
6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies 2012-1013Mrs. Davis, Room 105WHAT WE WILL STUDYLanguage ArtsWritten ConventionsGrammar and WritingReading Word StudySocial Studies-Ancient CivilizationsMesopotamiaEgyptRomeChinaIndiaGreeceGRADINGGrades will be based on classroom participation, homework completion, notebook upkeep and tests/projects. 70% Tests and Projects30% Classwork, Participation, Homework & NotebookA+ ?= ??4.75 -5.0??????????????????A?? ?=? ?4.5 - 4.74??????????????????B?? ?= ??3.5 - 4.49??C ???=? ?2.5 - 3.49??D ??=??? 1.5 - 2.49F ???=?? ?? 0 - 1.49CLASS PROCEDURESHomework: Homework is due when the tardy bell rings. Late work will only be accepted up to one week late. Late work must have a pink slip attached to it for credit.Three pink slips result in a detention.No Name Papers will be keep for one day on the back counterPapers must be properly headed for creditCheck the website often for copies of the homework where appropriateAbsent Work:Read the Calendar on the day you return and check the website while at home.You have the same number of days to complete the work as you were absent.If you missed handouts, check the “Missed Work” crate. It is your responsibility to check this on your own.If you missed notes, you are required to copy them from the teacher or a classmate. Start/End of Class Time:If you are still outside the classroom door when the bell rings you are tardy.Read the board for the agenda and copy it in your planner.Read the “Reminders” board and copy that information as well.The teacher excuses the class, not the bell.Class will not be excused if the room is not clean Behavior Expectations and ConsequencesWarningA “Dot” in the rosterDots are given for both being unprepared and for misbehavingThree dots = detention and a parent call homeSTUDY SURVIVAL GUIDE!Keep your notebooks for both subjects on you at all timesKeep the notes tidyMake sure you let me know if you are missing notes!If you are not sure about an assignment see me before you turn it in.Don’t be afraid to ask questions!USE YOUR NOTEBOOK TO STUDY FOR TESTS!USE MY WEBPAGE GET ABSENT WORK, ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS/TEST REVIEW TOPICS AND TEXT PAGES Google Shivela Go to “Teachers” Go to Davis, Kathy Once on my page, use the tabs on the left to click on information neededFor Homework, click on Homework Assignments and/the Class CalendarReaching the Teacherkadavis@murrieta.k12.ca.usmy blog page on the webpagephone: 696-1406, ext. 4015 ................

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