Trivia Pursuit review game for Human Geography Directions: Print the cards in color front and back. The first two pages after these instructions are page 1 and page 2 (which are one sheet) on card stock then laminate for best results. Cut out each card - each sheet contains 6 cards. You will need a trivia pursuit game board and game pieces to play; each game supports 7 players. I got several at garage sales, but you could probably ask parents to donate. The last two sheets are blank in case you want to add some questions of your own.The color coding corresponds to the different units of the APHG outline, N (blue) = Nature and Perspective, P (pink) = Population, C (yellow) = culture, P (brown) = Political Organization of Space A (green) = Agriculture and Rural Land Use, U/I (orange) = Urban Land Use and Industrialization/Development.You may need to “play” with the font and margins so the cards match up depending on your printer/computer/version of word.NWhich of geography's five themes examines the arrangement of road networks?NWhat term does a geographer use to identify such human phenomena as roads, ports, and rail systems?NWhat does a large scale map show?PReplacement rate, the number of births needed to keep a population at a stable level without immigration, requires a total fertility ofPCountries with aging populations attempt to stimulate economic growth to lessen the effect of rising medical and retirement costs by PThe arithmetic density of population for a country is determined by dividing the total population by what?CA people who are a part of a culture that does not have a written language are said to be:CWhat was the major result of the journeys and voyages of Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus?CThe imprint of cultures on the land creates distinct and characteristic ___________________.PUse your mental map to classify the boundaries that define Colorado:PAt the global scale, political geographers study the spatial manifestations of political processes expressed in the organization of territories with permanent population, defined territory and a government. These spatial units are calledPThe present number of countries and territories in the world is aroundAWhat was the first prerequisite for the start of urbanization?AWhat agricultural factors had the greatest effect in proving the demographic theorist Thomas Malthus incorrect?AWhat were the results from the British enclosure movement in the 1850s?U/IWhat invention has most affected the development of suburbs in the United States?U/IOn what principle is the hierarchy of urban places primarily based?U/IWhere is urbanization occurring most rapidly?NWhen certain maps identifying the physical features of a place or region include contour lines, their purpose is to show what?NWhat is a map in which data are assigned to class intervals and colors or patterns are used to distinguish magnitude of occurrences called?NThe situation of a place is best described by:PThe problem with using arithmetic population density to investigate the population pattern of a country is that such a density figure does not take into considerationPThe number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land is thePThe world’s three largest population concentrations are all found on the same landmass, which isCCulture groups have varying ideas and attitudes about space, place, and territory. This is called:CFrom their sources, cultural innovations and ideas spread to other areas. This process is calledCThis area deals with the role of culture in human understanding, use and alteration of the environmentPRobert Sack’s view of human territorial behavior implies an expression of control over space and time. This control is closely related to the concept ofPThe Peace of Westphalia is the seminal moment in the emergence of the European state. This marked the end ofPThe promotion of the acquisition of wealth through plunder, colonization, and the protection of home industries and foreign markets during Europe’s rebirth was calledAIn von Thünen's theory, the key variable in an agricultural location decision isAWhat is shifting cultivation?AWhere would you most likely find the greatest concentration of feedlots in America?U/IThe term Urban Realm came into use to describe the spatial components of a metropolis of what decade?U/IThe term hinterland refers to:U/IThis term refers to the process by which a city attracts tourists to come and visit, and then uses the money to pay for road improvements and other city expenses:NSmall areaNInfrastructureNMovementPpopulation by the total areaPpromoting immigrationP2.1Ccultural landscapes Cincrease in trade among the world's regions Cpreliterate P200PstatesPgeometric Aagricultural efficiency increased, urban migration increased, feudal village life was disrupted , communal fields were consolidated AImproved fertilizers and crop strains AAgricultural surplusU/Ipoorer, less developed countries U/Ipopulation and their function and services U/Ithe automobileNwhere it is located in respect to other placesNChoropleth mapNDifferences in elevationPEurasiaPphysiologic densityPinternal clustering of people within the countryCcultural environmentsCcultural diffusionCcultural perceptionPMercantilismPthe Thirty Years War.PsovereigntyAUpper MidwestAPrimarily a subsistence practice, it involves a farmer using a plot and then abandoning it for possible return at a later time.ATransportation costsU/Icommercialization U/Ithe land beyond the city U/I1990's NHierarchical diffusion is a type of which diffusion?NLatitude and longitude may be used to determine which type of location?NThe prime meridian from which longitude is measured runs through which city in Great Britain?PAssociated with the East Asian population cluster are ribbon-like extensions of dense population penetrating the interior. These extensions representPAbout ___ percent of the world’s population is concentrated in China.PThe European population axis is directly related to the CThese are sources, or crucibles, of cultural growth and achievement that developed in Eurasia, Africa, and America.CA single attribute of a culture is aCAn assemblage of culture regions forms the most highly generalized regionalization of culture and geography on the world map, a:PWhat ultimately proved to be the undoing of monarchical absolutism and its system of patronage during Europe’s rebirth?PThe rise of the modern state idea, where territory defined society rather than society defining territory, swept through Europe in thePYugoslavia was a prime example of aAWhat was the focus of the Green Revolution?AWhat are the key assumptions in von Thünen's agricultural location model of an isolated state?AWhat percentage of the U.S. population is engaged in agriculture?U/IThe minimum market size needed to support a central place function is called:U/IThe maximum distance people are willing to travel to obtain a central place functionU/IThe position of a city within the hierarchy is determined byNWhat is the maximum number of degrees of latitude that can be measured on the Earth?NWhat is the one problem common to all map projections?NThe location of a place in relationship to other places or features around it is called:PIn comparison to Asia, the percentage of the population living in urban places in Germany and the United Kingdom is PBirths and _______ add to the population growth of a particular countryPToday, world population doubling time is CCulture complexes have traits in common, so it is possible to group certain complexes together as:CMore than one culture may exhibit a particular culture trait, but each will consist of a discrete combination of traits. This is referred to as aCSub Saharan Africa is an example of a:PThe European state idea spread throughout the world throughPOne of the most powerful impacts of colonialism was the construction of global order characterized by great differences inPThe highly uneven distribution of economic and political power that developed from colonialism was due to the concentration of wealth brought toAWhat is subsistence agriculture?ABio-genetically engineering now allows the growing of new strains in more arid regions of the Plains States to meet the demand of the ___________ industry.AOrganic food in the United States now constitutes _____ percent of the total food production.U/IA market area is an example what type of region?U/ILand value ________ as distance from CBD _______.U/IThe transformation of large areas of land from rural to urban uses is called:NGreenwichNAbsoluteNExpansion DiffusionPorientation of Europe’s coalfieldsPAbout 1/6Pbasins and lowlands of China’s major ulture realm Cculture trait Cculture hearths Pmulti-state nationP1600sPgrowing economic power of merchantsA2%AThe isolated state involves flat, uninterrupted land without barriers to farming or transportation, Harvests are transported by accessing the most direct routes Farmers wish to maximize their profits by minimizing their transportation costs.Areducing starvation in less-developed countries U/Itypes of central place functions it provided U/IrangeU/IthresholdNRelative locationNDistortionN180?Pincreasing (i.e. taking longer to double)PimmigrationPgreater than AsiaCculture realm Cculture complex Cculture systems PEuropePeconomic and political powerPEuropean colonialismATwo percentAbio-diesel fuelAcharacterized by production of food for consumption by the farmers and their familiesU/IsuburbanizationU/IDecreases, increasesU/Ifunctional regionNThe spread of ideas, knowledge, and skills from their places of origin to other areas where they are adopted is called:NHow is the spatial perspective demonstrated?NWhat is diffusion?PAt the present rate of births and deaths in the world, we are adding about _____ million inhabitants every year. PIn 2002, the world population grew at a rate of just over ___ percent.PMost of the countries with low population growth rates are also among the wealthiest. An exception to this would be CThe wearing of a turban in Muslim society is an example of a:CThe ancient culture hearths all achieved breakthroughs in:CThe spread of Islam is an example of: what type of diffusion?PWallerstein’s views expressed in world systems theory hold that the global integrating force has beenPThe emergence of a global capitalistic economy began to develop aboutPThe boundaries of independent African states were drawn at the Berlin Conference and were essentially drawnAWhere is demand for organic foods the greatest?AGuatemala’s agricultural sector produces 22.7% of the country’s GDP and employs _____% of the labor forceAThe ratio of percent of labor force to percent of GDP in the agricultural sector of Canada (3% of labor force : 2.3% of GDP) indicates that Canada’s agricultural sector is ______________ intensive.U/IThe high cost of a downtown location now outweighs the advantages of locating near other like industries. Publishing companies have begun to move from New York to as far away as Florida and Texas. The process referred to is:U/IThe earliest civilization was found in:U/IThe least urbanized and most rapidly urbanizing realm in the world isNName Pattison’s Four Traditions.NThe imprint of cultures on the land creates distinct and characteristic cultural ___________________.NThe notion that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place is a definition of:PIn the 1970’s, the government of India used this method to reduce the population growth rates in certain areas of the country. PThe statistics that report the number of deaths per thousand people in a given year is called: PLow population growth resulting from high CBR and very high CDR is characteristic of stage ____ of the demographic transitionCThis type of diffusion takes place through populations that are stable and fixed, so that the innovation, idea or disease does the moving:CThe process by which a culture is substantially changed through interaction with another culture is called:CRegional variants of a standard language are:PThe movement of power from the central government regional governments is referred to asPWhat country has experienced violent devolution?PIn 1997 Scotland took a major devolutionary step with the establishment of AHunter-gatherers living in the vicinity of the Pacific Ocean specialized in __________.AAccording to Carl Sauer, the earliest plant domestication was probably associated with what type of crop?AWhere do most scholars believe that seed cultivation (First Agricultural Revolution) occurred?U/IWhere are the fastest growing megacities located?U/IOutskirts are to towns, as _________ are to cities:U/IWhat percent of the world's population is urbanized?Nthe spread of ideas or knowledge from areas of origin to places where they are adopted NThrough the use of mapsNDiffusionPRussiaP1.4 P80Cboth contagious and expansion diffusion Cagriculture Cculture trait ParbitrarilyP1450PcapitalismAmachineA50 percentACore regionsU/IAfrica south of the Sahara U/IMesopotamiaU/IdeglomerationNsequent occupanceNLandscapesNEarth-Science tradition, Culture-Environment tradition, Location Tradition, Area-Analysis TraditionPIPthe crude death or mortality ratePforced sterilization of males Cdialects Cacculturation Cexpansion Pthe Scottish ParliamentPYugoslaviaPdevolutionAFertile crescentArootASalmon fishingU/I50U/Isuburbs U/ISouth and East Asia NWhat brings us closer to knowing what Geography is all about?NWho is responsible for the term cultural landscape?NAccording to environmental determinism, where is the ideal culture?PIn Europe the marked decline of the birth rate was the result ofPA population pyramid with a wide base and narrow top is indicative ofPA developed country that has reached a stage where the population is most stable will develop a population pyramid that is __________. CThis term refers to denote any common language spoken by peoples with different native tongues:CAfrican languages here in the Caribbean in the years following the first involuntary migration faded away and were replaced by an ever more complex pidgin. This important form of language replacement is referred to as:CA country is considered _________ if only one language is spoken:PIn Italy, the Northern League’s desire for independence was based on the economic difference between the northern Po region and the southern Mezzogiorno. These differences are attributed toPDistance, remoteness and marginal location enhance the potential for devolution. This form of devolution is referred to asPThe process of adjustment of the number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives to reflect shifts in population patterns is known asAAccording to Spencer and Thomas, each agricultural hearth was associated with a local grouping of plants. For example, taro. yams, and bananas are associated with the _______________ hearth.AOften crops are associated with regions other than the one in which they were developed. For example, the “Irish” or “Idaho” potato originated in the Andean Highlands. Corn of the American “Corn Belt” originated inAGoats were domesticated 10,000 years ago in the Zagros Mountain region ofU/IA settlement's functions as well as its economic reach produce a measure of its ___________U/IA locational factor the affects the development of cities and towns is known as:U/IThe creator of Central Place Theory was:NA graduated circle map is a type ofNFashion may spread through which type of diffusion?NThe type of diffusion in which industrialization spread to parts of Africa would be:PHighest rates of infant mortality are found in this region.PThe lowest infant mortality rate among countries with large populations is inPSub-Saharan Africa’s high mortality rate is strongly influenced byCThis was an invented language based on Latin and a combination of words from modern European languages. It was meant to create a world language that would eventually become the first or second language of all peoples everywhereCSpanish, Italian and French all derived from what language?CThis involved the analysis of discrete stages of settlement at a given location, the differences between stages representing geographic change through time:PA boundary between countries is aPThe boundary between the United States and Canada west of the Great Lakes is an example of a(n) ___________ boundary. PGeometric boundaries, totally unrelated to any aspects of the cultural or physical landscape, were made considerable use of by the colonial powers inAwere domesticated in and came to be an important cultural feature ofAOf the 148 species of large herbivore (over 100 lbs.) _______ have been domesticated and all of these were domesticated over 4,500 years ago.AA form of tropical subsistence agriculture in which fields are rotated after short periods of crop production isU/ICities in what region have not yet experienced the dispersal of the US and today remain more compact and clusteredU/IJobs in which workers are engaged in either the production of goods or performance of services for areas and people outside of the city, constitute which sector of the city's total economic structure?U/IJobs in which workers support themselves by producing goods and services for consumption within the city or by residents of the city and do not generate new money for the city are:NWestern EuropeNCarl SauerNHow the location of places affects other placesPrectangular shaped Pdeveloping countriesPthe effects of Industrialization, urbanization, and general modernization.Cmonolingual Ccreolization Clingua franca PgerrymanderingPspatial devolutionPcore-periphery processesAthe Fertile CrescentACentral AmericaASoutheast AsianU/IChristaller U/Iboth site and situation U/Icentrality NStimulusNHierarchicalNproportional symbol map PAIDSPJapanPCentral Africa Csequent occupance CLatin CEsperanto PAfricaPgeometricPvertical plane that cuts through the rocks below and air above.Ashifting cultivationA14ACentral AsiaU/Iservice or nonbasic sector U/IbasicU/IEurope NIn which type of diffusion would the number of people knowing the information increase?NThe theory that human behavior is strongly affected by, and even controlled or determined by, the environment refers to:NIn which type of diffusion would the number of people knowing a piece of information stay the same?PPopulation policies which favor the promotion of birth control among certain groups in the population (ethnic, religious, or socio-economic groups) are referred to asPTrue/False: The majority of Egypt’s 70 million inhabitants are distributed evenly around the country.PCensus records are not accurate for all countries.CThe youngest world religion is:CThe predominant Baptist region of the United States is found:CBuddhism was born in:PThe first political geographer who studied the state in detail was Friedrich Ratzel who postulated that the state resembles a biological organism. His organic theory identified ______________ as a state’s essential life giving force.PRatzel’s organic theory was converted into a subfield of political geography called geopolitics which was subsequently translated into practical national policies by some of his students. What country used geopolitics as a philosophy of expansion?PFollowing the disintegration of the former Soviet Union the only surviving superpower wasAMilpa agriculture involves the _________ method of clearing fields.A About how many people practice shifting cultivation in the world today?ASecond Agricultural Revolution can generally be traced to Europe within what time frame?U/IThe maximum distance consumers will travel to obtain a product or service refers to:U/ISituation refers to :U/IThese are part of the new suburban landscape, found at the intersections of highway networks often including offices, residences, and entertainment venues:NIt is estimated that _____ of the world’s population is seriously malnourished.NMuch of Kenya’s income comes from:NThe set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships and heightening interdependence regardless of national boundaries are called __________PTrue/False: More than half of the world’s entire population is concentrated in East AsiaPTrue/False: In all demographic cases, the higher the birth rate, the shorter the doubling timePTrue/False: Some countries have declining populations, which is a negative population growth rate.CThe spread of Islam from its Arabian source area is a classic example of what type of diffusion?CThe world's most populous Muslim nation is:CThe idea of a homeland for the Jewish people developed into the ideology of:PTechnically supranationalism refers to efforts by ______ or more states to forge associations for common advantage and in pursuit of common goals.PThe League of Nations was created in 1919 as the first international organization that would include all nations of the world. Its success was dealt a serious blow by the failure of what country to join?POne move by the old League of Nations that would have a critical impact in the second half of the twentieth century involvedAWhich commodity would be found closest to the market town in von Thunen’s model?ABy 1992, the most widely grown crop variety on Earth was a product of the Green Revolution called IR36, which was a variety ofAIn the 1940s, American philanthropists funded research on this crop. By 1960, Mexico no longer depended on imports as production had risen dramatically. The crop isU/IThe idea of a metropolitan statistical area came from:U/IThe layout of a city, the physical form and structure, is referred to asU/IHuman communities have existed for 100,00 years, but some did not start to grow into larger places until about _______ years ago.NRelocation diffusionNenvironmental determinismNboth expansion and contagiousPTrue PFalse Peugenics. Cnorthern India Cin the deep South CIslam Pthe United States.PNazi GermanyPspaceAseventeenth and eighteenth centuryAbetween 150 million and 200 millionAburningU/Iedge cities U/Irelative locationU/Irange NglobalizationNcoffee and tea productionN1/6thPTruePFalsePFalse CZionism CIndonesia CBoth contagious and expansion diffusionPmaritime boundariesPthe United StatesPthreeACorn (maize)AriceAmilkU/I8,000U/Iurban morphologyU/Ithe U.S. Bureau of the Census NThe branch of geography that focuses upon natural landforms, climate, soils and vegetation of the Earth is:NThe importance of the spatial approach that geographers use in their studies is that it shows:NBy the time the last great cholera pandemic began in 1865, people knew to take precautions against _____ and ended the great waves of cholera.PTrue/False A population with both a high fertility and a high mortality rate has a broad-based population pyramid.PTrue/False During the demographic transition, the drop in birth and death rates is equal.PTrue/False Women tend to outlive men and in Russia their life expectancy may be 14 years longer than the male population.CThe two sects of Islam are:CThe first language ever spoken by Homo sapiens was called:CAccording to the agricultural theory, the proposed source of the Proto-Indo-European language is located where?PParticipation in the United Nations serves the useful purpose of committing states toPThe United Nations is not a world government, but in recent years individual states have asked the United Nations to do a number of different things, the most expensive of which isPThe first major experiment in regional supranationalism was undertaken in Europe before World War II and involved the three countriesAThe average size of a family farm in China is ________ acres.AThe rectangular land division scheme in the United States adopted after the American Revolution is quite unique. Its correct name is:AThe basic unit of the township-and-range system, the section, has an area ofU/IWhere did the first urban development originate?U/I________________ processes in the commodity chain involve technology, education, research and development, and high wages.U/IWhat structures dominated the urban landscape of the ancient Mesopotamian cities?NWhich geographical theme would involve the study of the impact of the drainage of part of the Florida Everglades?N_________________ refers to the infusing of a locality with meaning and emotion.NThe degree of direct linkage between one particular location and other locations in a transport network is referred to as:PTrue/False Low life expectancy in Africa can be partly attributed to the ravages of AIDS.PCuban illegal immigrants who actually make it to the United States’ shores will be PToday, an estimated ___________ illegal immigrants live in the United States. CAnatolia is modern day:CAnimistic religions are centered on the belief that:CThe caste system is a part of which religion?PThe Marshall Plan was a post-WW II endeavor by the United States to economically revivePWhat country do members of the European community worry will dominate the entire group?PAs of 2005, which major European Union nation has not entered the Euro Monetary Zone?AThe most prevalent rural residential pattern in the world’s agricultural areas is ______.AThe form of villages still existing in many rural landscapes that are reminders of a of a turbulent past is _______________AThe Spanish invaders of Middle America, centuries ago, laid out villages and towns in what form?U/IWhich feature typical of ancient urbanization was not present in the Nile River Valley hearth?U/IAncient cities were not large by modern standards. The cities of Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley probably had populations ofU/IAthens may have been the largest city in the world at the time of its existence, with a population estimated atNcontaminated waterNthe arrangement and organization of things on the surface to the EarthNphysical geographyPTruePFalsePTrueCAnatolia Cthe Mother Tongue CSunni and Shiite Pthe Netherlands, Belgium, and LuxembourgPpeacekeepingPinternational standards of behaviorAOne square mileAtownship-and-range systemA5U/ItemplesU/ICoreU/ISouthwest AsiaNconnectivityNSense of placeNhuman-environmentP10,000,000 Pallowed to stay. PTrueCHinduism Cinanimate objects possess spirits CTurkey PGreat BritainPGermanyPEuropeAgridAwalledAnucleatedU/I250,000U/I10,000 to 15,000U/Idefensive wallsNGeographer Carl O. Sauer is most closely connected with:NThe coordinates of absolute location are useful mainly in determining exact:NThe physical location of a place using the Earth latitude-longitude grid is properly called the:PThe vast majority of legal agricultural workers in Canada arePThe type of movement that involves journeys that begin at and brings us back to our home base is called PCommuters in Washington, DC may travel up to _____ miles each way to work daily. CThis theory said that early speakers of Proto-Indo-European spread westward on horseback, overpowering earlier inhabitants and beginning the diffusion and differentiation of Latin, Germanic, and Slovonic languagesCThe Proto-language had words for certain landforms, trees and other features of the natural landscape. Such information:CLong ago, people speaking different languages were forced to find ways to communicate for trade. This need resulted in the emergence of:PThe European Union’s future expansion into the Muslim realm by the inclusion of __________ is highly controversial and strongly opposed by Greece.PTrue/False In Europe prior to the mid-1600s, sovereignty was expressed over people rather than over a territoryPTrue/False Once a body of people is incorporated within a political boundary they are a nation.ATwenty-five percent of world sugar production takes place outside of the tropical plantation region (U.S.A. Western Europe, Russia) and is produced from _____________________.AWhere is much of the cotton purchased by the United Kingdom, Western Europe, and Japan is grown?AWhere were rubber trees first tapped?U/IThe Parthenon of Athens is a structure typical of ancient Greek cities. It is a(n)U/IRome created a huge urban system. The integration of the Roman Empire was greatly facilitated by aU/IExpanding on the Greek city's theater, the Romans built the world's firstNThe location of a place in relationship to other places or features around it is called:NThe mental map you have of places you routinely visit is a map of your:NExcept for South and Southeast Asia, what ocean influences the moistest areas of the world?PMost nomadic movement takes place according to travel patterns that arePWhich type of movement creates your activity space?PA periodic form of movement that involves a system of pastoral farming whereby livestock and their keepers adjust their location to the seasonal availability of pastures is called:CThe term meaning indifference to or rejection of religious ideas is:CWhich language is changing the cultural composition of the United States?CWhere does the majority of the world's Hindu's live?PTrue/False Belgium is an example of a nation-state where nation and state coincide within boundaries.PTrue/False According to Hartshorne, centrifugal forces work to build a nation-state.PTrue/False As a federal state Nigeria vests judicial power in the various states. This is illustrated by the prevalence of Sharia law in Nigeria’s Muslim north.AThe colonial powers transplanted rubber trees to _________ from Brazil.ACoffee was domesticated in Ethiopia. Today, 70% of production is in ______AFair trade coffee buyers certify that ____ % of the retail price of their coffee goes to the coffee growers.U/IThe relative location of a city refers to itsU/IThe manufacturing city (post Industrial Revolution) first emerged inU/IThe word “development” impliesNabsolute locationNdistance and directionsNcultural landscapeP100 PcyclicPMexicans. Ca lingua franca Chelps reveal the environment in which a language may have developed CConquest TheoryPFalsePTruePTurkeyAnorthern South America’s Amazon BasinAThe United StatesAsugar beetsU/IstadiumU/Itransportation systemU/IacropolisNAtlanticNactivity spacesNrelative locationPtranshumancePcyclicPrepeated time and time again. CIndia CSpanish Csecularism PTruePFalsePFalseA40 percentAMiddle and South AmericaASoutheast AsiaU/IprogressU/Ithe British MidlandsU/IsituationNThe concern of geography with space puts _________ at the center of its agenda.NA good example of a formal region would be a:NA good example of a functional region would be:P A common form of periodic movement involving as many as 10 million Americans is PThe long-term relocation of an individual, household, or group to a new location outside the community of origin is called PDuring the first decades of the twentieth century, African American families in the United States migrated primarily toCWhat belief system did the Soviet Union try to force upon its people?C________________ culture is conceived as small, incorporating a homogeneous population, typically rural and cohesive in cultural traitsCA group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a community and who share experience, customs, and traits are referred to as aPTrue/False The Rio Grande River is a geometric boundary separating the United States and Mexico.PTrue/False Devolution is affecting many countries in the world today.PTrue/False Gerrymandering refers to electoral redistricting in order to gain a political advantage.AThe world’s leading exporter of rice is __________.ARice cultivation in Southeast Asia is largely a ________________ activity.AWhat form of agriculture refers to a particular climate?U/IIn a model urban hierarchy, the population of a city, town or village is inversely proportional to its rank in the system (i.e. if the largest city is 4 million the second will be 2 million or , the third will be and so on). This is known asU/IA hinterland reveals the _________ of each settlement.U/IParis and Mexico City are many times larger than the second-ranked city in their respective countries. Their disproportionate size illustratesNThe concept of culture is closely identified with:NCultural geographers identify a single element of normal practice (e.g. cattle herding) as:NA cultural complex is defined asPIn the United States during the late twentieth century, internal migration streams were moving people from POn average, an American citizen moves approximately every ___ years. PInternal migration in Peru is fairly simple with the majority of migrants moving toCIn terms of popular culture, cities like Paris, New York, and Milan are referred to asCThe fact that trends in popular culture (e.g. fashion) proceed from large global centers (Milan, Paris, New York) through a series of progressively smaller cities is an example ofCThe changes in local culture brought about by the onslaught of popular culture tend to disrupt __________. PTrue/False Disputes over water (e.g. among Syria, Turkey, and Iraq over the Euphrates) are examples of allocational boundary disputes.PTrue/False The League of Nations intervened to aid Ethiopia when attacked by Italy in the mid-1930s.PTrue/False Mackinder’s heartland theory of geopolitics maintained that world domination would be exercised through sea power.AIn recent years, many wooded areas in ___________ have been deforested to provide beef for hamburgers for fast-food chains in the United States.ATrue/False Hunters and gatherers cannot live in permanent settlementsATrue/False Agriculture started in one location and then diffused all over the worldU/IThe response of the urban system of the American South and Southwest to the influx of migrants over the past three decades conforms with predictions of central place theory. This is called the ________ phenomenon.U/IIn Burgess' concentric zone model, the zone of transition becameU/IPeter Muller's analysis of suburbanization indicated that suburbs wereNa city and its surrounding regionNregion of similar languageNscalePthe north. Pmigration. Pmilitary service. Clocal cultureCFolk CAtheism PTruePTruePFalseAMediterraneanAsubsistenceAthe United StatesU/Ithe concept of the primate cityU/Ieconomic reachU/Irank-size ruleNa discrete combination of traits, for example Masaai cattle herdingNa culture traitNanthropologyPLima. P6Peast to west and north to ustomsChierarchical diffusionChearthsPFalsePFalsePTrueAFalseAFalseACentral and South AmericaU/Ievolving into a self-sufficient urban entity with its own economic and cultural components.U/Ideteriorated with more CBD encroachment.U/ISunbeltNThe spread of ideas, cultural traits, knowledge and skills from their place of origin to other area where they are adopted is called:NHagerstrand emphasized that culture hearths should be viewed in the context of ______ as well as space.NThe greater the distance form the hearth the less likely an innovation will be adopted. This is referred to as:PIrish migration to North America in the mid-1800s is an example of PGender studies of migration indicate that men ______________ than women.PThe smallest number of slaves involved in the Atlantic slave trade was sent toCGovernment efforts to discourage native practice and languages in the United States and Canada were attempts to _____________ native groupsCEfforts to conserve local cultures often focus on the local ____________.CBuying a Native American styled dream catcher at a Wal-Mart store would possibly be an example of PTrue/False . NAFTA is a North American supranational association for mutual economic benefit.PTrue/False Critical geopolitics emphasizes the analysis of diplomatic and power relations between various state groupings.PTrue/False . Huntington’s thesis in The Clash of Civilization is similar to Wallerstein’s view that international relations are reducible to economic rather than cultural factors.AAfter petroleum, the second most important (by value) legally traded commodity in the world is _____________.AShifting cultivation is characterized by the practice of rotating ________ to maintain soil fertility.ACharacteristic of intensive subsistence agriculture is the great amount of ________ required for attaining high yields.U/IThe multiple nuclei model of urban structure developed by Harris and Ullman arose from the idea that _______ was losing its dominant position in the metropolitan city.U/IThe core of a city is called theU/IWhat term came into use to describe the spatial components of the metropolis of the late twentieth century?NThe lack of penetration of alcoholic beverages in Islamic regions illustrates the effect of ______________________ on cultural diffusion.NThe diffusion of the idea of the hamburger to India but with a vegetable patty instead of the religiously prohibited beef is an example of:NThe spread of disease where nearly all adjacent individuals are affected is an example of:PBetween 1788 and 1838, tens of thousands of convicts were shipped from Britain to which continent? PWhat is the model which states that spatial interaction between places (e.g. migration) is directly related to the population size and inversely related to the distance between them? PAccording to Ravenstein, migrants who move longer distances tend to chooseCThe building of a sense of community identity around the idea of “Swedish-ness” in Lindsborg, Kansas is an example of CUrban local cultures as in Brooklyn, New York and North End Boston, Massachusetts are seen as positive examples of _____________, places of cultural persistence. CGeographer, David Harvey, refers to the increasing speed by which innovations in popular culture diffuse as PWhy are capital cities of interest to political geographers?PPolitical geographers argue that progress toward a unified Europe depends on:PWhat best characterized the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?AFor the most part, at least in its first decades, the Green Revolution targeted ________ for improvements.AAn organism that has had its DNA modified in a laboratory rather than through cross-pollination or other forms of evolution is known as a __________________.AGlobally, 24,000 people per day die from complications associated with under nutrition. Ultimately, the core cause of under nutrition is _________.U/IAfter 1970, new suburban downtowns (edge cities) were spawned in the outer city of Los Angeles, with their leading concentrations where?U/IIn the Latin American city, where are the homes of the most impoverished and unskilled residents?U/IA structural element of many Latin American cities, the disamenity sector, is illustrated by theNdistance decayNtimeNdiffusionPBritish North America.Pare more mobile , migrate farther, have more employment choices and incomePmigration which reflects both forced and voluntary aspects of ultural appropriationCcustoms CassimilatePFalsePFalsePTrueAlaborAfieldsAcoffeeU/Iurban realmsU/Icentral business district (CBD).U/Ithe CBDNcontagious diffusionNstimulus diffusionNcultural barriersPbig-city destinationsPgravity model PAustraliaCtime-space compressionCethnic neighborhoodsCneolocalismPmilitary alliancePthe establishment of a common and stable currencyPTypically capital cities symbolize the cultural and historic identity of their countries.ApovertyAGMOAgrains like riceU/Ibarrios or favelas.U/Ion the outermost zone or peripheral fringeU/Inear key freeway intersections.NTrue/False: Chicago would appear larger on a map with a scale of 1:50,000 than on a map with a scale 1:1,000,000.NTrue/False: A general reference map displays a single category of data or a specific spatial distribution.NTrue/False: A large-scale map depicts a smaller area with more detail than a small-scale mapPWhat push factor compelled more than 50,000 Asians to leave Uganda in 1972?PEuropean migration to colonies reached its peak during the period PEuropean colonialism stimulated the movement of ___________ to the cities (islands of development) of Southeast Asia where they have become a significant minority population. CThe growth in the size of the audience of Phish in its college band days was the result of CGlobalized popular culture can be picked up and reproduced by people in the context of their local culture. This is referred to asCAccording to E. Relph, the term which best captures the quality of the American landscape which is associated with the spread of popular culture isPSome nations are stateless; this means:PThe political system in which the leader is deemed to be under divine guidance is called:POne of the three stages of boundary evolution is delimitation. This stage consists of:AIn shifting cultivation, about how long are fields generally worked?AThe third agricultural revolution occurred in what century?AWhich region has benefited the least from the green revolution?U/IMost African central cities actually have how many CBD's?U/IThe focal point of the Southeast Asian city is theU/IIn Southeast Asian cities the alien commercial zone is dominated byNTrue/False: At the scale of the metropolitan area, the tendency over the last century has been a spreading out of the population to suburbs.NTrue/False: When describing the scale of a printed map as a ratio or fraction, the unit of measurement for distance is irrelevant.NTrue/False: Isolines on maps never split, intersect, or cross each other.PIn terms of total number of refugees, _____ is the geographic realm most severely affected by refugee problems. PThe intervention of what country in the civil war in Afghanistan caused great numbers of refugees to leave the country? PToday, the largest refugee numbers in Southeast Asia are reported from CTrue/False A group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or a community, who share customs and traits are referred to as a local culture.CTrue/False Popular cultures can change rapidly in periods as short as days or even hours.CTrue/False Local cultures are distinctive in that they are stable over timePThe word state comes from the Latin word status, meaning:PThe European state model first diffused from:PThe European state model was exported through migration and colonialism, but it has not always worked well. In which part of the world has it been least effective?AIn a dry climate with cold winters, which grain would least likely be cultivated?ATrue/False Hunting and gathering is typically associated with non-commercial, primitive subsistence agricultural systems.ATrue/False Subsistence agriculture began to replace hunting and gathering with the advent of the first agricultural revolution.U/IComparing Luanda, Angola to a suburb of Tokyo, one is struck by the fact that the urban morphology reflects the fact that Angola lacks a __________ class.U/IIf cities in the poorer parts of the world share a common characteristic, it may result fromU/ISegregation in the United States was reinforced by the financial practice known asNTrueNFalseNtruePChineseP1835-1935. PUgandan leader Idi Amin expelled them.CplacelessnessCreterritorializationCcontagious diffusionPmarking the boundary on the ground by steel posts or fencesPtheocracy Pthey do not possess a national territory AAfricaAtwentiethA5-7 yearsU/IChineseU/Iold colonial port zoneU/IthreeNTrueNTrueNtruePMyanmar (Burma). Pthe Soviet Union Ptropical AfricaCFalseCTrueCTruePnon-WesternPGreece Pstanding ATrueATrueAriceU/IredliningU/Ian absence of enforced zoning regulationsU/ImiddleNTrue/False: The five themes of geography are location, time, region, movement, human-environment interaction.NTrue/False: Métis are people with mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry.NThe key theme in human geography is:PIn 1995, the collapse of which of the following European countries produced the largest refugee crisis in Europe since the end of World War II? PIn 1997, the only country in the western hemisphere that had a serious refugee problem was PWhat is not an example of a fortified barrier to migration? CTrue/False The spread of clothing styles from Paris or New York to regional mall stores and finally to shops near your local college, is an example of hierarchical diffusionCTrue/False Notting Hill festival (London) was appropriated by West Indian migrants to express their cultural distinctiveness. This is an example of assimilationCTrue/False Commodification of local culture often leads to stereotypical images of that culture.PTerritorial morphology refers to:PThe term meaning "zone" of separation, an area between communities, clusters, groups, and states is:PWhich boundary disputes focus on legal language of the boundary agreement?ATrue/False The last subsistence agriculturalists disappeared with the third agricultural revolution.ATrue/False Intertillage involves growing many different agricultural crops together in the same plot.ATrue/False Pastoral nomads know their environments intimatelyU/IIn core area cities the practice of buying up and rehabilitating deteriorating housing which resulted in the raising of housing values and a social change in neighborhoods is calledU/IThe core area suburbs are experiencing a process of the tearing down of existing suburban homes and the building of very large, standardized-looking homes known asU/IThe decline in density and the spread of cities associated with the building of freeways in the second half of the twentieth century has been pejoratively referred to asNWhat type of map shows daily weather map of high temperatures, featuring lines connecting points registering equal temperatures?NLevel of aggregation refers to:NRural counties receive more visual emphasis than urban counties on a choropleth map because:PIn the period from 1882-1907, the United States Congress passed exclusionary immigration laws designed to keep __________ out of the immigrant stream. PThe practice of excluding people with criminal records, health problems, or subversive political beliefs from immigrating is referred to asPSince September 2001, there has been a greater concern about immigration control to CA culture’s assumptions about the differences between men and women, their character, roles and divisions of labor are referred to asCGroups in Northern Ireland and gangs in major U.S. cities create “exclusive” areas byCWhen places are “designed” either for women or men they are said to bePWhich boundary disputes may involve conflict over resources?PWhich boundary disputes center on the delimitation and possibly the demarcation of a border?PWhat did Mackinder claim to be the source of world power?ATrue/False Among the important benefits of the Green Revolution is reduced reliance on oil and other non-renewable resources.ATrue/False Agribusiness in the core economies has helped the small, family farmer remain competitive in the food chain.ATrue/False Negative impacts from the globalization of agriculture are confined to the world's core.U/IMarxist geographer David Harvey is one of the strongest critics of _____________, the privatization of public space and loss of “character” of neighborhoods.U/IGated communities have __________ as their chief objective.U/IEthnic neighborhoods in European cities reflect migrants fromNSpaceNTrue NFalse Pthe United States - Canadian border PColombia. PYugoslavia CTrueCFalseCTruePdefinitionalPboundary Pterritorial shapeATrueATrueAFalseU/Iurban sprawlU/IMcMansionsU/IgentrificationNrural counties cover a larger areaNthe size of the spatial unit of analysisNIsoline mapPprevent terrorism.Pselective immigrationPChineseCgenderedCgraffiti demarcating territoriesCgenderPEurasia's mainland Plocational Pallocational AFalseAFalseAFalseU/Iformer coloniesU/IsafetyU/Inew urbanismNA more recent dot map would show an increase in the phenomena being measured compared with an earlier dot map by:NOn an isoline map, lines close to each other indicate:NTo map the surface of the earth, geographers use different projections because:PWhat is the purpose of an age-sex pyramid?PThe world's ____ largest population concentrations all lie on the Eurasian landmass:PThe population of a country changes as a result of four conditions. What are the 4 conditions? CIn India the breaking of a dowry contract may lead toCBarrio is the Spanish term forCMost of the workers in maquiladoras arePWhich boundary disputes involve neighbors who differ over the way their boundary should function?PAccording to Spykman's theory, which country could possibly become the next power?PWhat was the first multinational union?ATrue/False Though agriculture in New Zealand produces fruits and vegetables for the current global food regime, its economy still relies significantly on wool and lamb.ATrue/False The Green Revolution was directed toward the needs of the world's core countriesATrue/False The great thing about biotechnology and the bio-revolution is that both positive and negative impacts are spread evenly across core and peripheral regions.U/IThe growth of ethnic neighborhoods in _________ is less than in other European countries.U/ITrue/False Urbanization occurred in all urban hearths at about the same time.U/ITrue/False Early cities were often theocratic centers with temples being a prominent urban feature.NThe explanation of the graphic symbols on a map is found in theNThe key theme in human geography is:NLevel of aggregation refers to:PThe relocation of thousands of non-Serbian Kosovars by Slobodan Milosevic is a form of:PPopulation distribution is best represented by a:PCountries with a high rate of increase will also have a:CThe crucial element in language isCDialects are most often marked by actual differences inCA geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs is called a/anPWhat country recently devolved peacefully?PThe Territorial Sea permits states to delimit their territorial seas up to ___ nautical miles from their shorelinePGeopolitics studies the power relationships among:ATrue/False In the biorevolution, control over food production is moving from the farmer to the biotechnological firm.ATrue/False Despite the fact that impacts from GMOs and GMO foods on human health and the environment are not well-understood, they are permitted in foods in the United States.ATrue/False Famines can occur when overall levels of food availability are adequateU/ITrue/False The second urban revolution is associated with the Industrial Revolution and the rise of industrial cities.U/ITrue/False A trade area is the area of economic reach of a particular city, town or village and reflects economic and spatial interaction between the settlement and its surrounding area.U/ITrue/False Burgess' concentric zone model emphasized homogenous pie-shaped wedges of land use extending from the CBD to the city's edge.Nno projection is ideal for the purpose of every mapNa rapid change in the variableNmore dotsPnatural increase, births , deaths , emigration P3Pto show the population structure of a country Cyoung femalesCneighborhood.Ca beating or killing of the wife (dowry death).PBeneluxPChinaPoperational AFalseAFalseATrueU/ITrueU/IFalseU/Ithe NetherlandsNThe size of the spatial unit of analysisNspaceNmap legendPshort doubling timePdot mapPforced migrationCisoglossCvocabularyCvocalizationPstates P12 PCzechoslovakia ATrueATrueATrueU/IFalseU/ITrueU/ITrueNNNPPPCCCPPPAAAU/IU/IU/INNNPPPCCCPPPAAAU/IU/IU/INNNPPPCCCPPPAAAU/IU/IU/INNNPPPCCCPPPAAAU/IU/IU/I ................

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