Ancient Egypt: The Gift of the Nile (3000-30 B

Ancient Egypt: The Gift of the Nile (3000-30 B.C)

Related Video: Ancient Egypt: The Gift of the Nile (3000-30 B.C)

1. We know from the pictures Egyptians left of themselves that they _____.

(Choose only one answer)

A. had very light skin

B. had very little to eat

C. wore makeup and wigs

D. wore tattoos on their arms

2. The ancient Egyptians lacked the ability to get water to their crops.

A. true

B. false

3. What symbolized Egypt as a united nation?

(Choose only one answer)

A. papyrus

B. paid armies

C. new trading laws

D. the double crown

4. Why did ancient Egyptians bury their dead on the west side of the Nile?

(Choose only one answer)

A. The west side was rarely used for crops.

B. They wanted their dead to live with the gods.

C. They believed the east side was more easily robbed.

D. The pharaohs always faced west when speaking in public.

5. Ankh is the symbol for _____.

(Choose only one answer)

A. life

B. water

C. royalty

D. fertility

Short Answer: Please answer each question in complete sentences re-stating the question.

1. How has Egypt’s geography (topography, climate, precipitation) and location affected its development as a civilization? (Think about all of the “natural barriers”.)

2. What did the ancient Egyptians look like? How do we know?

3. What roles did the Nile River play in the development of civilization in ancient Egypt?

4. What kind of gods and goddesses did the ancient Egyptians worship?

5. How did the ancient Egyptians treat their dead?

6. How did hieroglyphic writing contribute to ancient Egyptian civilization? How is hieroglyphic writing similar and different from modern written language?

7. Describe the government of ancient Egypt.

8. What is the architectural significance of the pyramids? Why were they built?


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