Swallows Charter Academy

Ancient Rome Study GuideChapter 1 “The Roman Republic”Directions: Define the vocabulary words and answer each question with a short answer response. Vocabulary: Aristocratic republic, patrician, plebeian, tribune, province, governor, tributeAccording to the legend of Rome’s creation, who founded the city? What do historians know about how Rome started?Who were the main elected officials initially in Rome’s aristocratic republic? What were the main differences between patricians and plebeians?How did plebeians manage to change their situation?How did the Roman army become such an important part of Roman society?What benefits did Roman soldiers receive? How did the Romans organize and govern the areas they conquered?How did Rome treat conquered peoples?Why did Rome treat conquered peoples in this way?How did the Roman Senate change over time?How did the army’s success make Rome wealthy?What conflict began to develop between the Roman government and the army? Chapter 2 “The Punic Wars”Directions: Define the vocabulary words and answer each question with a short answer response.Vocabulary: Phoeneician, Punic, trade routeHow did the conflict between Carthage and Sicily begin? What areas did Rome and Carthage fight to control?In the Second Punic War, what was Hannibal’s ultimate goal? Why did Hannibal choose to attack Saguntum?Why was Hannibal’s approach to attacking Rome particularly difficult? Why was Hannibal unable to defeat Rome?What led Hannibal to give up fighting in Italy?What happened to Hannibal after losing the battle of Zama?What caused Romans to want to destroy Carthage, even after winning the Second Punic War? What happened to Carthage and the Carthaginians? How did Greek culture come to heavily influence Roman civilizationChapter 3 “Julius Caesar: A Great Roman”Directions: Define the vocabulary words and answer each question with a short answer response. Vocabulary: Gallic Wars, civil war, conspirator, assassinationWhat was Julius Caesar’s background?How was the loyalty of Roman soldiers different than it had been in the past?What were some of Caesar’s characteristics?Who were Pompey and Crassus?What government position did Caesar win?What areas did Caesar conquer for Rome?What led Caesar to consider taking his army into Rome? What does the phrase “crossing the Rubicon” mean?Why was it significant that Caesar crossed the Rubicon river?How were Caesar’s ideas about being a dictator different from the traditional Roman idea of a dictator? What were some of Caesar’s ideas for improving life in Rome? What are some reasons Caesar had trouble as a dictator?What health issues affected Caesar?What details show that Caesar was out of touch about how people felt about him and the way he ruled?How did Julius Caesar die?What led senators to murder Caesar?How did Caesar destroy the Roman republic?Chapter 4 “The Age of Augustus”Directions: Define the vocabulary words and answer each question with a short answer response.Vocabulary: administrator, Trojans, propaganda, legion, spoils, treasury, Pax RomanaHow did Octavian become the sole ruler of Rome? What new rule did Octavian gain? What are some reasons that might have led Romans to make Octavian emperor? How was Augustus different from Julius Caesar? What projects did Augustus undertake to restore and rebuild Rome? How did Augustus’ building program help impact how Romans felt about him? What did leaders like Augustus and Maecenas think about the arts? What culture did influenced Roman writers and artists at this time? Who was Virgil?What is the Aeneid?How is the Aeneid similar to Homer’s Odyssey?Why was the Aeneid a successful piece of propaganda? How did Augustus avoid the mistakes of Julius Caesar?What new title did the Senate give him? How did Augustus approach governing and law? What changes did Augustus make to the Roman army?What was an important result of Augustus’s efforts to create stability and order?Chapter 5 “Rome and Christianity” Directions: Define each vocabulary word and answer each question with a short answer response. Vocabulary: miracle, ritual, persecution, conversion, edict, baptize, paganWhy was it fairly easy for people to travel within the Roman Empire between 27 BCE and 180 CE? What kinds of people were found in the many cities of the Roman Empire? About when did stories about a new religion that followed a man Jesus Christ begin to reach some cities of the Roman Empire? Why did most people in the Roman Empire probably pay little attention to these stories? What were some of the difficulties the Roman Empire faced in the 100s and 200s BCE What were some ways Romans showed loyalty to the empire?Why were Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire? Who was Constantine? What happened to him at the Battle of Milvian Bridge? What did the Edict of Milan do? What led Constantine to encourage Christianity?Chapter 6 “The Fall of the Roman Empire”Directions: Define the vocabulary words and answer each question with a short answer response. Vocabulary: economic, recession, inflation, plunder, prophetWhat contributions did Rome make to the lands it ruled? What problems arose in the 200s BCE?What economic troubles did the empire face?How did the emperor Diocletian try to solve Rome’s economic problems? How did the emperor Constantine try to solve Rome’s economic problems? What were some other ways rulers tried to solve the problems?What changes had occurred for the rich and the poor?What were some of the other issues that weakened Rome at this time? How were Germanic peoples different from the other peoples the Romans had conquered around the Mediterranean? Why were attacks by Goths and Vandals more successful at this point than in the past?What difference between the eastern and western parts of the empire developed?What was the new name of the eastern part of the Roman Empire? What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?Who was Muhammed? How did the development of this new religion affect Arab peoples?What are some areas that the new Arab armies conquered? How did the Roman Empire continue to influence Christianity? How did the influence of the Roman Empire continue on in Europe?Chapter 7 “The Heritage of Greek and Rome” Directions: Define each vocabulary word and answer each question with a short answer response. Vocabulary: classical, jurisprudence, heritage Where can we see influence from ancient Greek and Roman architecture in the United States today? How did the history of Greece and Rome influence the type of government created in the United States?What are some other ways the Romans have influenced our culture today?What are some subjects that were greatly influenced by ancient Greece and Rome? ................

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