World History with Mrs. Bailey - World History with Mrs ...

World History IMrs. BaileyAncient Greece Maps Assignment – Glue into WHNAncient Greece MapLabel the Following Bodies of Water:Mediterranean SeaAegean SeaSea of CreteLabel the Following:Crete (island)KnossosAthensSpartaTroyDelphiArgosMap of Greek Trade in the Mediterranean MapLabel the Following Bodies of Water:Mediterranean SeaAegean SeaNile RiverAtlantic OceanAdriatic SeaBlack SeaDanube River (Trace length of river in blue)Label the Following:Alps Mountains (shade brown)CyprusCreteOutline the Coastline with black*As a class we will use red and draw arrows to show the directions of Greek trade.The Extent of Alexander the Great’s Empire MapLabel the Following Bodies of Water:Mediterranean SeaRed SeaAral SeaDanube RiverCaspian SeaPersian GulfTigris RiverNile RiverArabian SeaBlack SeaEuphrates RiverIndus RiverLabel the Following:Arabian Desert (shade brown)Zagros Mtns (shade brown)*As a class we will use orange and outline the extent of the Empire of Alexander the Great. ................

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