Greek Achievements Web Quest - Mrs. Walden's Class

Greek Achievements Web Quest

Directions: For each achievement, go to the website provided and answer the questions completely.

|[pic] |Achievement #1: Architecture |

| |Website: |

| |What were the three different architectural orders in Ancient Greece? Describe and draw a picture of each one |

| |What were the Parthenon and the Acropolis? |

| |How would you describe Ancient Greek architecture? Where do we see its influence in our society? |

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| |Take a virtual tour of ancient Greek historical sites (obviously, these images are not ancient. They are modern pictures of |

| |ancient sites). |

| |What did you find most impressive or surprising? |

| |Achievement #2: Art & Sculpture |

| |Website: |

|[pic] |What materials did Greek artists use to create sculpture? |

| |How did Ancient Greek art influence the world? |

| |What was depicted in Greek Art? |

| | |

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| |Browse the art on this page, describing what you see. |

| |Achievement #3: Theater |

| |Website: |

| |(Also click the what were Greek plays like button) |

| |Describe the major components of Greek plays. |

|[pic] |What types of plays were performed? Describe them in a sentence. |

| | |

| |Define the following in your own words: comedy, comic hero, farce, romantic comedy, satirical comedy. |

| |Define tragedy and list the three main requirements of a tragedy in your own words. |

| |Achievement # 4: The Olympics |

|[pic] |Website: |

| |What were the Olympics? |

| |Who participated in the games? |

| |What were the competitions? |

| |Did anything surprise you? |

| | |

|[pic] |Achievement #5: Medicine |

| |Website: |

| |Describe what is meant by “humors” and what Greeks believed about them. |

| |Website: |

| |Who was Hippocrates? |

| |Describe his contributions to medicine. |

|[pic] |Achievement #5: Mathematics: |

| |Website: |

| |Who was Pythagoras? |

| |What was his contribution to the world of mathematics? |

| | |

|[pic] |Achievement #6: Greek Mythology |

| | |

| |Watch the video and… |

| |Describe in detail at least three of the Olympian gods or goddesses. Find an example of how each has been depicted in art and |

| |literature and list the title of the artwork. |

| |Based on what you have learned about their gods and goddesses, what can you infer about the values or culture of the Greeks? |

| |Greek mythology had a huge impact on Western literature, art, and even our words and phrases. Go to the website below: |

| | |

| |Find the meanings and origins of at least 5 of the following and write them down: Arachnid, Achilles Heel, Adonis, Atlas, Echo, |

| |Herculean, Titans (Titanic), Volcano, Midas touch, Tantalus (tantalize), Pan (panic), Trojan horse, Narcissist, Siren Song. |

|[pic] |Achievement #7 Government |

| | |

| |Who qualified as a citizen in Athens? (Who could vote?) |

| |Describe the 3 bodies of government and who belonged to each. |

| |Why is Athens considered a “direct” democracy? |

| | |

| |Describe the process of ostracism. |

| |How might ostracism be useful? What problems could you anticipate with this system? |

| | |

| |Why is Pericles important? |

| |List three changes Pericles made to Athens. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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