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AcupunctureThe underlying principle of treatment is that illness and pain occur when the body's qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. There can be many reasons for this; emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury are among the most common. Mental ill-health is equally viewed as one way in which imbalance can exist within the body. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acupuncture points, a traditional acupuncturist seeks to re-establish the free flow of qi to restore balance and trigger the body's natural healing response. Acupuncture is approved by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) as a treatment for lower back pain.British Medical Acupuncture Society01606 786782 or 020 7713 the use and scientific understanding of acupuncture. List of practitioners.British Acupuncture Council020 8735 .uk?Largest body of professional acupuncturists. List of practitioners.National Acupuncture Detoxification Focus on ear acupuncture for drug and alcohol addiction and trauma.AromatherapyAromatherapy is the systematic use of essential oils to improve physical and emotional well-being. Essential oils, extracted from plants, are thought to possess distinctive therapeutic properties.The oils can be applied though creams, inhalation, massage or by adding drops to a warm bath. Aromatherapy massage involves a gentle massage, using essential oils diluted with a nut or vegetable oil, such as almond.Aromatherapy of practitionersBowen TechniqueBowen is a contact therapy, but is not massage, nor manipulation. It uses a very light touch at certain points on the skin, and can be done through light clothing. It can help both physical and emotional problems.The Bowen Association of practitionersHerbal RemediesHerbal medicine uses plants, in many forms, to promote good health and to treat ill health. The main types of herbal medicine are Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic.Some people turn to herbal medicines because they feel plants are more natural than medication and believe herbs are likely to have fewer side effects. Many medications are derived from plants, and it is important to remember than some herbs can be very poisonous, including some that are the basis of medicines.Herbal Medicine (western)Western herbal medicines can be used to treat health problems in a similar manner to conventional medicine, but the herbal practitioner will usually take a holistic, rather than an illness-focused, approach. While many herbal medicines are commercially available and registered by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, many practitioners will make their own preparations from fresh or dried plants.British Herbal Medicine Association0845 680 Information about herbal medicineNational Institute of Medical Herbalists01392 .ukRegister of herbalistsAyurvedicAyurvedic medicine is based on ancient Indian theory and uses medicines made from plants and minerals aiming to restore balance in the body.Ayurvedic Practitioners Associationapa.Information and list of practitionersChinese herbal medicineSee information below on?Traditional Chinese Medicine.MassageMassage uses touch in a sensitive and respectful way, taking? account of physical symptoms, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, and your lifestyle. Understanding the context in which problems develop is as important as looking for the symptoms.Massage Therapy on the main types of massage available and UK directory of practitionersReflexologyReflexology is based on the principles of 'zone therapy' (similar to the meridians or energy pathways) and the theory that the body's energy field is a hologram, and every organ and system of the body has a counterpart in reflex points in the feet, hands and ears. Practitioners mainly work on the feet.Association of .ukInformation and list of practitionersBritish Reflexology and list of practitionersShiatsuTraditional Japanese massage which,? like acupuncture, works by stimulating and balancing the body's energy flow along 'meridians' or energy pathways. The practitioner uses techniques such as holding, pressing, and stretching, to balance Ki or Qi (energy) in the body.Shiatsu Society0845 130 ?Information and list of practitionersNutritional therapyNutritional therapy uses the science of nutrition and diet to promote good health. It may help alleviate a wide range of conditions and assist in recovery. Each person’s needs may be dependent on a number of factors, from inherited weaknesses to the influence of lifestyle and environment.In addition to dietary and nutritional advice, recommendations may include guidance on natural detoxification, methods to support digestion and absorption, and procedures to promote colon health.British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT).ukList of practitionersNutritional Therapy .ukFood for the ??Charity promoting research and information on diet in relation to mental healthTraditional Chinese medicine (TCM)Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been the main medical system used in China for more than 2,000 years. It is based on a different understanding of the body from conventional western medicine, and aims to rebalance the body’s energy systems.In Chinese herbal medicine, treatments are prepared from fresh and dried materials and minerals.TCM also includes acupuncture and tuina, a form of massage.Association of Traditional Chinese and list of practitionersYoga and meditation?Yoga and mediation practices may include: posture work, breath work, reflection, use of sound and short supportive phrases, and visualisation.Yoga, in its most general sense, it is a spiritual practice designed to increase awareness and self-knowledge, so that you can be freed from old behaviour patterns. The exercises can lead to greater physical and mental freedom, and to greater control over the body and thought processes.British Wheel of Yoga01529 .uk?Iyengar Yoga .ukLaughter MeditationMeditation encourages you to be still and at rest. There are various different techniques and schools of mediation, based in different philosophies, but all aim to quieten your mind and put you into a state of calm and stillness.School of Meditation020 7603 RegulationComplementary and Natural Healthcare CouncilAlbert Buildings49 Queen Victoria StreetLondonEC4N 4SA020 7653 .ukThe?Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)?was set up with government support as the voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare. Practitioners register with the CNHC and go onto a public register.The government has recommended that GPs recommend CNHC registered practitioners to patients who wish to use these approaches. The CNHC has a list of the therapies that are registered with them.The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)Park House184 Kennington Park RoadLondonSE11 4BU0845 300 6184hcpc-?Keep a register of health professionals who meet their standards for their training, professional skills, behaviour and health. Regulate 15 health professions including arts therapists.Other forms of regulationSome therapies have professional associations which are membership organisations. They provide a range of benefits and services for practitioners and act in the interests of the profession. Most have their own codes of practice and registers of professionals who work to those.If you are thinking about going to a complementary or alternative practitioner, it is always a good idea to ask about their qualifications, professional registration and code of practice before starting a course of treatment. ................

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