Cooper, Bill After the Flood, Vine 1995

Cooper, Bill After the Flood, New Wine Press, Chichester England, 1995

He asserts that the Genealogies in the table of nations in Gen. 10 were shown true by many pre-Christian documents with 99% accuracy. P.12 The concept of God as the creator was held by many early nations in BC time including China, Egypt and Greece. P. 16 Quote from Taoist Lao-tuz writings about God: “Before time, and throughout time, there has been a self-existing being, eternal, infinite, complete, omnipresent-Outside this being, before the beginning there was nothing.” Heliopolis of Egypt wrote- “I am the creator of all things that exist—that came forth from mouth. Heaven and earth did not exist, nor had been created the herbs of the ground, nor the creping things. I raised them out the primeval abyss from a state of non-being.”p. 17 Much of Egyptian history going back to 1000BC held this God creator view. The Greek Hesiod wrote the Theogony in the 8th century BC “First of all the void came into being—next the earth- Out of the void came darkness—and out of the night came light and day.” Xenophanes wrote 2 centuries later: “There is one God, greatest among gods and men, similar to mortals neither in shape nor in thought… he sees as a whole, he thinks as a whole …Always he remains the same.”p.19 Plato stated in Timaeus and Citeaus “Let us therefore sate the reason why the framer of this universe of change framed it all. He was good and what is good has no particle of envy in it” p.20 One of the first materialist philosophers, Thales of Miletus wrote in 555BC. He was followed by Anaximander who extended Thales reasoning to first propose evolution. Plato gave his theory of forms and opposed the evolutionary theory. Epicurus opposed Plato and had veiled atheistic theories. P.24 the Stoics followed and returned to a creationist model. The Jewish views were not much respected by the Greeks. Genesis was not translated into Greek until 58 yrs after the foundation of the Stoic school in 308 BC. Cicero was a Roman philosopher who wrote some very good arguments for intelligent design of the universe by God in about 44BC. He is considered a pagan and did not pay much attention to Jewish writings. P.28-33.

William Paley (July 1743 – 25 May 1805) was a British Christian apologist, philosopher, and utilitarian. He is best known for his exposition of the teleological argument for the existence of God in his work Natural Theology, which made use of the watchmaker analogy (also see natural theology).

Chap. 2 p. 36-45 The Japheth line: The name Japheth is found translated in historical records in India, Greece, Rome, Britain, Irish Celts, and Saxons, and around the Caspian Sea. Josephus wrote of some of the Turkish decedents. Many British records were lost due to a massacre of Monks at Bangor by the Romans in 604AD. In about 1130AD, a book was presented to Geoffrey of Manmouth, a Welsh monk. It was called ‘History of the Kings of Britain’ and covers some lineage prior to 55 BC. Ref: Griscom, A.“Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae”, 1929. Chap. 3 p.46 Another British historian was Nennius who wrote Historia Brittonum in the late 8 century AD. ref: Morris, J. Nennius: “British History and the Welsh Annals” 1980. Cooper notes as in Appendix 3, 5 that these 2 sources take the lineage all the way back to Japheth and Noah and appear to be good historical sources, even though they contain a few errors. See p. 49 and 213-214.

In Chap. 4 Cooper outlines why present historians have ignored these 2 important manuscripts and documents why they must be true. It is also interesting to note the map of the table of nations on p. 13 of the Holman bible. The 3 sons of Noah were Seth , Ham(went to Egypt and Africa) and Japheth(his tribes went north- Europe, Turkey, Russia, England etc.). Chap. 4 p. 54 Flinders Petrie, a renowned archeologist, gave a talk in 1917 to the British Academy on “Neglected British History” Ref: 1-3 p.66 In this he outlines some of the missing history from the 2 prior documents and comments on them as being true. Chap. 5 p.69 Cooper notes the ancient documents state that Brutus, was the first king of London form1104-1081BC and his lineage can be traced all the way back to Noah, and up to accepted history, as described in Chap. 5 and appendix 7. Much of this history is ignored by present historians, perhaps due to a naturalist’s bias of not wanting to acknowledge the biblical link to Noah. King Constantine is described as ruling Britain form 312-337 AD. He became the ruler of Rome and legalized Christianity. King Arthur is also noted as ruling from 521-542AD.

Chap.6 p.83 Another genealogy for the Anglo Saxons from Noah is given from Barron Waldstein’s finds in 1600AD. Ref: Groos, T.W. “The Diary of Barron Waldstein”, Thames and Hudson. Chap. 7 p.97 notes the genealogy of Danish and Norwegian Kings and compares 6 different reference sources which somewhat agree and go back to Noah. Chap. 8 p.107 gives the descent of Irish Celtic Kings going back to Noah from a different source. Ref. Cusack, M.F. “The Illustrated History of Ireland, Bracken Books”, London, 1987 Cooper makes the point that it is unlikely that all of these records could have been forged or just copied from New Testament bible manuscripts. There is too much evidence against this.

Chap. 9 p. 121 Several British chronicles give dates of the creation as about 5200 BC. The Irish history gave a date of about 4000BC. Ussher’s chronology gave 4004 BC. Joseph Scaliger p.124, gave a date of 4713 BC while the Mayan calendar gives 3113BC as the date of the flood to which about 1650 must be added giving 4763BC giving the creation date. Cooper states times of the solar and moon orbits may have changed slightly at the time of the flood. Chap. 10 offers many records of dinosaurs, ocean dragons and flying serpents seen by man. p.130

Biblical chronogenealogies Summary

by Jonathan Sarfati, CMI–Australia

A straightforward reading of the biblical genealogies according to the reliable Masoretic text shows that Adam was created about 4000 BC, and this was on the 6th day of creation. The existing copies of the Septuagint and Samaritan Pentateuch are not as reliable, but at most could only stretch this date out to about 5400 BC. There is no justifiable reason to believe in gaps within the chronogenealogies of Genesis, as the arguments presented for such views are denied by contextual, linguistic and historical analysis.

Hodge, Bodie “Was the Babel Dispersion Event Real” p.299-311 in The New Answers Book 2 by Ham, AIG, 2008 J. Ushers chronology is given, Babel 106 yrs after flood at birth of Peleg.p300, Creation 4004 BC, flood 3248 BC, Babel 2242 BC Josephus also cited Babel (the dispersion of the nations) at time of Peleg. R. Koldewey excavated a structure thought to be the foundation for the tower built by Hammurabi Ref. Down, David, “Ziggurats in the News” Archeological Diggings, Mar-Apr 2007, p.3-7 A number of Ziggurats and early towers have built in many countries. The table of nations passage in Gen.10 gives an outline of family groups that left the tower. Bill Cooper in the book After the Flood documented genealogies from ancient historical records for the royalty of many nations, Britons, Danes, Anglo-Saxons, Irish, Norwegians and Franks. Noah’s son Japheth is documented to father the Gauls, Goths, Bavarians, Saxons, Romans and others.p.306 Ancient biblical names are repeated in languages, city and river names. There are over 6900 spoken languages in the world and these are attributed to about 100 language families.p.310 At least 78 languages are believed to have started from the dispersion at Babel. Modern Hebrew came from Eber and Noah’s grandson Aram was the father of Aramaic which Jesus spoke. Languages do change with time into various dialects. It is known the English has changed greatly over the last 1000 yrs.p.311.

Pierce,L Creation 22(1):46–49

“The year was 331 BC. After Alexander the Great had defeated Darius at Gaugamela near Arbela, he journeyed to Babylon. Here he received 1903 years of astronomical observations from the Chaldeans, which they claimed dated back to the founding of Babylon. If this was so, then that would place the founding of Babylon in 2234 BC, or about thirteen years after the birth of Peleg. This was recorded in the sixth book of De Caelo (‘About the heavens’) by Simplicius, a Latin writer in the 6th century AD. Porphyry (an anti-Christian Greek philosopher, c. 234–305 AD) also deduced the same number.2”

“The Byzantine chronicler Constantinus Manasses (d. 1187) wrote that the Egyptian state lasted 1663 years. If correct, then counting backward from the time that Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt in 526 BC, gives us the year of 2188 BC for the founding of Egypt,3 about 60 years after the birth of Peleg. About this time Mizraim, the son of Ham, led his colony into Egypt. Hence the Hebrew word for Egypt is Mizraim4 (or sometimes ‘the land of Ham’ e.g. Psalm 105:23,27).”

“According to the 4th Century bishop and historian Eusebius of Caesarea, Egialeus, king of the Greek city of Sicyon, west of Corinth in Peloponnesus, began his reign in 2089 BC, 1313 years before the first Olympiad in 776 BC.5,6 If Eusebius is correct, then this king started to reign about 160 years after the birth of Peleg. Note that Babylon, Egypt, and Greece each spoke a different language. These ancient historians have unwittingly confirmed the extreme accuracy of the biblical genealogies as found in the Hebrew scriptures.”

“An interesting piece of information comes from Manetho, who recorded the history of Egypt in the third century BC. He wrote that the Tower of Babel occurred five years after the birth of Peleg.7 Manetho, The Book of Sothis, Harvard Press, Cambridge, MA, p. 239. (Loeb Classical Library 350). Manetho was the victim of many Egyptian fairy tales in constructing his chronology of Egypt. The Egyptians would place the Flood and Peleg’s birth much earlier than the Bible, but still they linked the Babel incident with Peleg's birth.”


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