Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview


Word Study Menu

Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log

September 23rd-Volunteer Orientation


Lowes Island Elementary School

January 19th, 2015


Mrs. Cypher’s 2nd Grade

* Homework Chart*

Monday: No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday: - Word Study Menu

Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log

Math Worksheet

Wednesday: -Word Study Menu

Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log

Thursday: -Take a Practice Spelling Test to prepare for your test tomorrow.

Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log

Dreambox for 15 minutes

Friday: Poetry Notebook comes home – read poem to family members. Try to get signatures so you can get the magic number!


*Lunch Time: 11:45-12:15 am

Happy Monday! Hope everyone enjoyed another 3 day weekend!

This week in word study, students will be back to their normal word study sorts. Some students may have changed groups based on their current spelling abilities. Please make sure students practice sorting their words each night so they are familiar with their categories especially since it is a short week. The test will be on Friday as usual. (

In content this week, we will be continuing with our unit on the Ancient Egyptian culture. We will be learning about the contributions and inventions of Ancient Egypt. Our test got pushed back a little due to the snow days. We will aim for our test to be on Thursday. Make sure to review the study guide. In math, we will finish up our probability unit and start a new unit on time.

***We are collecting prize box donations. Please feel free to send any prizes for our classroom store. The kids really enjoy visiting the store each week. (***

Don’t forget to join the PTO if you have not already! The second grade has almost 50% for PTO membership! Go 2nd Grade!

Keep sending in those box tops and labels for education! (

If you have any questions please email me:


Or call the school: (571) 434-4450


Important Dates…


January 19th-Holiday-no school

January 23rd-End of 2nd Quarter

January 26th-Teacher Workday

February 5th-Award Ceremony in the classroom

February 2-20th-CoGAT testing Window

The Cognitive Ability Test measures your child’s developed reasoning abilities in three areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal (figural). The test will be given on the computer this year. Students do not need to do anything special to prepare. This test is a just a measure of their reasoning abilities and the score does not affect their grade at all.

This Week…

Math: SOL 2. 8-The student will use data from experiments to predict outcomes when the experiment is repeated.

Math Facts: For the second quarter, students will have 4 minutes to complete 50 addition or subtraction problems to 20.

*Continue to practice Math facts at home.

Content: * SOL 2.4 - The student will develop map skills by

a) locating the United States, China, and Egypt on world maps;

b) understanding the relationship between the environment and the culture of ancient China and Egypt;

SOL 2.1-The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written language.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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