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Ancient Greece

Greece is a _______________ jutting out into the ______________ ______ consisting of the mainland and islands.

Because Greece was so mountainous, it developed into separate city states, which are like provinces.

City-states did not unite. Not only were they separate because of their ______________ (mountains), but they ___________________________________, ___________, __________, ____________, and fierce local army.

In spite of their differences, the Greek city-states eventually banded together to combat an invasion by the mighty Persian Empire. The alliance they formed was called the _____________________.

The leagues members supplied muscle (fighting men) or money. Athens became the leader in charge of the naval fleet and the Treasury. United, the Greek-city states were able to defeat the Persians. Because Athens lay in ruins after the Persian attack, their leader, _____________ used the Delian League money to rebuild his city and navy. The now rich Athens became the dominate power in Greece.

What followed was 100 years of Greeks fighting Greeks in the ____________________ Wars. Eventually the constant warfare weakened the city-states so much that the _______________________ _____________________________________________.

These foreign invaders controlled Greece until the Roman armies over-threw the Macedonians and added Greece to their expanding Roman Empire.

Ancient Greece Lifestyle

What is the AGORA?

What did it include?

What happened there?

Greek Clothing

The Greek society was ________ dominated- only males could be citizens and only upper-class males enjoyed a formal education. Women had few poitical rights and were expected to __________________________________________________________________________________.

More than one quarter of the population was made of ____________, usually prisoners captured during the many wars.

Contributions to the modern world

Mathematics, science and philosophy

Art and Architecture: __________, _____________, ______________ and __________ were the key Greek _________.


The Olympics:


Ancient Greek Religion

Religion was a very important aspect of Greek society and culture. The Greeks worshipped many gods, creating a __________________ society.

The gods were ______________ and _____________, being distinguished from humans by their __________________.

The Greeks thought that the gods controlled the natural and social forces and resided on ____________________________________.


Define the following:


The Parthenon:

Post and Lintel construction:

Basic column construction:

Doric order:

Ionic order:

Corinthian columns:






Greek Sculpture


1. Religious

2. Grave Monuments

3. Commemorative Sculpture

3 periods of Greek sculpture

Archaic 650-480 BC

Classical 480-300 BC

Contrapposto Pose-

Hellenistic 300-100 BC

Greek Vase Painting


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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