Social Studies Sixth Grade Stripes Team 'Ancient China'

Ancient China STUDY SHEET

1. What farmer-turned general led the armies that overthrew the Qin Dynasty? _______________________

2. The ________________ begins its 3,000 mile trip across northern China beginning at "The Roof of the World," a huge plateau.

3. A machine that detects earthquakes is a _____________________.

4. The people who lived in the steppes existed by __________

5. Oracle bones answered questions when priests _____________.

6. The social structure of the Qin dynasty gave more recognition to _______ who also served as soldiers.

7. During the Shang dynasty _________ were the rulers of the towns.

8. Near the end of the 600 year rule by the Shang dynasty, the capital was moved to


9. Confucius lived from 551 B.C. until what year? ________

10. The earliest known Chinese writing is found on __________.

11. The first capital of China was ________ which resulted in the first dynasty having the same name.

12. An _____________ is the supreme ruler of an empire.

13. China was unstable from about 1110 BC to 221 BC, until the Qin general, ________, made himself the "First Grand Emperor."

14. List five things Shihuangdi did






15. The following seas surround China are




16. The organization of the Shang society was similar to a ___________

17. What was the Grand School? _________

18. What was the central idea of Confucianism? _________

19. Even before the Shang dynasty, the Chinese developed a written language in which symbols stood for ________

20. If too much soil washes away and crops fail. a _____ can happen because very little food is available and people can starve.

21. The Shang dynasty ruled for ______ years.

22. A ___________ is a line of rulers who belong to the same family.

23. The Han rulers thoughts were based on the teachings of __________?

24. Shihuangdi ruled for _______ years.

25. Oracle bones were used by priests who were thought to be able to _________

26. Floods from the Huang spread enough silt along the _____________ to create one of the world's largest deltas.

27. The Huang River curves around the __________ desert.

28. All of the following were crops grown in the Huang River EXCEPT

29- 30. In 1899, a Chinese scholar was given __________________ which led to the discovery of ________________________ and a change to


READ THE FOLLOWING: In 1974 farmers living near the southern curve in the Huang Rive began digging a new well. Imagine their surprise when they began to uncover life-sized clay soldiers! Archaeologists were called to the site. Since that day an entire clay army ---more than 8,000 soldiers, horses, and chariots –has be unearthed. No two of the soldiers look alike. Each one once held a real weapon to fight off some unknown enemy. Who built this amazing clay army and why?” (p. 168)

31. In this passage, what does the word UNEARTHED mean?

32. The farmers during Shihuangdi's rule had the power to do what?

33. The ____________ was the emperor's best school.

34. A farmer turned general, ________, began the Han dynasty.

35. Farmers built ______ of earth to hold back the Huang River.

36. What is the Mandate of Heaven?

37. What did the Han rulers change about the Qin system of Government?

38. Ancestor worship really began in the Shang dynasty who believed after death they would ________________________.

40. __________________ means the "First Grand Emperor."

41. The Mandate of Heaven echoed what Shang belief?

42. How long did the Han dynasty rule China? ______

43. The Qin dynasty was overthrown in _______________________,

44. Give 44things that happened in 1700 BC

45. ________ is a dusty, yellow soil that has been deposited in this region.

46. The Chinese believed that the ___________echoed the Shang belief that the gods spoke to kings through oracle bones.

47. A _____________________ is a dry, treeless plain.

48. ________ is the wearing away of soil by wind or water.

49. Relatives of the kings were known as __________, who received land, oversaw the construction of the new towns and became their rulers.

50. __________ taught that Chinese culture had lost its traditions.

51. By finding the grave of "Lady Hao," we can conclude four things

52. The tomb discovered at Anyang belonged to ____________________.

53. Shihuangdi ordered an army of _______ to surround his tomb to protect him in his afterlife.

54. The two following geographic characteristics helped the empire of Shihuangdi expand: ______________ and _____________.

55. List the discoveries in the tomb at Anyang .

56. The lowest people in the Chinese social order were __________________, unlike Egypt who placed farmers there.

57. The blessings of the loess include five characteristics.

58. Dragon bones were really bones from _________.

59. Fill in the steps that often occurred that resulted in famine. Farmers were

successful and as a result _______________. Consequently, more land

was needed which resulted in ______________ Now the soil washes

away and _________________ resulting in famine.

Know the order of the following events:

a. Early kingdom has capital city called Shang

b. Shang dynasty ends

c. Anyang becomes the capital of the Shang dynasty

d. Ordered the making of the great clay army

e. Communities developed along the lower part of the Huang River

f. Shihuangdi dies

g. Qin region and its ruler build strength to control delta

h. Farmers began building earth levees to hold back the Huang

You will also have to do a graphic organizer on Shihuangdi


Your Test will be Thursday, May 8.


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