Religions of Ancient Origin

Religions of Ancient Origin 22 indicative hours

The focus of this study is the response of religions of ancient origin to the human search for ultimate meaning and purpose.

The five religious traditions of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism are NOT to be studied.

Syllabus Outcomes: P1 describes the main characteristics of religion and belief systems

P2 identifies the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society

P6 selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources

P7 undertakes effective research about religion, making appropriate use of time and resources

P8 uses appropriate terminology related to religion and belief systems

P9 effectively communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms

Content: Students are to select TWO religions of ancient origin to study from the following:

- Aztec or Inca or Mayan

- Celtic

- Nordic

- Shinto

- Taoism

- an Indigenous religion from outside Australia


Approaching this unit:

The approaches to this unit of work will vary. Whether choosing two independent studies or an integrated approach, the focus on the human search for meaning and the expression of the spiritual dimension of the human person is paramount.


|Students learn about: |Students learn to: | |

| | |Suggested Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |

|The nature of TWO religions of|For each of the TWO religions |Introduction – Land of Origin/Settlement |

|ancient origin in relation to:|of ancient origin: | |

| | |Geographic location. Students locate the region where the Religion of Ancient Origin is located on a world map using an atlas/ the Internet. |

|origins of the universe | |Explain reasons for settlement in this region (mythology), e.g. Chosen by a deity. |

| |outline the principal beliefs |Identify the geographical features which enabled settlement e.g. Sources of water and other resources |

| |concerning the origins of the |Discuss how these geographical features contributed to the religious beliefs of the community. |

| |universe | |

| | |Origins of the Universe |

| | | |

| | |From the chosen religions of ancient origin: |

| | |Conduct a pre-test using ICT (a program such as ‘Inspiration’) or a whiteboard summary to determine students’ prior knowledge of the religion of ancient origin chosen |

| | |for study. |

| | | |

| | |Present students with visual images of the religions of ancient origin chosen as a link with the Nature of Religion and Beliefs unit. Students identify the beliefs |

| | |presented in these images. |

| | | |

| | |Use library and/or Internet to research the myths and legends concerning the origins of the universe. Students retell the stories in a format of their choice (oral, |

| | |visual, dramatic) highlighting features that explain the beliefs concerning the origins/beginnings of the universe. |

| | | |

| | |Living Religions pp182 – 183 as an introduction to Religions of Ancient Origin. |

| | | |

| | |Students commence a glossary of terms to be developed pertaining to the religions. |

| | | |

| | |After examining the cultural/social context of the Religion of Ancient Origin, students apply this knowledge to construct a narrative explaining/describing the origins |

| | |of the universe. Students then compare their narratives with the accepted myth of that Religion of Ancient Origin. |

| | | |

| | |Students describe the structure of a religious ritual they are familiar with. Keep this structure in mind as rituals are discussed throughout the unit. |

| | | |

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| | |Principal beliefs |

| | | |

| | |Use aspects of the first Star Wars Trilogy depicting the principal beliefs of the Jedi Warrior as an introduction to the concept of principal beliefs in religious |

| | |expression other than Christianity, |

| | | |

| | |Use textbooks and other resources to list and explain the principal beliefs of the chosen religion. Use the data that has been gathered to form a summary of the beliefs.|

|principal beliefs |identify the principal beliefs|Living Religions pp 232-241 Special Table Section. |

| |of the religion | |

| | |Class discussion: students to speculate as to why these beliefs were important |

| | |think about the time frame in which they lived |

| | |the geographical setting |

| | |their neighbours |

| | |their culture – were they nomadic / settled agricultural people…? |

| | |their economy |

| | | |

| | |Specific beliefs about the afterlife. Pair research task presented to be presented to the class: |

| | |Heaven - how to get there, what happens? |

| | |Hell - how to get there, what happens? |

| | |The existence of a Soul. Were tests conducted on the soul before entry to either Heaven or Hell? Creatures/ demons/ gods/ deities. |

| | | |

| | |Ethical systems group work |

| | |Compare the 10 Commandments of the Judeo-Christian Tradition with the moral codes of the religion being studied. Note: In some instances these moral codes are determined|

| | |by reading the rituals and principal beliefs of the religion |

| | |Critically evaluate how the ancient society’s relationship with their deities determined what was deemed appropriate behaviour. For example: the acceptance of human |

| | |sacrifice to appease the gods. |

| | | |

| | |Expression of Principal Beliefs |

| | |Students use art, music, dance costumes and poetry to describe the expression of principal beliefs of the religion being studied. |

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| | |Supernatural powers and deities |

| | | |

| | |Identify the significant supernatural powers or deities of the religion. |

| | | |

| | |Explain their role in relation to the principal beliefs identified above. Where possible provide illustrations of the image of the supernatural power or deity. |

| | | |

| | |Using visual images of deities, brainstorm characteristics/supernatural powers emphasized. Relate these to the culture and society of the religion. |

| | | |

| | |In small groups or pairs students research particular supernatural powers and deities: |

| | |Identify their significance to the society/culture |

| | |Locate the god/goddess on ‘social ladders’ (e.g. major, minor, supernatural powers and deities) |

| |identify and describe the role|Give a physical description of the supernatural powers or deities |

|supernatural powers and |of the supernatural powers and|Translate their name (if applicable) |

|deities |deities in the religion |Outline the features that made them ‘supernatural’ |

| | |Rituals of worship attributed to the supernatural powers and deities (e.g. sacrifice) |

| | |Overall impact of the deities on daily life (e.g. prayer time, jewels, statues in the home, tributes, oaths.) |

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| | |4. Rituals |

| | | |

| | |Identify whether this ancient religion set aside special spaces that were regarded as sacred. Describe examples and explain their purpose and importance. Where possible |

| | |provide an illustration of the sacred space. Look for a connection between elements of the space and key beliefs. |

| | | |

| | |Identify the principal rituals. |

| | | |

| | |What significant life events did these rituals recognise? |

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| | |Research celebrations of birth, coming of age, partnership, childbirth, and death. Describe their significance to the individual or to the whole community? |

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| |discuss the relationship |Death and Burial |

| |between sacred spaces and the |Discuss the significance of an afterlife to the society. |

| |beliefs of the religion |Examine rituals of preparing the body for burial e.g. mummification processes, cleansing, prayers, sacrifice, cannibalism |

|rituals | |Burial processes, particular rituals and sites/grounds chosen e.g. cremation, tombs. |

| | |Belief in the afterlife and the meaning of this (e.g. the person would not be forgotten by their families) Examine rituals/feasts/prayers/readings or sacrifices that |

| |identify the principal rituals|enabled the person to ‘live on’ in memory and guaranteed a safe passage through the afterlife. E.g. Aztec society Feast of the Dead was a whole day festival. Captives |

| |and examine their significance|would dance around a pole and at days end, be sacrificed to the gods, allowing safe passage for the deceased loved one. |

| |for the individual and | |

| |community |Sacred space/site (the geographical features e.g. volcanoes) |

| | |Use diagrams of temples and shrines to visualize places of worship. |

| | | |

| | |Sacrifice to the gods |

| | |Examine the reason for sacrifices e.g. to bring rain, a victory in war |

| | |Brainstorm examples of sacrifice e.g. human, animal, gold, jewels, crops. Discuss why it was necessary, who/what was sacrificed, how was it conducted, tools used (e.g. |

| | |skull masks, sacrificial knives, stones and vessels. Discuss the significance of the heart in human/animal sacrifice (food for the gods - ‘Life’ given to gods to rise |

| | |again) and the importance of war to obtain/capture victims for sacrifice. |

| | |Investigate the role of high priests/priests/priestesses/sorcerers temple priests and their power in society |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Religion and society |

| | | |

| | |Describe the society in which the religion existed. |

| | | |

| | |Where a priestly caste exists, create a hierarchical structure. |

| | | |

| | |Examine the interrelationship of the society, beliefs and practices of the religion. For example: |

| | |Naming of newborns e.g. using the Book of Fate to assess significance of date of birth (Aztec) |

| | |Marriage: selecting partner, praying for happiness, significance of omens in selecting a partner. |

| | |Education: gender roles, training for priesthood |

| | |Writing: written records, poetry |

| | |Oral tradition: songs, stories |

| | |Leisure: music, singing, dancing, specific games and their religious meaning e.g. Patolli was a gambling game in Aztec society using a dice and playing on 52 squares. |

| | |Examine the significance of omens and symbolism for society and the impact it would have on believers e.g. snakes, numbers, eclipse, volcanic eruption, bad crops at |

| | |harvest time, and no rain. What impact would this have on believers? |

| | |Time periods, calendars and there impact on the society’s planning/running of the year. Significant ceremonies measuring time. For example, The “New Fire” ceremony |

| | |(Aztec) |

| | | |

| | |Where possible explain how the ethical systems of the ancient religion were reflected in society. |

| | | |

| | |Identify aspects of the society in which the Religion of Ancient Origin is still practiced. |

| |explain the relationship | |

| |between the religion and its |Examine the Social Structure and its levels. Identify who was represented at each level and their role in society. |

| |society | |

| | |Which mathematical shape would best represent this class structure? E.g. Triangle, reinforcing that power is at the top and in the hands of a few. |

| | | |

| | |Research festivals and ceremonies the society participated in to favour their gods. Name the festival. Describe the meaning of the name and outline what happened during |

| | |this time. |

| | | |

|influence in the society | | |

| | | |

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| | |Search for meaning |

| | | |

| | |Working in groups students reflect on this study. Collaboratively present their understanding of how this ancient religion attempted to satisfy their search for meaning.|

| | | |

| | |NB It may be helpful to refer to material and discussions undertaken in the topic The Nature of Religion and Beliefs |

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| |explain how the religion | |

| |provides a distinctive | |

| |response to the search for | |

| |meaning | |

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|human search for meaning | | |



Baquedano E, Everyday Life of the Aztecs, Harper Collins, 1993

Clemmons N, Exploring the Religions of the World, Ave Maria Press, Indiana, USA, 1999

Drury N, Shamanism, A Richly Illustrated Voyage into the Rituals and Inner Worlds of Shamanism, Element Books, Australia, 1996

Farrington K, History of Religion, Chancellor Press, London, 2000

Jordan M, Eastern Wisdom, The Philosophies and Rituals of the East, Carlton, 1997

Randal R (Ed) The Children’s Book of Myths and Legends, Armadillo, UK, 2001

Smith J, Your Aztec Homework Helper, Ticktock Media, 2004

Wood T, The Aztecs, Hamlyn, 1992

DVD/ Video

Sea Kingdoms - History of Celtic Britain and Ireland (Order from )

The History of Britain 6 DVD (Order from )

Whale Rider - Maori (Associated site at )

Time Life Series


Various religions:



International Shinto research institute site:


(Good Celtic culture and art site, with visuals)

Nordic Religion:

Indigenous Pacific Island religions:

Indigenous Polynesian religion:


(Journey to Aotearoa)

Mayan, Aztec:

(Good visuals)


(site includes visuals, virtual temple tour etc)

(powerpoint on Taoism)

Virtual ancient religion museum: Dershem, G

Studies of Religion II

Religions of Ancient Origin

Aztec Deities Research Assignment

Teacher Answer Sheets (Not completed in full)

Task: In groups students are to research the gods and goddesses important to Aztec society. Use the internet and books to fill in the following table.

|Name of god/ess |Translation |Description |Role/power |

| |( Where possible) | | |

|Huitzilopochtli |Blue Humming bird or |Holds his armour, his serpent of |Guided people to region for settlement, god of war and |

| |left handed humming |fire and shield |guardian of the Aztecs |

| |bird | | |

|Xochiquetzal | | |goddess of beauty, love and housekeeping |

|Quetzalcoatl |Plumed/ feathered |White beard |god of nature ( air and earth), civilisation |

| |serpent |Can appear as a snake |Priest god, god of learning (writing) and wind. Friend of |

| | | |mankind. |

| | | |(Spaniard Cortes was mistaken to be this god in 1519!) |

|Ixtitan | | |god who brought children peaceful sleep |

|Chalchiuhtlicue | | |goddess of fertility, of water |

|Tonatiuh | | |Sun god |

|Xuihtecuhtli | | |Lord of fire. In the hearth of every home |

|Omectecuhtli | | |The great creator |

|Tlaloc |He who makes things |Goggle eyes |Rain god. He would send his messengers, the rain clouds |

| |grow |Spectacle-shaped mask which rings |and bring agricultural fertility. Children sacrificed to |

| | |his eyes Or his mouth mask which |him. Rival is Huitzilopochtli. Warrior classes considered |

| | |looks like a fringe of curved |themselves his chosen people |

| | |tusks | |

|Coyolxauqui | | |Legend tells this goddess was killed by the god of war and|

| | | |her head thrown into the sky to become the golden moon |

|Yacatecuhtli |Lord who guides or Long| |Merchants’ god, protect them on their journey |

| |Nose | | |

|Chicomecoatl | |Four-sided paper headdress with |Goddess of mature maize |

| | |pleated rosettes at the corners. | |

| | |Holds two double maize cobs | |

|Mictlantecuhtli | | |God of the dead. Those who died a natural death went to |

| | | |Mictlan where he lived, in the cold and infernal region of|

| | | |the fleshless |

|Xipe Totec |Our flayed lord |Red clothes and ornaments. |Fertility, god of springtime vegetation and regrowth. |

| | |Wears flayed human skin, tied at |Patron of metal workers. The skin of flayed victims |

| | |his back. |symbolised the annual renewal of vegetation, renewal of |

| | |Skin dried to a golden colour ( so|the ‘earth’s skin’ |

| | |patron) | |

|Coatlicue |Lady of the serpent |Her head is severed. From the neck|Old Earth Goddess. Gave birth to sun, moon and stars. Gave|

| |skirt |flows 2 streams of blood |birth to Huitzilopochtli |

| | |represented by two snakes whose | |

| | |heads meet in profile to form a | |

| | |grotesque caricature of a face. | |

| | | | |

| | |Skirt made out of intertwined | |

| | |serpents, held up by a belt in the| |

| | |form of a snake. | |

| | | | |

| | |Bare breast (= mother). Hands and | |

| | |feet are claws (= feeds on | |

| | |corpses).On her chest hangs a | |

| | |skull-pendant suspended from a | |

| | |necklace made of alternating human| |

| | |hearts and hands. | |

| | | | |

|Ehecatl | |Personage wearing a beak shaped |Quetzalcoatl took this form |

| | |mask over his face |Wind god |

| | | | |

|Ometeotl | |At same time both masculine and |Single deity of the original creator couple (Omectecuhtli |

| | |feminine |and Omecihuatl) |

|Tezcatlipoca |Smoking mirror |Eternally young, invisible. |Gave and took life away. In his obsidian mirror he could |

| | |Disguise was a jaguar. Fetish was |see everything that happened in the world. God of night |

| | |a knife of flint or obsidian. In |sky, patron of sorcerers and robbers. |

| | |manuscripts he is shown with his |Also a war god, protector of young warriors |

| | |face painted black (=night god). | |

| | |Horizontal stripes on his cheeks | |

| | |(= One of the 4 sons of the | |

| | |creator couple). Has cut in | |

| | |warrior style. Carries a shield | |

| | |and weapons. His mirror is worn at| |

| | |his temple or in place of one of | |

| | |his feet. | |

Studies of Religion II

Religions of Ancient Origin

Aztec Deities Research Assignment

Task: In groups students are to research the gods and goddesses important to Aztec

society. Use the internet and books to fill in the following table.

|Name of god/ess |Translation |Description |Role/power |

| |( Where possible) | | |

|Huitzilopochtli | | | |

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|Xochiquetzal | | | |

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|Quetzalcoatl | | | |

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|Ixtitan | | | |

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|Chalchiuhtlicue | | | |

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|Tonatiuh | | | |

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|Xuihtecuhtli | | | |

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|Omectecuhtli | | | |

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|Tlaloc | | | |

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|Coyolxauqui | | | |

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|Yacatecuhtli | | | |

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|Chicomecoatl | | | |

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|Mictlantecuhtli | | | |

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|Xipe Totec | | | |

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|Coatlicue | | | |

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|Ehecatl | | | |

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|Ometeotl | | | |

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|Tezcatlipoca | | | |

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