Welcome to 6th Grade - Weebly

Mrs. Laura Abraham Fall 2009

Welcome to 6th Grade!!!

I am very happy to be here with you and I look forward to a productive school year.

Teaching Philosophy

As a Catholic school teacher I depend on God’s grace and wisdom to guide me as I work in partnership with parents to guide students to reach their full spiritual, academic and social potential. My classroom is a very special community in which all are welcome and treated with respect. I take great care to recognize the unique gifts that God has granted to each individual in my care. I am aware of the great variety of needs and talents and will do my best to meet those needs through positive remediation and thought provoking challenges.


The Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLE’s) continue to be the driving force of our school curriculum. The goal of the staff, with the support of parents, is to help cultivate persons who are Faithful Disciples, Academic Achievers, Globally Aware Citizens, and Responsible Learners. We hope to instill these values in our students so that they are well prepared to face the challenges of the future.

These goals are achieved through a broad based curriculum that highly supports Archdiocese and California State Standards. While participating in this curriculum, students take learning into their own hands by reflecting on their progress in daily work, special assignments, and end of trimester and yearly assessments.

Classroom Expectations

o Respectful actions toward self and others

o Respect school property and property of other students

o Listen Attentively/ Follow directions given by teacher the first time they are given

o Make transitions from subjects/classes in a quiet and orderly manner

o Come to class prepared with all necessary materials and homework.

In-Class Discipline Procedures

1. Verbal warning

2. Write-up

a. (3 Write-Ups = Conduct Referral)

3. Conduct Referral sent home for parent signature

a. 2 Conduct referrals = a detention (held Thursdays from 3:00-3:30)

4. ***Detention may be given for any serious infractions (i.e. harm/threat to self or another, vulgar language or actions, defacing school property, etc.)


Homework is used to reinforce and give additional practice in skills learned during the regular school day. It is expected to be done neatly (including proper heading) and completely.

Homework, both short term and long term, will be assigned on a daily basis. It will not be assigned on Fridays or holidays unless it is part of a long term assignment.

Homework will be clearly written on a board in the classroom and students are expected to transfer that information, and any other information dictated by their teachers, into their personal agendas daily. This process builds responsibility.

In an effort to encourage responsible learners, homework must be turned in on time. Homework that is turned in late will not receive credit.


Grades will be based a point system. All assignments will have equal weight. For example, if a student receives 400/500 points, that would be 80%, or a C. All assignments and class participation are important in the computation of grades.

Parent/Teacher Communication

**Student Work Folders

Folders containing graded student work and any other necessary communication will be sent home each Friday. Parent/Guardian is to look over all work, sign all work and the folder, record test grades, make any comments, and return to me the following Monday. This process assures me that you are aware of your child’s progress at all times and allows for expression of any concerns. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Weekly Newsletter

Given on Fridays and posted on 6th Grade link of School website


Access to your child’s grade is available online. (Go to and click on “Students & Parents” in upper right corner. Then click on the green words “Sign up for a free student account here” enter code from sheet given to your child/attached to this paper. Grades are updated weekly and any child receiving a C- or below will receive progress reports on Fridays.

Teacher Website

Visit my website, labraham.. It is accessible through my link on school website if you have difficulty getting to it.

If at any time parents/guardians have any questions or concerns about anything pertaining to their child’s experience in the classroom or school, please write a note or call my voice mail (ext. 266) and I will respond as soon as possible (usually within the day received). I am available 30 minutes before and after school each day to meet with you. The more we communicate the more successful the children will be. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. God Bless you.

Schoolwide Learning Expectations and Portfolios

The Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLE’s) Portfolios will be worked on throughout the year. They will contain work that is considered evidence of achieving the SLEs. We will work on these together as a class and individually. It is out desire to have students recognize the importance of their achievements and write critically about them. This process is done in preparation for the 8th grade exit interview.

Service Hours

Total Hours Expected: 5th : 15hrs 6th :20 hours 7th :25 hours 8th: 30 hours


Name/Organization, Date, Hours

Type of Work: Must be volunteer work, no payment can be accepted.

Family, Friends, Parent approved Organizations, School, Church

Time Frame:

Summer Prior to the school year until May 31st (Summer 2007- May 31st 2008)

Additional Considerations:

Hours to be collected by homeroom teacher

Eighth grade may only submit 10 ours per activity


Regular and Prompt attendance is necessary for student success.

If your child is absent, it is necessary to the nurse at ext 227. When your child returns, it is imperative that you provide a note explaining the reason for your child’s absence.

A list of missed class work and assignments will be placed in absent student’s mailbox in red folder. It is the student’s responsibility to approach teacher and get details of missing work. Arrangements for make-up tests will be made on an individual basis (depending on depth of assignment and length of absence).

Upcoming important Dates

Friday, September 4th – Back to School Mass at 8:30 A.M. Dress uniform required, parents invited to attend.

Thursday, September 17th “Back to School Night” at 7:00P.M.in the church.

Additional information:

Tissue will need to be replenished throughout the year. Please keep eyes open for reminders.

ITBS Testing is scheduled for __________________________________________________

Book orders will be handed out today and are due Friday, September 11th. Scholastic has great deals on the latest and most popular age appropriate fiction and non-fiction books.

We will begin reading novels as a class within about two weeks. The first two books have been ordered and are available for you to purchase at Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop in La Verne. The titles are:

A Single Shard

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry


|Subject |Textbook |Technological Support |What is covered |Assessment |

|Religion |Faith First Legacy | |Belief, Worship/Prayer, Life in |Daily participation, quizzes, Standardized tests|

| |Edition 2008 | |Christ, Scripture, |after every other Wednesday on 2 chapters and |

| | |Online quizzes |Liturgical Seasons and Celebrations|Bible study. Projects. |

|English/Writing |Houghton Mifflin English | |Grammar skills- usage, and |Daily grammar practice (D.O.L.) and tests upon |

| |2004 | |application. Listening, speaking, |completion of units. Creative Writing, Writing |

| | | |and viewing skills |for Tests, Essays that will include: Opinion, |

| | | | |Persuasion, Compare and Contrast, Research, |

| | | | |Personal Narrative, and Original Story) |

|Literature |Prentice Hall Literature | |Vocabulary instruction, reading |Daily skills practice and weekly selection |

| |Penguin Edition 2007 |Access to online quizzes |skills of making predictions, |tests—usually Thursdays. In addition to the |

| | |and more |inferences, drawing conclusions, |anthology, students will be reading at least 4 |

| | |Text book on C.D. |reading for author’s purpose and |novels as a class to encourage the love of |

| | | |finding the main idea, context |reading, reinforce learned skills, and to connect|

| | | |clues, paraphrasing, summarizing, |with the study of history and Religion. |

| | | |and recognizing cause and effect. | |

| | | |Stories will include short fiction | |

| | | |and non-fiction, essays and | |

| | | |articles, poetry, drama, and | |

| | | |various themes in literature. | |

|Vocabulary |Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary|sadlier- |Grade level Academic and Literary |Test every other week (Fridays) after completion |

| |Workshop 2006 |online puzzle/test |Vocabulary words |of flashcards, workbook pages, class practice and|

| | |practice | |independent study. |

|Spelling |Scott Foresman Everyday | |Spelling strategies |Workbook assignments and weekly assessments |

| |Spelling Grade 6 2008 | | |(Tuesdays) |

|Handwriting |Zaner – Bloser | |Instruction in position, stroke |Practice and assessment 2-3 times a week (all |

| |Handwriting | |directionality, and continued |written assignments will be considered for this |

| | | |stress on neatness and legibility. |grade) |

|Math |Prentice Hall Mathematics| |Numbers and Operations, |Nightly homework and an assessment after each |

| |2009 |Access to online quizzes, |Measurement, Geometry, Algebra, |unit. |

| | |tutorials, and more. |Statistics, data Analysis, and | |

| | |Text book on C.D. |probability, Problem Solving | |

| | | |Strategies, Mathematical Reasoning,| |

| | | |and Real-World connections | |

|Social Studies |Houghton Mifflin |kids |Introduction to World |Chapter assessments every week and a half to two |

| |History-Social Science, | |History-Geography, Culture, |weeks, depending on the length and depth of |

| |2007 |Text book on C.D. |Government, Belief Systems, Science|content |

| | | |and Technology, and Economics of | |

| | | |Ancient Civilizations. | |

Teacher’s Time Schedule

Grade: 6 School Year: 2009-2010

Teacher: Mrs. Abraham


Time |Subject |Time |Subject |Time |Subject |Time |Subject |Time |Subject | |7:55-8:00 |Opening Exercise |7:55-8:00 |Opening Exercise |7:55-8:00 |Opening Exercise |7:55-8:00 |Opening Exercise |7:55-8:00 |Opening Exercise | |8-8:35 |English |8-8:30 |English |8-8:30 |English |8-8:35 |English |8-8:30 |English | |8:35-10:00 |Social Studies |830-9:30 |Music |8:30-8:55 |Writing |8:35-9:10 |Writing |8:30-9:15 |Mass | | | |9:30-10 |Writing |8:55-10 |Social Studies |9:10-9:50


|9:15-10 |Literature | | | | | | | |9:50-10:00 |Spelling/Vocab. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10-10:15 |Recess |10-10:15 |Recess |10-10:15 |Recess |10-10:15 |Recess |10-10:15 |Recess | |10:15-11:15 |Math |10:15-11:15 |Math |10:15-11:15 |Math |10:15-11:15 |Math |10:15-11:05 |Science | | | |11:15-12:05 |Science |11:15—12:05 |Science |11:15-12:15 |Literature |11:05-11:25 |Vocabulary | | | | | | | | | |11:25-12:25 |Math | |11:15-12:15 |Art |12:05-12:15 |Spelling/Vocab |12:05-12:15 |Spelling/Vocab | | |12:25-12:30 |Closing | |12:15-12:50 |Lunch/Recess |12:15-12:50 |Lunch/Recess |12:15-12:50 |Lunch/Recess |12:15-12:50 |Lunch/Recess |12:30 |Dismissal | |12:50-1 |SSR |12:50-1:00 |SSR |12:50-1 |SSR |12:50-1 |SSR |1:30-3:00 |Faculty Meeting | |1:-2 |Computers |1-1:40 |P.E.

. |1:-1:20 |Literature |1:00-2:15 |Social Studies | | | |2-2:55 |Literature |1:40-1:55 |Spelling/Vocab |1:20-2 |Spanish/

Computer |2:15-2:55 |Religion. | | | | | |1:55-2:55 |Religion | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2:55-3 |Closing Exercises |2:55-3 |Closing Exercises |2-2:55 |Religion |2:55-3 |Closing Exercises | | | |3:00 |Dismissal |3:00 |Dismissal |3:00 |Dismissal | | | | | |

Science- Mrs.Vena PE – Janelle Gallego Art- Janice Balinas Computer- Miss Chambers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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