CLA 3791 (2706) DR

CLA 3791 (2706)                                    DR. K. HARTIGAN

M-W-F 4 / FLG 265                                   FALL 2006




Note: Assignments should be read in preparation for that week’s lectures & discussions. Thus be sure to look at all information listed for each week. You should bring the Reader to class to be able to refer to site plans.


1. August 23-25

Introduction. Minoan Civilization

Assignment: Site Plans: Knossos, Phaistos, Aghia Triada, Kato Zakro

&  Gournia


2.  August 28-30--Sept. 1

Minoan Civilization

Assignment: Reader: “Survey of Minoan Civilization,” Kazantzakis’ passage from Modern Odyssey,  & Plato’s Timaeus selection.              

3. September   [4] - 6 - 8. 

Minoan Civilization. Thira/Santorini. > In class film on Santorini.

* Slide Quiz 1 9/ 8

Introduction to Mycenaean Civilization.

Assignment: These were the Greeks (TWG): 4-36.


4. September 11-13-15           

Mycenaean Civilization. Sites: Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos

Assignment: Reader Graham: “Mycenaean Architecture” and  MacDonald, “The Palace of Nestor. Sites plans for Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos.


5. September 18-20-22.

Mycenaean Civilization.

*  Slide Quiz 2 9/22

Introduction to Sanctuaries & Centers of Healing.

Assignment: TWG 212-213/220.


6. September 25-27-29.

Sanctuaries & Centers of Healing I. Sites: Olympia, Delphi

& Epidauros

Assignment: TWG: 59-92. & 147-150.  Plans for Olympia, Delphi &



7. October 2- 4 - [6]

Sanctuaries & Centers of Healing.          

Assignment: Reader: Ashmole, “Temple of Zeus at Olympia.”

 8. October 9 - 11 - 13]

* Slide Quiz 3. 10 / 09

Introduction to Town Planning & Construction.

        Town Design, Construction Techniques & 3 “rival” cities.

       Site plans: Miletus, Priene, Rhodes, Corinth, Sparta & Thebes.

Assignment: Reader:  Stillwell, “The Siting of GreekTemples,” & Stambaugh “The Idea of a City,” Hartigan, “ "Urban  Planning in Antiquity,” and TWG: 37-48



9. October 16 - 18 - 20   

Catch-up. Review     

** HOUR TEST I Friday October 20


10. October 23-25-27    

Athens I.

Assignment: Reader “Stambaugh, “Three Views of Athens” & TWG 93-116.

Site Plans


11.  October 30 - November 1 - [3]           

Athens II.

Paper topics due November 1 at class hour.

Assignment: Reader: Thompson & Wycherley,     “Commercial, Domestic & Industrial Centers,”& TWG 129-168; site plans.


12. November 6 - 8 - [10]             

Athens III

* Slide Quiz 4: 11/ 08

Alexander & Hellenistic Greece.

 Assignment: Reader: Theocritus Idyll 15 and TWG 177-206

 In class video: Be here to see it!


13. November 13-15-17           

Alexander & Hellenistic Greece.

In class video


14. November 20-[22-24]

Paper due Monday November 20 at class hour.

 In class video.


15.  November 27-29- December 1

Byzantium & the Greek East

* Slide Quiz 5: Wednesday 11/29

 Assignment: Reader: Arnott, “World of Byzantium.”

Site Plans.


16. December  4-6

Conclusions & Review

HOUR TEST II Wednesday December 06


Important Note: Class Outlines will be available on the Website for the course. Websites for the cities presented may be easily found; these will have many of the same illustrations as I present in the slides and may be helpful when you review for the tests.                       


                                    Website for the class:



TO REVIEW: Ancient Cities Requirements

Slide Quizzes 5 @ 5%                    25%

Hour Test I                                      25%

Paper                                              25%

Hour Test II                                     25%


Slide quizzes serve to reinforce your knowledge of the sites and as a review for the hour tests.  Possible paper topics are listed in back of Reader. Details about this 8-10 pp. research paper will be given in class.


Dr. K. Hartigan

Office Hours: 3:00-4:30 Tues. & Wed. 135 Dauer


TA:   Alyssa Henriquez

Office Hours: MWF 5th Period (11:45)


Syllabus Front page Illustration: Parthenon on Athenian Acropolis

Question: Is this the front or back of the temple?



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