Ancient Egypt Webibliography

Ancient Egypt Webibliography

Designed by Stephanie Schaefer

☼☼ = Average, ☼☼☼ = Good, ☼☼☼☼ = Excellent, ☼☼☼☼☼ = Outstanding

|Rating |Website Information |

|☼☼☼☼ |“The British Museum: Ancient Egypt” |

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| |Explore various parts of Ancient Egypt, including specifics of Egyptian life, geography, temples, and trade. It covers a vast number of topics related to Ancient Egypt. This |

| |website could easily be used with students and/or with teachers that would like to learn more about this topic. |

|☼☼☼ |“Ancient Egypt” |

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| |This website was created by education majors at the University of Richmond. It includes information about religion, language, pyramids, and pharaohs. The University of Richmond |

| |website could be used with students to learn more about Ancient Egypt. |

|☼☼☼☼☼ |“BBC – History: Egypt” |

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| |The BBC provides a website that includes information about the daily life, mummification, pyramids, and monuments. This website also covers a variety of topics related to Ancient |

| |Egypt. It could be used with students and/or teachers to learn more about this topic. |

|☼☼☼ |“History of Ancient Egypt” |

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| |This website, created by the University of Pennsylvania, provides a variety of webpages related to this topic, as well as links to other websites. It covers many different areas |

| |of the culture, religion, and history of Egypt. I think that this website would be most useful for teachers. |

|☼☼☼☼ |“Ancient Egypt for Kids” |

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| |This website would be an excellent resource for the student that is looking for introductory information about Ancient Egypt. It includes links about the clothes, hierarchy, and |

| |the Nile River. I like the diversity in topics and the user-friendly format. Students could easily use this resource. |

|☼☼☼☼☼ |“Ancient Egypt for Kids” |

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| |A student could learn about Egypt through the various subjects on this website. There are topics on this website covering all disciplines of study, including mathematics, science,|

| |and geography. This website would be very useful for teachers and students alike. |

|☼☼☼ |“Ancient Egypt Resource Center” |

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| |This website has a wealth of information about King Tut and about the tombs. There are interactive activities on the website, as well as a virtual tour of the tombs of King Tut. |

| |This website would be particularly helpful for students that would like to learn more about tombs in Ancient Egypt. |

|☼☼☼☼ |“Royal Ontario Museum: Ancient Egypt” |

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| |On this website about Ancient Egypt, there are areas designated for learning, activities, articles, and future reading. In each area, students can learn about an array of topics |

| |related to Ancient Egypt. I think that both teachers and students would benefit from using this website. |

|☼☼☼ |“DIA: Ancient Egypt” |

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| |The Detroit Institute of Arts museum provides an assortment of lesson plan ideas. I can see that these ideas could be easily implemented in many different educational contexts. |

| |This website would be valuable for any teacher that is planning to teach about Ancient Egypt. |

|☼☼☼ |“Museum of Science: Ancient Egypt Science & Technology” |

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| |The Museum of Science in Boston, Massachusetts has an excellent website focusing on Ancient Egypt science topics. Some of these topics include excavation, mummification, and |

| |Egyptian afterlife. There are sections of the website designated for students and teachers. There are a variety of lesson plans offered on this website. |

|☼☼☼ |“History at The Children’s University of Manchester: Ancient Egypt” |

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| |This website provided by the University of Manchester, gives a wealth of information about Ancient Egypt. Topics covered on this website include a Timeline, a tour of the Giza |

| |Pyramids, and the Egyptian number system. Both teachers and students can benefit from this website. |

|☼☼ |“Ancient Egypt Online” |

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| |This website, created by Jenny Hill, gives an assortment of information about this topic. There is an extensive amount of information about the Royal families of Ancient Egypt on |

| |this website. Both teachers and students would enjoy using this site for research. |


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