Geography of Ancient Greece & Early People of the Agean

World History Unit 2 Syllabus

Due Tuesday 10/18 Vocabulary Terms:

Homer Acropolis Polis Citizen Monarchy Aristocracy Oligarchy

Democracy Tyrant Legislature Alliance Ostracism Rhetoric Assimilate


Due Thursday 10/6

Geography of Ancient Greece & Early People of the Aegean

Use the map on page 119 and label the map of "Ancient Greece & the Aegean World" as indicated below:

1. Greece 2. Crete 3. Mycenae 4. Athens 5. Sparta

6. Aegean Sea 7. Peloponnesus 8. Asia Minor 9. Mediterranean Sea

10. Mt. Olympus 11. Pindus Mts.

On the back of the map, answer the following questions:

1. What advantages and disadvantages does the geography pose for the ancient Greek peoples?

2. From your knowledge of World History, how did the areas settled by the Greeks differ from the early settlements of the Fertile Crescent region, the Nile River Valley, the Indus River Valley, and ancient China?

3. List the ways that geography and climate shaped Greek life and possibly Greek history.

Read Chapter 4 Section 1 to answer the following questions: (Write answers on a separate sheet of paper)

1. What were the major geographic features of the island of Crete?

2. How did their geography affect the development of early Minoan culture?

3. Why did the Minoan civilization decline by 1450 BCE?

4. Why was the sea important to the Mycenaeans?

5. What aspects of Minoan civilization were preserved and spread by the Mycenaeans?

6. What were the mythical AND the real causes of the Trojan War?

7. What role did Homer's epics play in Greek culture?

8. What were the effects of the Dorian migrations on Greek civilization?

Due Friday 10/7 Read Ch. 4 Section 2 and answer the following questions.

1. What is a polis?    Identify some of its general characteristics.

2. Identify the different ways that a polis could be governed.

3. How did the Spartans achieve the domination of the Peloponnesus?

4. What role did citizens play in governing Sparta?

5. Describe the daily life of a Spartan boy and girl.

6. In what ways did Spartans isolate themselves from other Greeks?

7. Make a bulleted list of reforms made by each of the following Athenian leaders: Solon, Pisistratus, Cleisthenes:

8. What skills may have been required of an Athenian citizen?

9. What subjects were taught to Athenian boys?

10. What role did women play in Athenian society?

11. How did the Greeks view foreigners?

12. So far, how are Athenians different from Spartans? Any similarities?

13. Would you rather be a Spartan or an Athenian? Why?

Due Monday 10/10

Read Ch. 4 Section 3 and “The Funeral Oration of Pericles” on page 129 and answer the following questions.

1. What were the causes and effects of the Persian Wars on the Greek city-states?

2. Write your own personal definition for the word "democracy."  Now go to a dictionary

and get a formal definition.

3.  Describe democracy under Pericles.

4. What were the causes of the Peloponnesian War? What effects did the war have on Athens?

5. According to Pericles, what precisely makes Athens great?

6. How does this compare to other city-states?    

7. What is Pericles’ definition of democracy?

8. What are the responsibilities of Athenian citizenship?

9. Why does Pericles need to defend the Athenian system?

10. What problems do you see in Pericles’ description of Athens?

11. How do we in the United States today define democracy?  Is it the same

        way as Pericles’ definition?

12. Is a funeral oration a reliable source for information about a culture?  Why or why not?

Greece Exam Tuesday 10/18


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