Curriculum Vitae




Mediterranean Section phone (215) 898-4437

The University of Pennsylvania Museum fax (215) 573-2906

of Archaeology and Anthropology e-mail:

3260 South Street

Philadelphia, Pa. 19104-6324.


212 Valley Road, phone (610) 667-0921

Merion Station, Pennsylvania 19066-1543.


• Married to Irene Bald Romano 1978

• Three daughters: Katherine MacLeod 1983, Elizabeth Scott 1987, Sarah Gilman 1987


• Ph.D., Classical Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1981.

• Member and Fellow, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1976-1980.

• M.A. (with Honors), Physical Education, University of Oregon, 1972.

• A.B., Art and Archaeology, Washington University, St. Louis, 1969.


• Honorary Member, Arcadian Society of Letters and Arts, Athens, November 2004.


• Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies, Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2003-

• Adjunct Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Department of Classical Studies,

University of Pennsylvania, 1997- 2003.

• Elizabeth A. Whitehead Visiting Professor, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1994-1995.

• Adjunct Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of Classical Studies,

University of Pennsylvania, 1988-1990.

• Lecturer in Classical Archaeology, Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1982-1987, 1992,1993,1995,1996.

• Secretary of the School, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1977-1978.

David Gilman Romano


• Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2003-

• Member, Graduate Group in Ancient History, University of Pennsylvania, 1997-

• Member, Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World,

University of Pennsylvania, 1997-

• Member, Graduate Group in Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1997-


• Curatorial Consultant, Greek and Roman Collection, The Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pa.,


• Keeper of the Collections, 1985-1999 and Research Associate, 1995-1999, Mediterranean

Section, The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.


• Senior Research Scientist, 1999- Mediterranean Section, The University of Pennsylvania

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

• Director, Corinth Computer Project, 1988-

• Co-Director and Field Director, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, 2003-


1976 Staff Member, University of California, Berkeley, Nemea Excavations

1977 Student, Excavation Training Session, Corinth Excavations, ASCSA

1977 Staff Member, University of California, Berkeley, Nemea Excavations

1978 Student excavator, Corinth Excavations, ASCSA

1979 Staff Member, University of California, Berkeley, Nemea Excavations

1981 Olivia James Travelling Fellow, AIA, Stadia of Asia Minor

1988 Director Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

Survey of Tsoungiza for Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, Dr. J. Wright.

Survey of Argive Heraion for Mr. C. Pfaff.

1989 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

Survey of Panakton for Panakton Survey, Dr. M. Munn.

1990 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

1991 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations

1992 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

Survey of Temple of Apollo, Corinth for Dr. C. Pfaff.

1993. Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

Survey of Argive Heraion for Dr. C. Pfaff.

1994 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California, Nemea Excavations.

David Gilman Romano


1995 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Athenian Agora Excavations, ASCSA, for Dr. John Camp

Survey of Nemea Stadium for University of California Nemea Excavations

Survey of Stymphalus for Richard Anderson and Dr. Hector Williams

Survey of Minoan town and palace at Gournia, Dr. V. Watrous.

1996 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Director, Mt. Lykaion Survey Project.

1997 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

Survey of Minoan town and palace at Gournia, Dr. V. Watrous.

Research Co-ordinator, Poggia Colla Excavations

Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

1998 Assistant Director of Research, Mugello Valley Archaeological Project

1999 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

1999 Director of Research, Mugello Valley Archaeological Project

2000 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University Museum

2000 Director of Research, Mugello Valley Archaeological Project

2000 Co-Director, Mugello Roman and Medieval Mapping Project, The University of Pennsylvania

Museum and the University of Macerata.

2001 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2002 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2003 Director, Corinth Computer Project, ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2004 Director, Corinth Computer Project. ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2005 Director, Corinth Computer Project. ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2006 Director, Corinth Computer Project. ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2007 Director, Corinth Computer Project. ASCSA and The University of Pennsylvania Museum

2004 Co-Director and Field Director, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

2005 Co-Director and Field Director, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

2006 Co-Director and Field Director, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

2007 Co-Director and Field Director, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project


• Research Technician, Biological Research, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester,

Summers 1963, 1964, 1967.

• Research Technician, Genetic Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark,

Summers 1965, 1966.

• Apprentice Teacher, The Shady Hill School, Cambridge, Mass., 1969-1970.

• Instructor, Eugene Public School System, Eugene, Oregon, 1972-1973.

• Lecturer, State Lecture Program, The University Museum, 1981-1984.


• Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon, 1973-1974.

• Eugene Vanderpool Fellow, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1979-1980.

• University of Pennsylvania Fellow, American School of Classical Studies at Athens,


• Olivia James Traveling Fellow, Archaeological Institute of America, 1981.

• Markoe Fellow, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 1984-1985.

David Gilman Romano


1993 Athletics and Mathematics in Archaic Corinth: The Origins of the Greek Stadion, Memoirs of The American Philosophical Society, volume 206, Philadelphia.

1998. With Irene Bald Romano, The Catalogue of the Classical Collection of the Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pa.

2002 In collaboration with Lothar Haselberger, Mapping Augustan Rome, Journal of Roman

Archaeology, Supplement 50, Portsmouth, R.I.


• John Frederick Lewis Award of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, November 1993, Athletics and Mathematics in Archaic Corinth: The Origins of the Greek Stadion, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society. 1993.


1993 "Post 146 B.C. Land Use in Corinth and Early Planning of the Roman Colony, 44 B.C.," in The Corinthia in The Roman Period, Timothy E. Gregory, ed., Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement No. 8 (1993), pp. 9-31.

1996 "Lykourgos, The Panathenaia and the Great Altar of Athena: Further Thoughts concerning the Pnyx Hill," The Pnyx in the History of Athens, B. Forsén and G. Stanton, eds., Finnish Institute at Athens, 1996, Helsinki, pp. 71-85.

2000 A Tale of Two Cities: Roman Colonies at Corinth,” Romanization and the City: Creation,

Transformations and Failures, Elizabeth Fentress, ed., Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 38, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2000, pp. 83-104.

2003 “City Planning, Centuriation and Land Division in Roman Corinth: Colonia Laus Iulia

Corinthiensis and Colonia Iulia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis,” in C.K. Williams and N. Bookidis, eds., Corinth XX, The Centenary, 1896-1996, ASCSA, pp. 279-301.

2004 “Multiple Victors at Olympia: Images, Portraits and Icons,” in The Olympic Games in Antiquity, Atrapos Press, M.A. Kaila, G. Thill, H. Theodoropoulou, Y. Xanthacou, eds., Athens, 2004, pp. 94-133.

2005 “Urban and Rural Planning in Roman Corinth,” in Urban Religion in Roman Corinth: Interdisciplinary Approaches, ed. by D.N. Schowalter and S.J. Friesen, Harvard Theological Studies, 53, Cambridge, 2005, pp. 25-59.

2007 "Judges and Judging at the Ancient Olympic Games," in Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games, G.P. Schaus and S.W. Wenn, eds., Canadian Institute in Athens #5, Wilfred Laurier Press, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2007, pp. 95-114.

David Gilman Romano


1968 with Johannes Nielsen, George Sturup, Takayuki Tsuboi, "XYY Chromosomal Constitution in Criminal Psychopaths," Letter to the Editor, The Lancet, September 7, 1968.

1969 with Johannes Nielsen, George Sturup, Takayuki Tsuboi, "Prevalence of the XYY Syndrome in an Institution for Psychologically Abnormal Criminals," Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 45 (1969) pp. 383-401.

1972 An Analysis of Ancient Greek Athletic Architecture and Its Application to a Contemporary American University, M.A. Thesis, Physical Education, University of Oregon, 1972.

1977 "An Early Stadium at Nemea," Hesperia 46 (1977) pp. 27-31.

1981 The Stadia of the Peloponnesos, Ph.D. Dissertation in Classical Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1981.

1981 "The Origins and Evolution of the Ancient Greek Stadium," American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Fall 1981, p. 19.

1982 "The Stadium of Eumenes II at Pergamon," American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) pp. 586-589.

1983 "The Ancient Stadium: Athletes and Arete," The Ancient World 7 (1983) pp. 9-16.

1983 with V.C. Pigott, "A Bronze Siren Cauldron Attachment from Bryn Athyn," MASCA Journal 2 (1983) pp. 124-129.

1984 "The Road to Olympia - 300 B.C.," The New York Times, May 6, 1984, Views of Sport, p. 2S.

1984 "Today's Olympics: Old Problems?," The Summer Pennsylvanian, May 31, 1984, p. 3.

1985 "The Panathenaic Stadium and Theater of Lykourgos: A Re-examination of the Facilities on the Pnyx Hill," American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985) pp. 441-454.

1985 Guest Editor, Expedition, 27, 2 (1985), 'Exploring 5000 Years of Athletics'.

1985 "Introduction" pp. 3-5, and "Boycotts, Bribes and Fines: The Ancient Olympic Games," pp. 10-21, Expedition 27, 2 (1985).

1986 with Irene Bald Romano and Lisa Stigelman, Greece and Rome: The Classical World, Exhibit catalogue from the Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pa., March 1986.

1989 "The Athena Polias Project/The Corinth Computer Project: Computer Mapping and City Planning in the Ancient World," Academic Computing, March 1989, pp. 28 ff.

1990 "Computerized Survey Underway: Corinth Computer Project," American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Spring 1990, No. 25, pp. 10-11.

1990 "Philip of Macedon, Alexander the Great and the Ancient Olympic Games", The World of Philip and Alexander, The University Museum, 1990, pp. 61-79.

David Gilman Romano


1993 with Benjamin C. Schoenbrun, "A Computerized Architectural and Topographical Survey of Ancient Corinth," The Journal of Field Archaeology 20,2 (1993) pp. 177-190.

1994 with P.G. Warden, "The Course of Glory: Greek Art in a Roman Context at the Villa of the Papyri (Herculaneum), Art History 17 (1994) pp. 224-250.

1994 “Greek Land Division and Planning at Corinth,” abstract, AJA 98, 1994, p. 296.

1995 with Osama Tolba, "Remote Sensing, GIS and electronic surveying: reconstructing the city plan and landscape of Roman Corinth," Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1994, eds., Jeremy Huggett and Nick Ryan, BAR International Series 600, 1995, pp. 163-174.

1994. "Seminar Explores Techniques of Ancient City Planning," American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Spring 1995, No. 35, p. 1, 10.

1995 with Donald White, Keith DeVries, Irene Bald Romano and Yelena Stolyarik, The Ancient Greek

World, The Rodney S. Young Gallery, University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia.

1996 with Osama Tolba, "Remote Sensing and GIS in the Study of Roman Centuriation in the Corinthia, Greece," Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1995, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, Leiden University, pp. 457-463.

1997 “Stadium” entry in Dictionary of Art, Macmillan Publishers Limited, London, pp.

1997 With Chris Rorres, “Finding the Center of a Circular Starting Line in an Ancient Greek Stadium,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review, 39, 4, pp. 745-754.

1997 “The Corinth Computer Project: Reconstructing the City Plan and Landscape of Roman Corinth,” in Archaeological Applications of GIS, Proceedings of Colloquium II, UISPP XIII Congress, Forli, Italy September 1996, Ian Johnson and MacLaren North, eds., Sydney University Archaeological Methods Series 5.

1997. “GIS Based Analysis of Ancient Land Division in the Corinthia, Greece” in COST ACTION G2, Paysages Antiques et Structures Rurales, The Use of Geographic Information Systems in the Study of Ancient Landscapes and Features Related to Ancient Land Use, John Peterson, ed., European Commission, Brussels, 1998, pp. 21-30.

1998 “Planning the Forum in Roman Corinth,” abstract, AJA 102 1998, p. 377.

1998 With Nicholas L. Stapp, “Piecing Together the City and Territory of Roman Corinth,” Archaeological Computing Newsletter, 52, Winter 1998, pp. 1-7.

1999 “A Curved Start for Corinth’s Fifth-century Racecourse,” Appearance and Essence. Refinements

of Classical Architecture: Curvature, Lothar Haselberger, ed., Philadelphia, 1999, pp. 283-288.

2002 With Nicholas L. Stapp, “Corinth Computer Project: Internet Education,” Archaeological

Informatics: Pushing the Envelope CAA 2001, Goran Burenhult, ed., BAR International Series

1016, 2002, 295-300.

David Gilman Romano


2002 “Une étude topographique informatisée: centuriations de Corinthe et aménagement du territoire,”

in Atlas Historique des cadastres d’Europe II, Commission européenne, Action COST G2, Paysages anciens et structures rurales, Luxembourg, 2002, 4T.

2003 with Douglas Arbittier, Osama Tolba, Nicholas L. Stapp, and Andrew Insua, “The Use of GIS

and Remote Sensing in the Study of Minoan Town Planning at Gournia,” CAA 2002

Proceedings, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Heraklion, Crete. 2003, pp. 155-160.

2003 With Nicholas L. Stapp and Andrew B. Gallia, “Making the Map,” Mapping Augustan Rome, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 50, Providence, R.I., pp. 29-39.

2003 "Minoan Surveyors and Town Planning at Gournia," METRON, 9th International Aegean Conference, Yale University, Aegaeum 25, K. Foster and R. Laffineur, eds., September 2003 pp. 247-256, figs. XLVIII-L.

2004 When the Games Began: Sport, Religion and Politics converged in Ancient Olympia,”

Archaeology Odyssey, July/August 2004, vol. 7 no. 4, pp. 12-21.

2005 “A Roman Circus in Corinth,” Hesperia 74, pp. 585-611.

2005 “A New Topographical and Architectural Survey of the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion,” in

Ancient Arcadia, Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Erik Østby, ed., Athens, pp. 381-396.

2006 with Nicholas L. Stapp and Mark Davison, “Mapping Augustan Rome: Towards the Digital

Successor,” in Imaging Ancient Rome, Lothar Haselberger and John Humphrey, eds., JRA,

Supplement 61, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, pp. 271-282.

2006 “Roman Surveyors in Corinth,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol 150, no.

1, March, pp. 62-85.


1996 The Ancient Olympics: Athletes, Games and Heroes, educational video, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Cincinnati, Ohio. Executive Producer, Getzel M. Cohen.

1999 Greed, Bribes and Scandals, educational audio tape, Institute of Mediterranean Studies, Getzel M. Cohen, Executive Producer, Cincinnati, Ohio

David Gilman Romano


1995. World Wide Web site: Corinth Computer Project, first release

1999. World Wide Web site, Corinth Computer Project, second release,

1996. World Wide Web site, The Real Story of the Ancient Olympic Games,

2002 Culture and Tradition: The Ancient Olympic Games,” commissioned article written for the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games,

2004 Wide Web site, The Real Story of the Ancient Olympic Games, second release,

2004 World Wide Web site: Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project,


1988 Review of J.J. Pollitt, Art in the Hellenistic Age, University of Cambridge Press (1986) in Classical Outlook, 65, 4, May-June 1988.

1990 Review of Wendy J. Raschke, ed., The Archaeology of the Olympics, The Olympic and Other Festivals of Antiquity, University of Wisconsin Press (1988) in The Classical World, 83, 1990, pp. 363-364.

1991. Review of Jeanette Greenfield, The Return of Cultural Treasures, Cambridge University Press, New York (1989) in The Classical World, 85, 1991, pp. 136-137.

1993 Review of Stephen G. Miller, Arete, Greek Sports from Ancient Sources, Second Edition, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 4.2.7 (1993), pp. 106-110.

1996 Review of James R. McCredie, et. al., The Rotunda of Arsinoe, Samothrace, Excavations conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Vol. 7, Princeton (1992) in The Classical World, 89,3 (1996), pp. 236- 237.

2000 Review of Olympia, 2800 Years of Athletic Games: From Ancient Greece to the Modern Revival, Finatec Multimedia, Athens, Archaeology, 53, 2, March/April 2000, p. 89.

2001 Review of Panos Valavanis, Hysplex: The Starting Mechanism in Ancient Stadia: A Contribution to Ancient Technology, University of California Press, 1999, American Journal of Archaeology, 105.2, April 2001, pp. 353-354.

2000. Review of Barry Cunliffe, The Extraordinary Voyage of Pytheas the Great, Walker Publishing Company, New York, Expedition, 46, 2004, p.45.

2006 Review of Stephen G. Miller, Ancient Greek Athletics, Yale University Press, 2004, American

Journal of Archaeology, 110, pp. 673-4.

David Gilman Romano


• The Planning of Roman Corinth, Results of the Corinth Computer Project, projected volume in the Corinth Excavations Series, American School of Classical Studies at Athens. To include text volume, gazetteer, CD’s.

• Final Publication of the Stadium at Halieis, excavated by The University of Pennsylvania and Indiana University.


1974 "Greek Athletic Ideals as Represented in the Sculpture of Polykleitos", read at the North American Society for Sport History Annual Meeting, London, Ontario.

1980 "The Ancient Stadium: Athletes and Arete," read at the American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass.

1981 "The Stadium of Eumenes II at Pergamon", read at the General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Francisco.

1982 "The Panathenaic Stadium and Theater of Lykourgos," read at the General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia.

1985 "Fast Tracks For Barefoot Runners: The Ancient Greek Stadium", read at the meeting of the Classical Association of Atlantic States, Philadelphia, Pa.

1986 "Boycotts, Bribes and Fines: The Ancient Olympic Games," read at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Classical Association, Pittsburgh, Pa.

1988 "The Athena Polias Project: Archaeology, Architecture, Athletics and AutoCAD," read at the IBM Conference on Academic Computing, Princeton, N.J.

1989 "The Athena Polias Project: Archaeology, Architecture, Athletics and AutoCAD," read at the American Philological Association, Baltimore, Maryland.

1989 "Archaeology and AutoCAD, The Corinth Computer Project 1989," read at the American Schools of Oriental Research, Anaheim, California.

1989 "The Corinth Computer Project, 1988-1989," read at the General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, Mass.

David Gilman Romano


1991 "The Planning of Roman Corinth," The Corinthia in the Roman Empire: Archaeological Connections in the Eastern Mediterranean, The Ohio State University.

1991 "Modern Mapping in the Ancient World," New Directions in Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics, Duquesne University.

1991 "The Planning of Roman Corinth," Read at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago, Illinois

1992 with P.G. Warden "A Metaphor for Life: The Sculptural Program of The Large Peristyle of the Villa of the Papyri (Herculaneum)," College Art Association Annual Meeting, Chicago.

1992 "Athletics and Mathematics in Archaic Corinth: The Origins of the Greek Stadion," read at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans.

1992. "Greek Land Organization and Planning in Ancient Corinth," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Washington, D.C.

1994 Orientation and Direction in Greek and Roman Corinth," read at the conference, The

Organization of Space in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Department of Classics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.

1994 "Remote Sensing, GIS and Electronic Surveying: Reconstructing the City Plan of Roman Corinth," (with Osama Tolba) Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland.

1994 "The Panathenaic Stadium and Theater of Lykourgos: A re-examination of the facilities on the Pnyx hill," read at the International Colloquium, The Pnyx in the History of Athens, Finnish Institute at Athens, Greece.

1995 "The Planning of Roman Corinth, 44 B.C.," American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece.

1995 "Roman Centuriation and Land Division in the Corinthia, Greece," Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Leiden University, Leiden, Holland.

1995 "Corinth Computer Project: Topographical and Architectural Archive, Corinth Excavations," III International Symposium on Computing and Archaeology, Rome, Italy.

1995 "Roman Centuriation and Land Division in the Corinthia," Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, California.

1996 “GIS Based Analysis of Ancient Land Division in the Corinthia, Greece,” Cooperation Europeene dans le Domaine de la Science et de la Technologie (COST) 62 “Paysages Anciens et Structures Rurales,” Ljubljana, Slovenia.

1996 “Recent GIS Studies of Roman Centuriation in the Corinthia, Greece,” UISPP XIII Conference, Forli, Italy

David Gilman Romano


1996 “Centuriation in Roman Corinth: Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis and Colonia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis,” Centennial of the Corinth Excavations, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

1996 "A Topographical and Architectural Survey of the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt.Lykaion, Arcadia," Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, New York.

1997. “The Planning of the Forum in Roman Corinth,” Annual Meeting, Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago.

1998. “Piecing Together the City and Landscape of Roman Corinth,” Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Barcelona, Spain.

2000 “New Perspectives on Roman Corinth,” Classical Association of Atlantic States, Fall Meeting,

Philadelphia, Pa. 2000 “Reconstructing the Urban Landscape of Roman Corinth,” Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2001 With Nicholas L. Stapp, “Corinth Computer Project: Internet Education,” Computer

Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Visby, Sweden.

2002 “A Stone for Stone Digital Map of Roman Corinth, Greece” in Colloquium ‘New

Directions in Archaeological Mapping, GIS and Remote Sensing, AIA General Meeting, Philadelphia.

2002 “Urban and Rural Planning in Roman Corinth,” in ‘Urban Religion in Roman Corinth:

Interdisciplinary Approaches,’ Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge.

2002 “Spectator and Spectacle in Ancient Olympia,” Society for American Archaeology, Denver, Colorado.

2002 With Douglas Arbittier, Osama Tolba, Nicholas Stapp and Andrew Insua, “The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing in the study of Minoan Town Planning at Gournia,” Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Meeting, Heraklion, Crete.

2002 “Minoan Surveyors and Town Planning at Gournia,” 9th International Aegean Conference, Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age, Yale University.

2002 “A New Topographical and Architectural Survey of the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion,”

Ancient Arkadia Seminar, Norwegian Institute at Athens.

2001. “A Tale of Two Cities: Roman Colonies at Corinth,” Romanization and the City: Creation, Dynamics and Failures, Fiftieth Year Anniversary of the Excavations at Cosa, American Academy at Rome.

David Gilman Romano


2002 “Remote Sensing in Ancient Corinth: New Tools for Archaeological Research,” American

Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.

2003 With Nicholas L. Stapp, “Stone for Stone in Roman Corinth,” Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Dublin.

2003 “Judges and Judging at Ancient Olympia,” Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on

the Olympic Games, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.

2004 “Questions for Future Research at Mt. Lykaion,” New Developments in Arcadian Research, Archaeological Institute of America, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

2004 “The Ancient Olympic Games: Cities and Athletes,” Athens to New York: Athletic Games/Civic

Identity, New York University, Center for Ancient Studies.

2004 “From Athens to Philadelphia: Athletes, Stadia and the Olympic Games,” Metropolis, Athens

and Philadelphia, Hellenic University Club, Philadelphia.

2004 “New Research at the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion,” World Pan-Arcadian Congress,

Tripolis, Arcadia.

2004 “Teaching and Research Resources in Roman Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Classical Association of Atlantic States, Philadelphia, Pa.

2007 With Mary E. Voyatzis and Anastasia Panagiotopoulou, "Excavations at the Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion," Poster Session, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 5, 2007.

2008 With Mary E. Voyatzis and Anastasia Panagiotopoulou, “Excavations and Research at the

Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion in the Peloponnesos, 2004–2007,”Annual Meeting of the

Archaeological Institute of America, Chicago, Illinois, January 5, 2008.


IBM THRESHOLD Grant recipient, University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences, 1986-1987. Purpose to explore the potential of using computers in undergraduate teaching of archaeology and ancient architecture and city planning, “Athena Polias Project”. Grant for computer equipment and software.

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, University of Pennsylvania, Grant recipient, 1986-1987 for the “Athena Polias Project”. Grant for computer equipment and student assistance.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, for computer software for the “Athena Polias Project,” the study of ancient cities and ancient architecture, 1986. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

David Gilman Romano


IBM THRESHOLD Grant recipient, University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences, 1987-1988 for the “Athena Polias Project”.

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, University of Pennsylvania, Grant recipient, Educational Development Computing Fund for the “Athena Polias Project”, 1987-1988.

DCA ENGINEERING, Henniker, New Hampshire, Education Grant recipient, for engineering software to be used in the study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1987.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, for computer software for the study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1988. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

LIETZ CORPORATION EDUCATION Grant recipient for survey equipment and software, Corinth Computer Project, 1988. Leitz Corporation, Overland Park, Kansas.

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, Instructional Development Computing Fund, Grant recipient, University of Pennsylvania, Athena Polias Project, 1988-1989.

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, Instructional Development Computing Fund Grant, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Athena Polias Project, 1989-1990.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the use of 3-dimensional computer modeling in the study of ancient Greek and Roman architecture, Corinth Computer Project, 1990. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1989. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1990. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

GENERATION 5 TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Grant recipient, Geographical Information Services computer software for the mapping of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project 1990. Generation 5 Technology, Denver, Colorado.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1991.

DCA ENGINEERING SOFTWARE, Grant recipient, engineering software for the study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1991. DCA Engineering, Henniker, N.H.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1992.

ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE Educational Grant, GIS software for use in the study of the mapping of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1992. ESRI, Inc., Redlands, California.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1992. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

David Gilman Romano


1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1993.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, CORINTH COMPUTER PROJECT, 1993. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1994.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1994. Autodesk, Inc., Sausalito, California.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1995.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1996. Autodesk, Inc., San Rafael, California.

SOFTDESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued

study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1996. Softdesk, Inc., Henniker, N.H.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1996.

AUTODESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1997. Autodesk, Inc., San Rafael, California.

SOFTDESK EDUCATION Grant recipient, computer software for the continued study of Roman Corinth, Corinth Computer Project, 1997. Softdesk, Inc., Henniker, N.H.

1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 1997, 1998, 1999.


1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recipient, Corinth Computer Project, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

1984 FOUNDATION Grant Recepient, Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

Samuel H. Kress Foundation Grants for Architectural Documentation at Mt. Lykaion, 2004,

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

Karabots Foundation Grants for research at Mt. Lykaion, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.

Niarchos Foundation for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania,

2007, 2008

David Gilman Romano


• Ancient Cities and City Planning CLST 035

• Introduction to Greek Archaeology CLARC 401/CS 275

• Ancient Greece: Archaeology and History CLST 120

• Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece ARTH 220/620 AAMW 620

• Supervised Work CLST 399

• Ancient Cities AAMW 414

• Ancient Athletics AAMW 413/CS 270

• Hellenistic and Roman Architecture CLARC 504

• Topography and Monuments of Athens CLST 510/AAMW 510

GIS Applications in Archaeology (with D. Tomlin) CLST 515/AAMW 515

City and Landscape of Roman Corinth CLST 625/AAMW 625

• Problems in Hellenistic Architecture CLARC 630

• Topography and Monuments of Pergamon CLARC 629

• Mapping Augustan Rome (with L. Haselberger) CLST 728/AAMW 728/ARTH 728

• Mapping Augustan Alexandria (With L. Haselberger)ARTH/CLST/AAMW 728

• Independent Study CLST 399/CLARC 999

• General Honors (Independent Study) GH 099

• Supervised Research CLARC 750

• Master's Thesis Supervision CLARC 750

• Participation in Arch. Excavation CLARC 751

CLST = Classical Studies; CLARC = Classical Archaeology

AAMW = Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

*many of the above courses have been offered more than once


• Greek and Roman City and Landscape Planning: Corinth and Athens

• The Panhellenic Sanctuaries and Ancient Athletics


• Multiple lectures, Athens and Nemea, 1977-1979.

• Multiple lectures, Corinth Excavations relating to the Corinth Computer Project,

Summers 1989-1995.


• Doctoral Dissertation Committee

Graduate Group in Religious Studies

Lynn Lidonnici

Studies in the Corpus of Epidaurian Miracle Cures, 1989

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Jennifer Tobin

The Building Program of Herodes Atticus, 1991.

David Gilman Romano


• Master's Research Paper Committee

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Toby Lynne Frank,

The Allure of Ephesian Artemis: An Eastern Goddess with Western Followers, 1988.

• Master's Thesis Committee

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Barbara Goodale

The Sebasteion at Aphrodisias, 1989.

• Master's Research Paper Advisor

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Kim Shelton

The Etruscan Mirrors in the Collection of The University Museum, 1989.

• Master's Thesis Committee Advisor

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Elizabeth Johnston

Priene: The Foresight of the Fourth Century B.C. Architect, 1990.

• Master's Research Paper Advisor

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Shelly Rogers

Three Dionysos Sculptures in the Collection of The University Museum, 1989.

• Master's Research Paper Advisor

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Michael Foundethakis

A Preliminary Study of Pergamene Building Features Associated With Attalid Stoa and Monument Dedications in Athens During the Second Century B.C., 1990.

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Lee Ann Turner

The Temple and Cult of Zeus Basileus at Lebadeia, 1994.

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member,

Graduate Group in Classical Archaeology

Chrisso Boulis

Pre-Roman Urbanization of Pompeii

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member

Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Shawna Leigh

The Aqueduct of Hadrian in Athens, 1998

David Gilman Romano


• Master’s Thesis Committee Member

Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Dimitra Andrianou

The Decoration of the Athena Nike Temple Reconsidered, 1997

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Co-supervisor

Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology

Bryn Mawr College

Dylan Bloy

The Romans at the Panhellenic Sanctuaries, 2000

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Supervsior

Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Maura Cleffi

Constructed and Perceived Neighborhoods in the Roman City

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member

Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Kelly Moody

Shaping the Landscape: Identity Negotiations in the Valle Umbria

• Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member

Graduate Group in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Peri Johnson

The Landscape of Achaemenid Paphlagonia

• Undergraduate Advisor:

Individualized Major in Classical Archaeology

Ann Capritto, B.A., 1987.

Tina Najbjerg, B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1988.

Michael Foundethakis, B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa; 1990,

M.A., Classical Archaeology 1990

Individualized Minor in Classical Archaeology

Tina Nenoff, B.A., 1987

Justin Gorence, B.A., 1988

• University Committee on Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics, 1984-1985.

• University Planning Committee on Computing in the Humanities, 1988-1990.

David Gilman Romano


Senior Thesis Advisor:

• Angela Zambrano, Department of American History, “From Working Class to

Suburbanite: A Social History of Soccer in the United States,” 2003.

• Abby Cohen, Department of Classical Studies, “A Comparison of the Sanctuary of

Demeter and Kore and the Sacred Spring in Corinth,” 2006.

• Claudia Moser, “The Phallus: An Apotropaic Image,” Department of Classical Studies, 2006.

• Christine Quinn, “The Tomb of Philip II,” Department of Classical Studies, 2007


• Curator, Ancient Olympic Games Exhibit, The University Museum, 1984.

• The University Museum Computer Committee, 1984-present.

• Editorial Advisory Committee, EXPEDITION magazine, 1984-1989.

• Responsible for initiating a long term, 8 year, schedule of renovation and renewal of the Mediterranean Section storage areas, as well as the four Section galleries. For the first year of the project, 1989-1990, the Mediterranean Section received a grant of $50,000.00 from the William Penn Foundation for renovation of our main storage facility. An additional grant from the William Penn Foundation was received (1993-1995) for the renovation of the Cypriot Basement Storage area.

• Assistant Curator, Greek Gallery Renovation and Exhibit, 1990-1994.


• American Association for the Advancement of Science

• Archaeological Institute of America

Vice-President, Philadelphia Society, 1982-1983.

Secretary/Treasurer, Philadelphia Society, 1983-1985

• Alumni Association of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Secretary/Treasurer, 1985-1988.

• Classical Association of Atlantic States

• College Art Association

• Pennsylvania Classical Association

• Philadelphia Classical Society

• American Philological Association

• Computer Applications in Archaeology

David Gilman Romano


• Originator and Director, Penn-in-Greece program, University of Pennsylvania, Summer Session, 1985, 1987, 1989.

• Consultant to The Free Library of Philadelphia for a major exhibition at Logan Circle, "The Ancient Olympic Games: Their Origins and Our Legacy," April-July 1984.

• Consultant to The University Museum for "Ancient Olympic Games Day," May 5, 1984, including a museum exhibit of material relating to ancient Greek athletics and the ancient Olympic games.

• Director, Athena Polias Project, University of Pennsylvania, 1985-1988. An innovative project to bring computerized architectural drafting and drawing into Classical Archaeology and Classical Studies courses.

• Guest Lecturer, Computer Applications in the Humanities, European Institute for Literary and Cultural Studies, Joint Program of the University of Pennsylvania and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, August 1988.

• Exhibit, "Corinth Computer Project", Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, April 1994.

• Advisory Board, Roman Perseus Project, Tufts University, 1996 -.

Traveling Lecturer of the Archaeological Institute of America:

• Cincinnati, Ohio (University of Cincinnati) 1984

• Oxford, Ohio (Miami University) 1984

• Wooster, Ohio (Wooster College) 1984

• Washington, D.C. (American University) 1985

• Philadelphia, Pa. (Bryn Mawr College) 1986

• Bloomington, Indiana (Indiana University) 1986

• Columbus, Ohio (Ohio State University) 1986

• Valparaiso, Indiana (Valparaiso University) 1986

• Western Illinois (Monmouth College) 1986

• North Carolina (Duke University) 1987

• Nashville (Vanderbilt University) 1987

• Lynchburg (Randolph-Macon Woman's College) 1987

• Kansas City-Lawrence (University of Kansas) 1991

• Central Missouri (University of Missouri) 1991

• St. Louis (St. Louis Art Museum) 1991

*Boston (Tufts University) 1998

• *Tucson (University of Arizona) 2002, 2008

• *Boulder (University of Colorado) 2004

Lecturer at:

• Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana (1980,1986)

• The Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pa. (1982, 1999, 2002)

• Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. (1983)

• Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois (1984)

• Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa. (1984)

• Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. (1984,1989)

• The Free Library of Philadelphia, (1984)

• Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. (1985, 2005)

• Tampa Museum, Tampa, Florida (1985)

David Gilman Romano


Lecturer at:

• Hellenic Cultural Society of Rochester (1986)

• Villanova University, Villanova, Pa. (1987)

• Stockton State University (1988, 2004)

• Legendary World of the Aegean Cruise, The University Museum (1988)

• Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (1988)

• Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa (1988,1989,1990,1991,1992)

• Widener University, Chester, Pa. (1989)

• Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. (1989)

• Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. (1989)

• The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia (1990, 2002)

• Classical Humanities Society of South Jersey (1991)

• Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia (1991)

• The Library of Congress (1993)

• Atlanta Committee for The Olympic Games (1993)

• The Arts Club of Washington, DC. (1994)

• The Legacy of Ancient Greece Study Tour, The University Museum (1996)

• American Academy in Rome (1996)

• University of Pennsylvania Alumni, Cleveland, Ohio (1996)

• The Episcopal Academy, Merion, Pa. (1994, 1997)

• Drexel University (1997)

• The University of Oxford, via video conference (1997)

• Hellenic-University Club of Philadelphia (1998, 2004a, 2004b)

• Washington University, St. Louis, Philadelphia Alumni (1998, 2003)

• College of the Holy Cross (1998, 2003)

Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna (2000)

• Camden County College (2000)

• Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire (2000)

• University of Pennsylvania Alumni, Metro New Jersey (2000)

• Ursinus College (2001)

• The Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester (2001)

• The Hill School (2001)

• The Shipley School (2002)

• University of Arizona (2002, 2003, 2005)

• Hellenic Cultural Foundation, Tucson (2003, 2005)

• University of Colorado (2004)

• Alvernia College (2004)

• Hellenic University Club, Wilmington, Delaware (2004)

David Gilman Romano


• American Journal of Ancient History

• American Philosophical Society

• American School of Classical Studies, Publication Office

• Archaeological Institute of America

• Classical World

• Computer Applications in Archaeology

• Expedition

• Geophysical Research Letters

• Journal of Roman Archaeology

• The New Yorker

• National Endowment for the Humanities

• National Geographic Magazine

• National Science Foundation

• Princeton University Press

• University of California Press


• WGUC, Cincinnati, Ohio, "Humanities Journal," on the subject of myths and realities of the ancient Olympic games, March 20, 1984.

WFLN, Philadelphia, Pa., "Collier at Large," on the subject of the ancient Olympic

games, March 22, 1984.

• National Public Radio "Morning Edition" Interview with Bob Edwards on the subject of amateurism and the ancient Olympic Games, July 23, 1984.

• WDVT, Philadelphia, Pa., on the subject of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, November 25, 1985.

• ABC Radio News, October 2000, on the subject of the Ancient Olympic Games.

• WXPN News, Philadelphia, October 2000, on the subject of the Ancient Olympic Games.

• WXPN News, NPR Philadelphia. June 2004, on the subject of the First Day of Issue of the USPS Olympic stamp.

• WHYY News, NPR, Philadelphia, July 2004, on the subject of the ancient Olympic Games.

• WHYY News, NPR, Philadelphia, July 2004, on the subject of the ancient and modern marathon race.

• Finnish Broadcasting Company, Radio News, Helsinki, August 2004, on the subject of the ancient Olympic Games.


• CBS "Nightwatch" on the subject of Greek Archaeology and the ancient Olympic games, July 22, 1984.

• The Ancient Olympic Games: Athletes, Games and Heroes, educational video shown on multiple PBS stations, summer 1996.

• “Philadelphia Primetime” with Gary Papa, on the subject of the Corinth Computer Project, Channel 6 TV, January 3, 1998.

• Discovery Channel Europe, October 2004.


Available on request

May 23, 2008


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