CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Oxford


Apart from my work on British gems cited above my publications include a number of books on glyptics including The Content Family Collection of Ancient Cameos (1990; a new and very much expanded edition by Helen Molesworth and myself entitled The Complete Content Cameos is to be published by Brepols this year,Classical Gems. Greek and Roman gemstones in the Fitzwilliam Museum ,Cambridge (1994) and with Arthur MacGregor Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Finger-Rings in the Ashmolean Museum.II.Roman (2004)

I have published three fascicules of the Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani on the Cotswold Region (1993) and the North-West Midlands (2004) and with Francis Grew, Kevin Hayward and Penny Coombe Roman sculpture from London and the South-East (2015) which is the most detailed volume in the series.

In addition I edited A Handbook of Roman Art (1983) still widely used as a textbook and have written three general surveys of culture in Roman Britain Religion in Roman Britain (1984), The Art of Roman Britain (1995) and The Heirs of King Verica (2002; 2nd edition 2010) as well as Roman Oxfordshire co-authored with Paul Booth (2000). In 2006 I contributed to and co-edited Treasures of Oxfordshire (FAMOS,Oxford 2004) and the exhibition catalogue Constantine the Great. York’s Roman Emperor (Yorkshire Museum, York. 2006).

Books edited include , Roman Art, Religion and Society. New Studies from the Roman Art Seminar, Oxford 2005 (BAR Int.ser. 1577, 2006) and co-edited (with Tyler Jo Smith) Collectanea Antiqua: Essays in Memory of Sonia Chadwick Hawkes (BAR Int ser, 1673,2007) and co-edited with Nigel Ramsay Intersecrtions. The Archaeology and History of Christianity in England 400-1200. Papers in Honour of Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjølbye Biddle (BAR Brit ser.505, 2010) and co-edited with Crispin Paine, Preserving and Presenting the Past in Oxfordshire and Beyond: Essays in memory of John Rhodes (BAR Brit.ser.2013),.

Recent papers have included: ‘The reuse and copying of ancient intaglios set in Medieval personal seals, mainly found in England. An aspect of the Renaissance of the 12th century’ in Adams,Cherry and Robinson, Good Impressions (London 2008),25-34; ‘Gems from the collection of Henry,Prince of Wales, and Charles I (Ms Ashmole 1138)’in Piacenti and Boardman,Ancient and Modern Gems and Jewels in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen (London 2008),268-81;’Gem workshops in the provinces: Roman Britain’,in Sena Chiesa and Gagatti, Aquileia e la glittica di eta ellenistica e romana (Trieste 2009),141-148; ‘The fate of Late Roman towns’, in Hamerow, Hinton and Crawford,The Oxford Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (Oxford 2011),515-33; with Helen Molesworth-‘Love and passion: personal cameos in Late Antiquity from the Content Collection’, in Entwistle and Adams, ‘Gems of Heaven’: Recent research on engraved gemstones in Late Antiquity c.AD200-600 (London 2011),179-85; Newstead and the art of the Roman frontier’, pp.152-166 in F.Hunter and L.Keppie, A Roman Frontier Post and its people. Newstead 1911-2011 (National Museums of Scotland,Edinburgh 2012); ‘From Romano-British hero to patron-saint of England: the transformations of Bellerophon and his Chimaera’, pp.139-52 in G.Carlotta Cianferoni, M.Iozzo and E.Setari, Myth, Allegory.Emblem. The many lives of the Chimaera of Arezzo. Proceedings of the International Colloquium. Malibu. The J. Paul Getty Museum (December 4-5, 2009) (Rome 2012);‘Workshops, artists and patrons in Roman Britain’, pp.113-128 in T.M. Kristensen and B.Poulsen, Ateliers and Artisans in Roman Art and Archaeology (JRA Supp.ser.92, Portsmouth R.I,2012); M.H. with E. Black, J. Edgar and K. M. J. Hayward, ‘A new sculpture of Iphigenia in Tauris’, in Britannia 43 (2012), 243-249;

‘The mosaic pavements: their meaning and social context’. Pp.253-264 in B.Cunliffe, The Roman Villa at Brading, Isle of Wight. The excavations of 2008-10 (OUSA monograph 77, Oxford 2013) also ‘finger ring’, pp.216-7 no.2.8;‘Hinton St Mary, Late Roman Culture and the afterlife of Roman mosaics’,Mosaic 40 (2013), 32-35; ‘By Divine Decree: Roman sculpture from north-east England’. Pp.18-33 in J.Ashbee and J.Luxford, Newcastle and Northumberland, Roman and Medieval Architecture and Art (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions XXXVI (Leeds 2013);MH with Penny Coombe, ‘Roach Smith and the antiquities of London : the sculptures’. Pp.127-131 in H.Wiegel and M.Vickers, Excalibur: Essays on Antiquity and the History of Collecting in honour of Arthur MacGregor (BAR.Int.Ser.2512, Oxford 2013);New introduction to J.M.C. Toynbee, Animals in Roman Life and Art ( Pen and Sword, Barnsley 2013). Pp.v-xxiii, with colour plate section.;

Binsey: Oxford’s holy place – Its saint, village and people, edited by Lydia Carr, Russell Dewhurst and Martin Henig., including by M.H.‘ St Frideswide’s Binsey as Sacred Space’, pp.74-79 and ‘Meeting God at Binsey: Holy Ground, then and now’, pp.140-144; ‘“A Fine and Private Place”: The sarcophagus of Valerius Amandinus and the origins of Westminster’. Pp.23-33 in W. Rodwell and T. Tatton-Brown (eds), Westminster: I. The Art, Architecture and Archaeology of the Royal Abbey. (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions XXXIX, part i (Leeds 2015);‘The Origins of Christian Britain: From Mystery Cult to Christian Mystery’. Pp.15-32 in P.S.Barnwell (ed.), Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland, 300-950. (Rewley House Studies in the Historic Environment 4, Shaun Tyas, Donnington 2015);with Nigel Ramsay, ‘Wymond de Brandon: An Ecclesiastical Official of the Late Thirteenth Century’, Oxoniensia 80,(2015) pp.1-5; with F. Hunter, E. Sauer and J. Gooder, ‘Mithras in Scotland : A Mithraeum at Inveresk (East Lothian), Britannia 47 (2016), pp. 119-168; The tombstone: Sculpture’ pp. 78-80, figs 4.2 &4.3 in N. Holbrook, J. Wright, E.R. McSloy and J. Geber, The Western Cemetery of Roman Cirencester, Excavations at the former Bridges Garage, Tetbury Road, Cirencester, 2011-2015 (Cirencester Excavations VII, Cotswold Archaeology 2017);‘Roman gems in old collections and in modern archaeology’, pp. 15-29 in B.J.L. van den Bercken and V. C. P. Boon, Engraved Gems from Antiquity to the Present, (PALMA !$, Sidestone Press, Leiden 2017);With A.Lerz,and K. Hayward, ‘A new sculpture from London’s Eastern Roman cemetery’, Britannia 48, (2017) pp.19-35 with section by M. H. on ‘ The Minories Eagle : a masterpiece of South Cotswold sculptural art’, pp.22-30; with J. Gerrard . ‘Brancaster type signet rings. A study in the material culture of sealing documents in Late Antique Britain’, Bonner Jahrbucher 146 (2016 [publ.2017]).225-258’ with Peter Ellis and Kevin Hayward, ‘The Well’s Bridge Roman ash-chest and cremation cylinder’, Trans B and G Arch Soc. 135 (2017), 89-96



A paper on the Medieval use of gems written with John Cherry is in press in a forthcoming BM monograph; I have been preparing a paper together with Penny Coombe and Kevin Hayward on Roman sculpture from Stanwick, Northants; with Penny Coombe, a further paper on the Inveresk Mithraeum; with Professor Martin Biddle a paper on finds made in the Western suburb of Winchester when the railway cutting was dug in the 1830s, all of which are almost ready for the press. I am also hoping to complete with Kate Adcock and Grahame Soffe an edited volume on Roman villas in Britain in the next few months.

I continue to be active in research and disseminating knowledge. I have not included a number of articles in the ARA Bulletin and ARA News which I hope will reach a wider audience. In the past fortnight I have lectured in Devizes Museum on a newly found relief of the three Fates /Morai/Parcae ; and on Medieval seals at the Oxfordshire Museum as well as taking part in a conversation on inscriptions and accompanying sculptural reliefs at my own college, Wolfson; and I have been booked to lecture on Roman religion in Dorset in May and on Roman cameos to the Jewellery Historians next January..Apart from this I am always very open to help anyone with an interest in the areas of my expertise.

Outside strictly Academic Activities I am active in Animal Ethics, a Fellw of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and Vice President of the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals.

I am an ordained Anglican priest in the Osney Benefice.

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