Chapter 5 Language Review – in Groups – Questions to Discuss and Review for TEST A collection of languages related through a common ancestral language that existed long before recorded history is? Language familyA collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past is? Language groupA collection of languages related through a common ancestral language that existed several thousand years ago is? Language branchThere are how many Indo-European Branches? EightName the 8 branches of the Germanic Language: Indo-Iranian, Romance, Germanic, Balto-Slavic, Albanian, Armenian, Greek, CelticWhat are the two language groups under the Germanic Branch? North and WestWhat are the 2 main languages of Latin America? Spanish and PortugueseThe Kurgans came from what hearth? RussiaWho came up with the Sedentary Farmer Theory – name? Colin RenfrewWhat is another name for Anatolia? TurkeyWho came up with the Nomadic Warrior Theory for Indo-European? Marija GimbutasWhere were the Sedentary Farmers from? TurkeyWhat was the secret weapon of the Kurgans? horseWere the Kurgans farmers or warriors? WarriorsWhat Branch does English come from? GermanicWhat Family does English come from? Indo-EuropeanWhat group does English come from? West GermanicLanguage is part of Culture. Which part of culture? ValuesA system of written communication is what? Literary traditionThe language used by the government for laws, reports, and public objects, such as road signs, money, and stamps is called what? OfficialHow is language like luggage? People carry it with them when they move from place to placeWhat two factors threaten the existence of language? Globalization and domination of EnglishTwo geographical processes result when a language like Spanish is spread by explorers to new lands like Latin American. What 2 processes are they? Isolation and relocationHow do English and American English differ? Pronunciation, spelling, vocabularyHow many countries speak English in 2014? 57Name 5 countries Great Britain conquered and as a result, they speak English today. Australia, USA, Canada, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Caribbean IslandsThe first people that invaded Great Britain (Ireland, Scotland, and England) found the ancient Celtic people. What were the names of the FIRST 3 invaders? Angles, Jutes, SaxonsWhat were the next two peoples that invaded Great Britain? Normans and VikingsDefinition: is well known because it is commonly used by politicians, broadcasters, and actors in England. BRP British Received PronunciationIn a language with multiple dialects, one dialect is recognized as the __________ language. Fill in the blank. StandardWhat is this definition? Is a regional variation of language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation? DialectWhere did the Normans come from (what modern European country)? FranceWhere did the Vikings come from? (3 countries) Norway, Sweden, DenmarkA word usage boundary is called __________________________. IsoglossWhat are the three dialects in the USA’s Eastern area? Northern, Midlands, SouthernWhat 3 branches of the Indo-European refer to a specific country? Armenian, Albanian, GreekWhat is the official language of India? English and HindiName the 5 groups under North Germanic group (part of Germanic Branch). Danish, Faeroese, Icelandic, Norwegian SwedishName the 4 groups under West Germanic. English, Frisian, German, Dutch/NetherlandishNext to the English language, which language has the most speakers in India? HindiIn the Western Group of Indo-Iranian language branch, what are 3 languages? Farsi, Pashto, KurdishThe mother language that all Romance Branch languages come from is? LatinName the four most widely used contemporary Romance languages in 2014? Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, and ItalianHow was the original Latin language spread by? Roman soldiersThe Latin that people in the provinces learned was not the standard literary form but a spoken form know as ______. Latin – introduced by the soldiers stationed throughout the Empire.What happened as the result of the Treaty of Tordesillas? Portugal given Eastern Hemisphere and Spain given Western Hemisphere by the Pope.How did this treaty affect Portugal in regard to South America? Portugal awarded Brazil, the largest country in South America.How did this treaty affect Spain in regard to South America? Awarded all the other countries in South America and Central AmericaThis is a definition for what? A language that results from the mixing of the colonizer’s language with the indigenous language of the people. creolizedColin Renfrew argues that Indo-European diffused into Europe and South Asia along with _________ practices rather than by _______ conquest. Farming/agricultureNext to the Indo-European Language Family, what is the second largest Language Family? Sino-TibetanIs Japanese a separate language family or is it a part of the Sino-Tibetan Family? Separate language__________ is by a wide margin the most used language in the world. MandarinChinese languages are based on 420 _______ words. One syllableThe Chinese languages method of writing is using _________, which represent ideas or concepts, not specific pronunciations. Ideograms.More than 95% of the people in sub-Saharan Africa speak languages of the NIGER-CONGO family. One of these languages is called _________. SwahiliA combination of Spanish and English spoken by Hispanic Americans is called _____. Spanglish A language that is unrelated to any other languages and therefore not attached to any language family. What is this a definition of? Isolated languageCombination of German and English is called _______________. DenglishDialect spoken by some African Americans is _______________. EbonicsGive two examples of isolated languages. Basque and IcelandicGive one example of an extinct language. Cornish or GothWhat are the 2 languages of Belgium? Walloon (French) and Flemish (form of Dutch)What are the 4 languages of Switzerland? French, German, Italian, and RomanschGive an example of a revived language. HEBREWWhen cultural traits emerge as two distinct parent traits it is called _______. SyncretismIs Walloon French or Dutch? FRENCHIs Flemish French or Dutch? DutchIn order for a language to REVIVE (almost dead), ______ and _____ are needed to keep it alive. Government and military support, written tradition, a dictionary, vote of the people ................

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