Ancient Egyptian Mummification: Friday, November 30th 2007

Ancient Egyptian Mummification Day: Friday, January 23rd 2015*

Items You Will Need:

_____(1). A stuffed animal that you do not want anymore.

_____(2). 3-5 empty & clean baby food jars.

_____(3). A small salt shaker with salt in it.

_____(4). Items that the stuffed animal might cherish in the afterlife…jewelry, food, statues of friends, photos, etc.

_____(5). Plastic Wrap

_____(6). Strips of linen, toilet paper, or ace bandages.

_____(7). Small flat stones (to place in the wrappings).

_____(8). Ceremonial death mask (made from construction paper) with a way to attach it to the mummy.

_____(9). A box big enough to hold the stuffed animal (and a few trinkets inside).

_____(10). Packing Tape to seal your box.

Preparing for the Mummifying Day:

_____(1). Decorate your canopic jars (baby food jars) on the outside with scenes that might have occurred in the stuffed animal’s life, or write a passage in hieroglyphics on them.

_____(2). On your small, flat stones, design scarabs or write good luck messages in hieroglyphics. On one stone, write the words the stuffed animal might have said if he or she were still alive.

_____(3). Create the ceremonial death mask in the image of your stuffed animal.

_____(4). Decorate the box (coffin) with scenes from the stuffed animal’s life. You may also draw pictures of people who loved the animal.

*Project is worth 100pts (50 pts Preparation / 50 pts Participation & Process in-class on Mummification Day)






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