Key stage 2 Summer Term Humanities Geography 2021 Around ...

[Pages:2]Key stage 2 Summer Term 2021

Around the World (Greeks and Olympics)

Science and Technology Carry out a range of investigations about friction, materials light and shadows. Investigations could include what affects the friction of a trainer? How do shadows change? Flight-- Daedalus and Icarus ICT/DCF Activities will include: pIaCsTs/wDoCrFd safety FAicntdiviintifeosrwmialltiinocnlufrdoem: pdaisffsewreonrdt ssoaufertcyes and show uFinnddeirnsftoarnmdiantgioonffirnotmerndeiftfesraefenttys.ources and show Uunsidnegrslotagnodainngd opfroingtrearmnemtasbalfeettyo.yCsoding EUmsinaiglinloggo aCnoddipnrgogrammable toys.

DT Make a board game based on the theme Olympics

Expressive arts - Art Activities will include: Drawings and using a range of materials--self portraits, sketching, pencils, chalks Make comparisons between their work and the work of others. Design and make food using clay Paint to different music

Expressive arts - Music Activities will include: Listening to songs and music. Compose and perform. Paint to different music. Discuss, analyse and compare. Make comparisons between songs.

Languages, literacy and communication - Welsh Activities will include: Write 1st person description, letters, postcard from different countries, recount, and character descriptions, conversations. Read own work and the work of others. Read picture books and books about Wales and other countries Poems songs

English Activities will include: Story writing, book reviews, Non fiction ? explanations -`how something hapens' . Argument and persuasion--discussions, leaflets and brochures, adverts. Speeches. Poetry ? haiku, tanka, class poetry book. All will complete a range of reading and oracy tasks.

Humanities - Geography Activities will include: Land use and landscapes, Mapwork - plans and floor plans, our place in the world, where we have been, nationalities, maps flags, capital cities. Being a global citizen. Volcanoes in the news.

Humanities - RE Activities will include: Greek gods and goddesses Exploring religions. Food from different religious ceremonies and celebrations around the world

Humanities - History Activities will include: Life in ancient Greece -how historians find facts Comparisons between Olympics past and present

Health and wellbeing - PE Activities will include: travel to Tokyo Multi skills - Learn and develop skills to be able to take part in various games and Olympic activities. Outdoor and adventurous activities.

Health and wellbeing - PSE Wellbeing. Outdoor learning. Other themes: Internet Safety, road safety, health and hygiene, Visit from school nurse and PC Hodges (when permitted) Spirit of sport--Olympic values Global citizen ? looking after our world.

Mathematics and numeracy KS2 activities will include: Place value, ordering, rounding. Temperature, negative numbers. Properties of numbers, number sequences. Reasoning about numbers. Understanding + - x and ? Mental and written strategies Making decisions, checking results, using a calculator. Measures, including problems ?time, weight, mass, capacity. Angle and position. Money and `real life' problems Fractions Handling data. Using data skills Graphs and charts Collect and record data Present and analyse data Interpret results. Function machines Area and volume. Decimals and percentages Probability expressions and formulae Problem solving and reasoning.

Numeracy Size, population, draw graphs and charts linked to places and events, compare places. Measures / distances Timelines. Plan a trip. Olympic events.

Key Stage 2 Summer Term 2021

The topics we are working on this term is Around the world-- we are going to look at Ancient Greece, ancient and modern Olympics and the different countries taking part.

Weekly plan


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Outdoor learning

Homework PE return

Please wear PE kit to school on Thursdays

Spelling words will be sent home regularly--these words will be either followed by a test to show their learning or will be looked for in their work to show they can be used. The words will be taken from their class work as well as the next words on their phonic rocket.

Children are expected to read daily--please support your child achieving this. A couple of pages is sufficient.

Homework will be sent home as part of a plan for the term and will be collected fortnightly.

Incidental homework will be sent out during the term.

Maths work will be set on Mathletics according to the area of maths we are covering that week.

Homework will be set on j2Homework. If you would like your child to have a hard copy of this please let me know.

Many thanks

Mrs Hughes and Mrs Evans


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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