NameDatePeriodPage#AP Human Geography Chapter 9 section 1 Text pages 259-272When and Why did People Start Living in CitiesSlide 1 What is a CityCity – Mix of and ; forming a center of , , and activity. - Layout of a city (form and structure)Slide 2 UrbanizationUrban is the buildup of city and while rural is and urbanization is the worldwide to cities. Most of human history has been .Slide 3 AgricultureCities require the switch from and to Agricultural villages – near living and (share everything)First agricultural hearth was around years ago on the closely followed by the and Slide 4 Formation of CitiesIn order for cities to form the following were required: Slide 5 Five HearthsNot surprisingly, the five urban hearths are tied closely to the hearths of agriculture. The FIVE hearths of agriculture are: , , , , .Slide 6 Roles of Ancient CitiesAncient cities were not only centers of and , but also served as centers. Cities were the chief and bases from which wealthy , land and owners, and traders operated. As centers, residents of cities included teachers and philosophers. They also had handicraft industries that attracted the best craftspeople and .Slide 7 What are roles of cities today?Slide 8 SiteWhat is site?Site can impact:Slide 9 SituationSituation of a city is its location, its place in the and around it.Slide 10 The MediterraneanThe Mediterranean had two important civilizations: and Slide 11 GreeceGreek cities developed from BCE and were connected by .The two largest cities in Greece were and .Slide 12 GreeceGreece was full of wide open public spaces and the central point and center of all athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life of the city was the . However there were problems in ancient Greece; , , and it was . Although Greece was not a hearth of urbanization, the Greeks influenced , spread their culture to and influenced society, colonialism and capitalism spread ideas about cities to the world.Slide 13 RomeThe urban system was the largest yet, with its capital in . The Romans linked these places with extensive systems that included hundreds of miles of , well established , and ports along the roads, sea, and rivers. The Romans combined the acropolis and agora to create the and the (the largest being in Rome but other towns also having them).Slide 14 European ExplorationBefore exploration sites for cities had to be because trade made the situations of these cities favorable.Slide 15 Second Urban RevolutionAlso known as the which occurred first in . Before the Industrial Revolution could take place, a second in was necessary in which European invented a series of important improvement in agriculture including the , hybrid seeds, and improved practices.Slide 21 Site and Situation change in the Industrial RevolutionNot everything was positive during the Industrial Revolution; negatives include ,, ,, and .Slide 22 Latter 20th CenturyThe Communist ideas of and encouraged “workers of the world” to unite, conditions in European manufacturing cities gradually improved and industries began to recognize workers’ rights. ................

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