Three Worlds Meet -

Name ________________________________ Day ____ BK ____

Date ________________________________ Unit 3 Lesson Guide

Ancient Egypt & Kush

4.1 ~ Geography and Early Egypt (pages 88-92)

Essential Question: Why did civilization develop around the Nile Valley in Egypt?

1. Why did Herodotus call Egypt the “gift of the Nile”?

2. What is the southern region of Egypt called? What is the northern region of Egypt called? Why?

3. Why was the Nile River Valley well suited for farming?

4. Similar to Mesopotamia, what did the Egyptians create to help water their crops?

5. How did the cataracts both harm and protect Egypt?

6. Who emerged as leaders in the early part of Ancient Egypt?

7. Explain how Egyptian civilization began.

HOMEWORK: Page 89 Geography Skills Questions “Interpreting Maps”

KEY TERMS: Complete a 4Square for the following terms in your glossary.

cataracts, delta, pharaoh, dynasty

Today I learned… (in your notebooks)

Questions about the lesson (in your notebooks)


1=I don't know it at all 2=I've seen it or heard it before

3=I need a review 4=Like George Lopez...I gots this!

4.2 ~ The Old Kingdom (pages 62-66)

Essential Question: How was Egyptian government and religion closely connected during the Old Kingdom?

1. What responsibilities di the pharaoh have that balanced his high status?

2. What led to the appearance of social classes during the Old Kingdom?

3. According to Egyptian society, what job employed the most people in Egypt?

4. Why did pharaohs have absolute power? What responsibilities did the pharaoh have that balanced his high status?

5. How did the Egyptians see the afterlife?

6. Why were the tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?

7. When were the first pyramids built?

8. Why did the Egyptians build their pyramids to be grand and spectacular?

9. How were the Egyptians able to pay for the building of the pyramids and temples?

HOMEWORK: Page 94 Analysis Skills Question “Analyzing Visuals”

KEY TERMS: Complete a 4Square for the following terms in your glossary.

nobles, afterlife, mummies, elite, pyramids, engineering

Today I learned … (in your notebooks)

Questions about the lesson… (in your notebooks)


1=I don't know it at all 2=I've seen it or heard it before

3=I need a review 4=Like George Lopez...I gots this!

4.3 ~ The Middle and New Kingdoms (pages 101-106)

Essential Question: In what ways were order and greatness restored in Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdoms?

1. What were two reasons the pharaohs’ power declined at the end of the Old Kingdom?

2. Why did the Egyptians create a powerful army at the beginning of the New Kingdom?

3. What was the effect of Egypt’s conquest of distant lands in the New Kingdom?

4. What can you conclude about Egypt’s level of technological advances based on the conquest by the Hyksos?

5. Who was Hatshepsut? What did she work to increase?

6. Who was Ramses the Great? What is he best known for?

7. What rights did Egyptian women have?

HOMEWORK: Page 105 Analysis Skills Question “Analyzing Visuals”

KEY TERMS: Complete a 4Square for the following terms in your glossary.

trade routes

Today I learned… (in your notebooks)

Questions about the lesson… (in your notebooks)


1=I don't know it at all 2=I've seen it or heard it before

3=I need a review 4=Like George Lopez...I gots this!

4.4 ~ Egyptian Achievements (pages 108-113)

Essential Question: What achievements did the Egyptians make that had a lasting impact?

1. What did each symbol in the hieroglyphic system represent?

2. How is our written system similar to hieroglyphics?

3. What enabled historians to understand hieroglyphics?

4. Why do you think builders placed obelisks at the gates of temples?

5. Why was the discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb so important?

HOMEWORK: Page 113 Analysis Skills Question “Analyzing Visuals”

KEY TERMS: Complete a 4Square for the following terms in your glossary.

hieroglyphics, papyrus, sphinxes, obelisk

Today I learned… (in your notebooks)

Questions about the lesson… (in your notebooks)


1=I don't know it at all 2=I've seen it or heard it before

3=I need a review 4=Like George Lopez...I gots this!

5.1/5.2 ~ Ancient Kush (pages 122-131)

Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences between Kush and Egypt?

1. How was the geography of ancient Kush similar to that of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia?

2. What was the effect of Egypt’s conquest of Kush in 1500 BC?

3. Why did the Kushites begin to learn about other cultures?

4. Where did the Kushites get their language from? What was the name of their language?

5. Who was Queen Shanakhdakheto?

HOMEWORK: Page 129 Biography “Queen Shanakhdakheto”

Today I learned… (in your notebooks)

Questions about the lesson… (in your notebooks)


1=I don't know it at all 2=I've seen it or heard it before

3=I need a review 4=Like George Lopez...I gots this!

Learning Menu

For this unit you will use a learning menu to explore Ancient Egypt and Kush. You will have the option of choosing different tasks from several activities within the menu to guide your learning. It will be YOUR responsible to turn in work from each activity to count towards your grade.

Your completed menu is due on ___________________________________



|Acrostic Poem |

|Create an acrostic poem with the word EGYPTIAN to tell the story of Egyptian civilization. Must include a minimum of three illustrations with color and be done |

|on a separate piece of paper (unlined paper!). . |

|Double Journal |

|Citing evidence to support the “Big Idea” is important to any scholar! Choose the “Big Idea” from one of the sections in this unit and complete a Double Journal|

|citing one piece of text that supports that Big Idea. Then write an explanation of the text in your own words. |


|Ancient Egypt Webquest |

|Visit the site below and complete a minimum of 2 of the 4 categories in a webquest. Remember to answer in complete sentences! |

| |



|Create a Venn Diagram illustrating the similarities and differences between the Egyptian and Kushite cultures. There should be a minimum of 5 similarities and 5|

|differences for each side. |



|Word Splash |

|Complete a 4Square for your choice of 13 vocabulary words |

|Vocabulary Crossword |

|Create your own crossword puzzle using a minimum of 13 words from this unit. |


What did you like about the learning menu?

What did you NOT like about the learning menu?

Which activity was your favorite? Why?


DIRECTIONS: As we read you will discuss and record your answers to the Lesson Guide Questions below in your notebook. This will be collected and count towards a grade.


Study for quiz on 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 for next class!

YAY!!! You finished Egypt & Kush!!!

Study for your test…Test Date _____________________


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