will park vehicles in a designated area which will not cause a hazard to | | |

| |may lead to vehicles and pedestrians |other highway users including pedestrians, some of which may have a disability, | | |

| |colliding. |elderly etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Check with the event organiser on any vehicle movement restrictions that maybe | | |

| | |in-force at certain times/ days during the event. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Separation of vehicles & pedestrians where possible | | |

| | |Speed limits / vehicle curfews | | |

| | |Drivers are: competent, willing, have signed driver declaration, over 23 years | | |

| | |of age (if younger, consult with BBC Insurance) | | |

| | |adequate lighting & signage | | |

| | |temp roadways | | |

| | |marshalling | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Truck drivers cannot work longer than the maximum permitted hours. | | |

|13 |Slips, trips and Fall because of: |All cables and equipment will be managed so they do not pose a risk to the crew | | |

| |Uneven or slippery surfaces, trailing|or the public, through site, cable covers and signage, where appropriate | | |

| |cables and left equipment | | | |

| | |Microphones will be positioned so they do not present a trip hazard. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ensure vehicle ‘Track way’ panels have been sited correctly and are properly | | |

| | |secured/ bolted together to prevent raised edges. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Crew to wear suitable footwear for the environment, flip flops are not to be | | |

| | |worn in areas where track way is located. | | |

|14 |Exposure to drugs and alcohol. |Measures in place to prevent anti-social aggressive behaviour in audience. | | |

| |Working in environment where there is|monitor the consumption of alcohol/ drugs by crowd and eject offenders in line | | |

| |a potential for crowds to be under |with venue policy |Security to monitor and eject. | |

| |the influence, potentially leading to|Security staff on hand to deal with anti-social behaviour directed towards other| | |

| |unpredictable behaviour. |audience members / those working | | |

| | |Event management will be responsible for contacting the local emergency |Inform everyone how to seek Security assistance, if | |

| | |services, in the event of suspected alcohol/drug poisoning in members of |required. | |

| | |audience or staff. | | |

| | | |Ensure responsible person is identified and | |

| | | |communicated to all. If abroad, ensure the contact | |

| | | |number for the local emergency services is identified| |

| | | |and communicated. | |

|15 |Installation of Branding. Poor manual|Branding installer to provide a risk assessment. Their risk assessment should |Who: to brief branding company where to locate | |

| |handling of heavy items, branding |details how they will prevent the hazards associated with installing branding: |branding. | |

| |becoming unsecure and falling from | | | |

| |height, branding being placed near to|those moving heavy items are trained to do so, ie Manual handling, working at |See separate risk assessment from branding | |

| |heat sources, branding obstructing |height, etc |contractor. | |

| |emergency signage. |use of lifting aids (where possible) | | |

| |Causing: ill health, injuries to |correct lifting technique is adopted. | | |

| |back or feet, causing fire, causing |branding suspended at height to be ‘double-bonded’ (i.e. with clamp and | | |

| |confusion and possible delay in safe |cable/wire rope with high load capacity) in position. | | |

| |evacuation |hanging branding to ideally be made of light weight material | | |

| | |branding may increase wind loading on structures. Before it is attached, | | |

| | |agreement must be sought from the person building the structure. | | |

| | |branding not to be placed near any heat sources (inc Pyro’s). | | |

| | |branding must not block emergency signage/escape routes | | |

| | |Rig / De-rig to be monitored | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Note: Also see “Working at Height” Controls | | |

|16 |Provision of Catering |Location/Mobile Caterers | | |

| | |A company from the BBC’s pre vetted list must be used. The list does not apply | | |

| | |to venue caterers or large well known high street suppliers. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |If contracting a caterer who is not on the BBC’s pre vetted list you must BBC | | |

| | |Safety ASAP. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |These caterers must be registered with the local authority where they are based | | |

| | |and they must ensure: | | |

| | |Facilities are of good construction; | | |

| | |Adequate washing facilities are available; | | |

| | |Adequate supply of wholesome water; | | |

| | |Suitable waste collection facilities; | | |

| | |Clean and suitable work equipment; and | | |

| | |Adequate ventilation. | | |

| | |  | | |

| | |Additionally: | | |

| | |All food handlers trained | | |

| | |HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) procedures in place | | |

| | |Separate raw and cooked food contamination | | |

| | |Good personal hygiene | | |

| | |Temperature control | | |

| | |Cleaning schedule | | |

| | |Good health and safety standards | | |

| | |Safe use and storage of LPG | | |

| | |Adequate fire procedures and equipment inc. fire fighting equipment | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Food should not be prepared at home unless the caterer can demonstrate adequate | | |

| | |compliance with the food hygiene regulations including good temperature control.| | |

| | | | | |

| | |Venue Caterers | | |

| | | | | |

| | |When using venue caterers, ie, catering facilities provided by a venue and you | | |

| | |cannot bring in your own caterers, then you do not need to use a caterer from | | |

| | |BBC vetted list. However you will still need to ensure: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |They are registered & regularly inspected by Local Authority (LA). Request | | |

| | |evidence of their last inspection. | | |

| | |All food handlers trained. Request copies of their certificates. | | |

| | |They have a food policy and documented procedures based on HACCP principles. | | |

| | |Request copy of their HACCP system, preferably in a simple flow chart form with | | |

| | |examples of their control measures for temperature control and cross | | |

| | |contamination. | | |

| | |They have Public Liability insurance (@£2-3 million). Speak to BBC Insurance if | | |

| | |this figure differs. | | |

|17 |Visualisation of the event. Where |As well as recording content from events/festivals, other popular activities | | |

| |stills and filming takes place, these|(but are not exclusive to) include the recording of vox pops in and around | | |

| |activities introduce additional |events/festivals. Where such activities are planned, typical controls might | | |

| |hazards. |include: | | |

| | |consider taking a steward/security out and about, (particularly where you plan | | |

| | |to film in crowds). | | |

| | |be aware of the risk of theft, of expensive equipment. Equipment not to be left| | |

| | |unattended. | | |

| | |ensure you have mobile/walkie talkie comms, which can be used to get help/raise | | |

| | |the alarm | | |

| | |if mood of crowd becomes threatening/confrontational, retreat to backstage | | |

| | |/production secure area immediately | | |

| | |ensure good cable management. Pay particular care when filming and walking | | |

| | |backwards. | | |

| | |where filming and walking backwards, someone should watch the back of camera | | |

| | |operator (for obstructions/trip/slip hazards) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |A separate risk assessment should always be requested from those planning to | | |

| | |film and or take stills photography during events/festivals. | | |

|18 |Other hazards (not already covered in| | | |

| |this risk assessment) identified by | | | |

| |the production…. | | | |

Entertainment licence expires:

Public liability Insurance:

Signature of all parties:

Host Broadcast (BBC Rep) Event Organiser Venue

Privacy Notice

Personal information collected for the purposes of [risk assessment] will be used to identify [those at risk, and those involved in controlling risk, from this or similar activities and to fulfil the BBC’s obligations under Health and Safety policy and legislation]. It will be retained for up to [6][1] years after [the expiry of the activity]. It may be shared with other organisations, including our agents and contractors, with whom [the risk or the control of risk is shared]. [2] Advisable to check the Corporate Retention Schedule for the appropriate retention period



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