Ancient Egypt Report Requirements

Ancient Egypt Report Requirements

Here’s your task: As an Egyptologist (a person who studies Egypt) you will become an expert in one area of Ancient Egyptian culture.

Brainstorm a list of possible questions about aspects of Ancient Egypt that you would like to learn more about.


❖ Why is Queen Hatshepsut remembered as a powerful leader in Egyptian history?

❖ How did the ancient Egyptians provide for a stable food supply?

❖ How did Ancient Egyptians use their free time?

❖ Why is King Tut remembered as an important Egyptian Pharaoh? Who is Anubis and why was he important to Egyptian history?

My possible topics (in question format):


Report Requirements: Google: Ancient Egypt for kids

1. Your report should be 1-2 pages in length, typed or written neatly.

❖ Font size 13-14

2. SOURCES: You must use at least two sources for your research. (Websites, library books, magazines, encyclopedias, etc.) A Works Cited page should be attached at the end of the report.

3. Information needs to be written in your own words.

4. Your report should be neat and organized. Reports will be scored using the rubric attached. Please use this rubric as a checklist to make sure you have what you need.

5. A front cover is required with your topic, your name, date and your homeroom teacher. A hand-drawn picture relating to your topic is required to enhance your front cover.

6. OPTIONAL: You may create a project to go along with your report for extra credit. See sample list of projects attached or create your own.

7. EGYPT DAY: Our culminating celebration will be held on ________________. We will share our projects, reports, sarcophaguses and other Ancient Egyptian artifacts. You will need to dress like an Ancient Egyptian. We will discuss costume ideas in school. Costumes should be simple, inexpensive and handmade. More information will follow about our celebration!

Costumes will be due on___________________________.

I understand the requirements of becoming an Egyptologist. I will choose an interesting topic and become an expert in my area. I will follow the requirements listed above and hand in my report on or before the due date.

Name: _________________________Report Due Date: _______________

Costume Due: __________________, Egypt Day: _________________ *****Parents are invited to attend Egypt Day between 9:45-10:45.

Report Topic: __________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________Parent Signature: ____________________


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