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Name: ________________________________________ Ancient Greece Study Guide1. A __________________Tyrant______________ is a form of government where the power is in the hands of one person that seized control. 2. A ____________Monarchy______________________________ is a form of government where kings rule and was seen first in Greece in this city _____________________Athens___________________________. 3. Who is Draco? What did he accomplish?Greek legislator, wrote the first Greek code of law enforced by a court, lawgiver, considered very harsh4. Who is Solon? What did he accomplish?Athenian statesman, known for ending debt slavery5. What did Cleisthenes accomplish? He is credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508/7 BC6. After Darius of Persia died, his son _____Xerxes_______________________ led Persia in the Persian Wars. 7. ________________oligarchy __________________________ is a form of government where social status is the primary thing that gives one power. 9. What was the result of the Battle of Marathon?Victory with few casualties10. Who won the Persian War? What was the overall effect of the Persian Wars?Athens, independence with innovations in technology government and culture11. The __________dorians___________________________ moved into Greece and reigned for about 400 years and left no written record. 12. ______homer_____________________________ was a great storyteller that told the stories of The Iliad and The Odyssey. 13. __________Themistocles______________________________________ was a leader during the Battle of Salamis and encouraged the Greeks to fight the Persians on the water. 14. The ____________Minoans_______________________________ lived on the island of Crete before the Mycenaean invaded. 15. How is a tyrant different from other leaders? Took power by force16. What is a phalanx? Who used it? Military formation greece17. _______Darius_________________ and _________Xerxes______________ led Persia through the Persian Wars against Greece. 18. Greece did not have one single government. What factors led to the creation of city states?Location, geography, could not communicate with each other19. ______Democracy__________________________ is the form of government where citizens rule. This was used by the city-state of _____________Athens_____________________. 20. True or False: The land in Greece was suitable for farming, allowing for large populations to grow. falseAthensSpartaType of GovernmentdemocracyoligarchyAllianceDelianPeloponnesianMilitary strengthNavyArmyTreatment of womenNo rights, limited freedom, could not choose husband, could not go out alone, managed households, priestessesSome freedoms, could own land, expected to be strongTreatment of slavesBorn slaves or pow’s, performed a variety of jobs some highly skilled, worked in silver minesWere treated harshlyWere killed if it was thought they would escape, could marry, sell extra crops, buy freedomEducationWent to school 6-14, reading, writing, math, sports, literature, music, military at 17Trained to kill from age 7 to defend Sparta22. List the (3) pre-Greek civilizations in chronological order. Minoan, Mycenaean, Dorians33. Describe how Athens eventually reached democracy. (What other governments did they go through first?) Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, democracy 34. What was the result of the Persian Wars? Persian wars united Athens and Sparta against the Persian Empire.Athenian victories over the Persians at Marathon and Salamis left Greeks in control of the Aegean Sea.Athens preserved its independence and continued innovations in government and culture.35. What two things did Greek city-states have in common? 3934460432244540. _________________Athens__________ was the name of the scientific and intellectual capital of the Greek world.Use the map to the right to answer the following:41. Name the bodies of water that surrounds the Greek civilization.Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean sea42. True/False: The Greek city-states stretched as far as Asia Minor.true43. What was the economy in Greece?Barter to coinFill out the chart below.Type of GovernmentMonarchyAristocracyOligarchyTyrannyDemocracyDefinitionkingnoblesFew rich individualsTake power by forceRule by peopleWhere was it practiced?Athens noneSpartaAthensAthens ................

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