Lesson 6 - Sparta

Ancient Civilizations – 6th Grade Curriculum

Unit: Greece – Spartan Oligarchy – Govt. Day 59-60 Pacing Guide- 5/2003

VSC Standards: History 5.B.2: Analyze the emergence and enduring influence of Aegean civilizations, History 5.C.1.a: Describe the interaction between civilizations in the ancient world, Political Science 1.A.1: Examine the necessity and purpose of government in early world history, PS1.A.1.a: Identify forms of government and various distributions of power, Peoples of the Nations and World 2.A.1.a: Describe and compare the elements of culture, such as: religion, government, education, values, beliefs and customs.

Technology Connections:

Concept: Different forms of governments exist to meet the different needs of the people they govern.

Text: A Message of Ancient Days, chart

Student Outcome: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and purposes of various forms of government (from the oligarchy of Sparta and the democracy of ancient Athens and U.S.)

|Purpose |Activity |Time |

|Anticipatory Set |Read the story of Phidippides and the Battle of Marathon on page 351 in AMAD. Mention that |10 min. |

|Communicate Outcomes |when Phidippides, thoroughly exhausted, fell through the gates of Athens, he was able to say | |

| |only one word – Nike! - who was the Goddess of Victory - which the Athenians understood to | |

| |mean they had victory and were safe from the Persians. Make the connection to a present day | |

| |marathon foot race of 26 miles (the distance between Marathon and Athens.) | |

| | | |

| |Ask why the students think a sports company would choose “Nike” as its name? | |

|Introduce new concept(s), content or |Students are going to learn about how different the two city-states of Athens and Sparta |20 min. |

|skills |were. | |

|Lecture |1. They are to begin on page 343in AMAD and read about the Athenian economy. | |

|Reading |2. Then they turn to page 351-354 in AMAD and read to compare the governments, economies and| |

| |education of Sparta and Athens. | |

|Guided and or/independent practice with |1. Have students develop a chart comparing Athens and Sparta comparing the following |20 min. |

|teacher feedback |categories:, Govt., Economy, Individual Rights, Common Good of Society, Education (subjects),| |

| |and Childhood from 0-7 years, and Young Adult from 7-18 years. The chart on page 354 details| |

| |childhood to young adults. | |

| |2. Discuss the differing concept of citizenship in both city-states. . | |

|Making Connections and Assessment of |Analyze the pros and cons of Athenian society and Spartan society in the above categories. |15 min. |

|Proficiency |In a class discussion, have students analyze which city-state they feel would have been the | |

|Application Transfer |stronger one in each of the categories on the chart above. Have students support their | |

|Re-teaching as necessary |decisions with examples. | |

| |Teacher will collect charts and assess the analysis for understanding of both city-states | |

|Closure |JW: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of being an Athenian or Spartan citizen. |20 min. |

|Relevance to outcome | | |

|Relevance to past and future learning |Share journal writes. | |

Kate de Barros/Magothy River Middle School – Revised 6/2005

Compare and Contrast Sparta and Athens

|Category |Sparta |Athens |Stronger city-state in this category and reason why. |

|Government | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Economy | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Education (subjects) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Individual Rights | | | |

| | | | |

|Common Good | | | |

| | | | |

|Unlimited Power | | | |

| | | | |

|Child 0 –7 years | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Young Adult 7-18 + | | | |

K. de Barros/Magothy River MS/2004


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