Global History Timeline

Global History Timeline

Works Cited

Davis, Photograph by Loren. ¡°15,000-Year-Old Idaho Archaeology Site Now among America's Oldest.¡± National Geographic, 30 Aug.

2019, culture/2019/08/coopers-landing-idaho-site-americas-oldest/.

Deloria, Vine, et al. Spirit & Reason the Vine Deloria, Jr. Fulcrum Pub., 1999, p. 37.

Fen Montaigne, Jennie Rothenberg Gritz. ¡°The Story of How Humans Came to the Americas Is Constantly Evolving.¡± ,

Smithsonian Institution, science-nature/how-humans-came-to-americas-180973739/.

¡°New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago.¡± ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 18 Nov. 2004,


¡°Humans in California 130,000 Years Ago? Get the Facts.¡± National Geographic, 7 May 2020,


Sonneborn, Liz. Chronology of American Indian History. Facts On File, 2007.

Valadez, Jamie, and Carmen Watson-Charles. ¡°Tse-Whit-Zen.¡± Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, culture-history/tse-whitzen/.

Created by Shana Brown, 2021


3500 BCE

3000 BCE

2500 BCE

2000 BCE

1500 BCE

1000 BCE

500 BCE

1 CE

500 CE

1000 CE

1500 CE

NW Indians begin preserving fish 4000 BCE

Old Copper

Culture (Great

Lakes) 3000-2500


Olmec Civilization 1500 BCE ¨C CE


Maya CE 250-900

Adena Culture (now Ohio) 1000 BCE ¨C CE200

Aztec CE 1350-1521

Inca CD 1200-1532

Ancient Greece

800-338 BCE

Iroquois Confederacy (NE

US) CE 1400

Poverty Point Trade Center (Louisiana) 1800


Mesopotamia 3500-2000 BCE

Islamic Empire CE 670--1500

Hopewell (MI, OH) 200


Ancient Egypt 3100-1070 BCE

Zimbabwe CE 700-1450

Toltec (Mexico) CE 9001200

Ancient Rome 509 CE-476 CE

Cochise Desert Culture 7000 BCE-CE 1

Medieval Europe CE 476-1492

Mali CE 1200-1450

Huang Ho Valley 1799-1122 BCE

Patayan (Arizona) CE 875-1500

Ghana CE 4001200

Ancient China Dynasties 2000 BCE-CE 200

Ancient India 3000 BCE-CE 500

Hohokam (Arizona) CD 400-1500

Songhai CE 1000-1600


Ancient History Timeline

Dine (SW US) CE


Coast Salish

village ??ix?¨ªc?n


Washington ca.

750 BCE-?

Clovis infant ¡°Anzick Boy¡± buried

with wealth of artifacts (Montana)

ca. 12,960 ¨C 12,565 BCE

Mississippian CE


Korea 2333-100 BCE

Axum CE 100-1400




SE Asian Empires and Kingdoms

Japan CE 500

Korea CE 200

Created by Shana Brown, 2021

Khmer (Cambodia) CE 1100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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