Objective: You are to create your own bible of Ancient ...

Objective: You are to create your guide of Ancient Egypt to aid in your study of the culture and religion of this society. You have total creative freedom and authority over how your guide looks but

it must at least contain all items listed on this page:

A. Title Page:

The title page must have:

• A creative title of the guide,

• The time period that Ancient Egypt existed,

• AT LEAST ONE (1) illustration,

• Your full name

• The course name: World History

• The class period

• The project learning goal. The learning goal is: To describe the relationship of religion and political authority in Ancient Egypt.

B. Map of Ancient Egypt (see page 36 in your textbook)

The map of Ancient Egypt should be in color. Label all of the following on your map:

• Upper Egypt

• Lower Egypt

• Nile River

• Mediterranean Sea

• Red Sea

• Memphis

• All Deserts, and

• The Name of the entire Continent

C. Egyptian Culture

This section of the guide must answer “EQ’s” (Essential Questions) about Ancient Egypt. Provide a title for each EQ.

Required EQs:

• EQ: What was Ancient Egyptian religious life like?

• EQ: What was a pharaoh and what was his role in the civilization?

• EQ: How was religion and political authority in Ancient Egypt related?

Choose any 2:

• EQ: What were some characteristics of the Ancient Egyptian environment; how was the society affected by these?

• EQ: In what ways did the Nile river impact Ancient Egyptian culture?

• EQ: How did the geography of Ancient Egypt aid in its development?

• EQ: What were some of the great accomplishments of the Ancient Egyptians?

You are to answer each EQ using any of the following methods. Each method may only be used once.

For example, you may not write a poem to answer two (2) EQ’s. You can only write a poem to answer an EQ once.

• Poem

• Cartoon

• Comic Strip

• Short Story

• Collage

• Article (You must write this yourself)

• Interview (Pretend you are in that time)

• Timeline

D. Glossary

In the glossary, you must include important vocabulary that is used in the study of Ancient Egypt.

This list must have (at the least):

• theocracy

• hieroglyphics

• pharaoh

• pyramids

• mummification


Symbols: ostrich feather, scales, [pic]

Ma'at was the goddess of the physical and moral law of Egypt, of order and truth. It was when the world was created and chaos was eliminated that the principles of Ma'at were set in place. The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh ever failed to live by and maintain ma'at that chaos would return to Egypt and the world and all would be destroyed. Thus, the pharoahs of Egypt saw it as their cosmic role to uphold the principles of Ma'at, and was due to Ma'at that the pharaohs had the authority to rule the land.

When the dead were judged, it is was the feather of Ma'at that their hearts were weighed against. If hearts of the deceased are as "light as a feather", they were granted eternal life in the Duat (the world of the Afterlife). The near-weightlessness of their hearts indicated that their souls were not burdened with sin and evil. If their hearts did not "measure up", the soul of the deceased was consumed by Ammut (Devourer of the Dead). This judgment occurred in the "Hall of the Two Truths", Maaty.

Reflection Questions:

1. Why was it crucial for the pharaoh to obey the principles of the Ma’at?

2. If the Pharaoh did not follow the principles of Ma’at, what do you suppose the Egyptians thought would happen to Egypt? Give examples.


Due Date: 8-8-14

Name _________________________________________________________

Title of Your Guide _______________________________________________

|CATEGORY |20 |15 |10 |5 |

|Required Elements |Assignment includes all |One of the elements (title |One of the elements (title |One of the elements (title |

| |required elements: |page, map, Egyptian culture|page, map, Egyptian culture|page, map, Egyptian culture|

| |1. Title Page |EQs, or glossary) was |EQs, or glossary) was |EQs, or glossary) was |

| |2. Ancient Egypt Map: with |incomplete (missing 1-3 |incomplete (missing 4-6 |incomplete (missing 7 or |

| |the 8 items labeled |items) |items) |more items) |

| |3. Egyptian Culture: | | | |

| |answered all 5 EQs | | | |

| |4. Glossary | | | |

|Attractiveness |The assignment is |The assignment is |The assignment is |The assignment is messy, |

| |exceptionally attractive. |exceptionally attractive |exceptionally attractive |poorly designed and/or |

| |1. Pictures are clear |however, one of the |however, two of the |lacks all of the |

| |2. Writing is of the |requirements has not been |requirements have not been |requirements mentioned. |

| |appropriate size and color |met. |met. | |

| |and is easy to read, or it | | | |

| |is typed. | | | |

| |3. Overall neat and clean | | | |

|Content Accuracy/Factual |Student uses factual |Student was mistaken about |Student was mistaken about |Information was not factual|

|Information |information about the |one item of information. |2-4 items of information. |or was not in their own |

| |Egyptians in their own | | |words at all. |

|(Campaign Promises) |words. | | | |

|Demonstration of |Student successfully |Student successfully |Student successfully |Student answered only 1 EQ |

|Knowledge/Evidence of |answered all 5 EQs in 5 |answered 3-4 EQs, and/or |answered 2 EQs, and/or |successfully and/or |

|Understanding |different ways. |repeated a method for 2 of |repeated a method for 3 of |repeated the same method |

| | |them. |them. |more than 4 times. |

|Mechanics |Capitalization, |There is one error in |There are two errors in |There are three or more |

| |punctuation, grammar, and |either capitalization, |either capitalization, |errors in either |

| |spelling are correct |punctuation grammar or |punctuation, grammar, |capitalization, |

| |throughout the assignment. |spelling in the assignment.|and/or spelling in the |punctuation, grammar, |

| | | |assignment. |and/or spelling in the |

| | | | |assignment. |

Total Grade __________

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