St Mark's C of E Primary School, London

World History TimelineInstructions: It can sometimes be difficult to understand everything that has happened in history and when each time period took place. Use the dates below to put time periods in history in order on the timeline.Tudors1500 ADPresent Day2020 ADVikings800 ADWorld War One1914 ADVictorians1800 ADWorld War Two1939 ADJesus’ Birth0Ancient Greece700 BCAncient Egypt2000 BCRomans200 BC2000 BC1000 BC0 1000 AD2000 AD?????????????????????????1500 BC500 BC500 AD1500 ADGreek timelineInstructions: Now use the interactive timeline (Interactive Timeline) to list the key events of Ancient Greece on this timeline.800 BC600 BC400 BC200 BC0 AD?????????????????????????700 BC500 BC300 BC100 BC ................

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