Ancient Civilizations Webquest

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Ancient Civilizations Webquest

Directions: Answer the following questions on this document using complete sentences. Click on the links above the questions to find the answers.

Start your webquest by clicking on Answer the following questions on complete sentences.

1. What is the Fertile Crescent?

2. Highlight the area of Mesopotamia in Fertile Crescent under this sentence.

3. What two rivers were responsible for the Fertile Crescent? 4. What elements make up a civilization?

***Click on next at the bottom of the page.***

5. When and where did the Sumerians live? 6. What is a nomad? 7. What did the Sumerians do to stop being nomads? 8. Describe the religion of the Sumerians.

***Next, go to Hammurabi's Code. *** 9. Who was Hammurabi? 10.When and where did Hammurabi live? 11.Describe the Code of Hammurabi?

***Go to Hammurabi's Code of Laws*** 12-14: Rewrite three of the laws in your own words under this sentence.

***Go to *** ***Click on pyramids.*** 15. Why were pyramids built?

16. Where were the largest pyramids?

17. What are casing blocks and why aren't they part of the pyramids today?

***Find your way inside the Pyramid by clicking on Explore.***

18. Find the King's chamber. What was written on the walls of the King's Chamber?

19. Why is "Queen's Chamber" a misleading name?

***Next, go to *** ***Click on Hieroglyphs. When the page opens, click on Hieroglyphics Writing.*** 20. What were the four categories of hieroglyphic writing?

***Go to *** ***Do a search for Queen Hatshepsut and answer the following questions based on the web sites you find.*** 21. When did Queen Hatsehpsut live?

22. Why was she different than most pharaohs?

23. How did she become pharaoh?

***Now we are going to go on to the Ancient Hebrews.*** Go to: 24. Why was Canaan important? 25. What were many of the people in Canaan?

***We go next to Daily Life.*** 26. What grains did the ancient Israelites grow?

27. What foods were available to them?

28. What were they strict about?

***The Exodus from Egypt *** 29. Why did the Hebrews go to Egypt?

30. Why was the pharaoh upset at the Hebrews?

31. What did he turn the Hebrews into?

32. How many years were the Hebrews slaves in Egypt?

33. Who asked the pharaoh to set the Hebrews free?

34. What powers did Moses receive from God?

35. What finally convinced Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go?

***We now go on to Judaism.*** 36. What does it mean that Judaism is a monotheistic religion?

37. Who was the founder of Judaism?

38. What is a Jewish place of worship called?

39. What is the person called who leads a Jewish service?

40. What are the Ten Commandments?

***The Torah Tells*** 41. What are some of the foods that the ancient Hebrews ate?

42. What kind of animals did the Hebrews have? How were they used?

43. What kind of cloth did the Hebrews have?

44. Did the ancient Hebrews own slaves? How do you know?

45. The ancient Hebrews prayed to God by making sacrifices or offerings. What is a sacrifice?

46. What did they offer?

47. Which tools or weapons are mentioned?

48. What is one way that ancient Hebrews gave Tzedakah? (Helping the poor) 49. What did the Hebrews live in? 50. What uses did olive oil have?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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