

Sunny, 63 degrees 45 percent chance of rain tomorrow.

September 24, 322 B.C

The Greek Times

Anthony Buccieri- Period 4

Dear Zeus,

I would like you to give me a new power so I can do a better job of being the god of war. I would like the ability to become invisible when I am in danger during war. That would help me become invincible and I would easily be able to defeat my opponents quicker because they wouldn’t even be able to see me sneak up on them. If you give me the ability to become invisible, then I would be able to expand Greece even further than Alexander the Great has. As I have said, if you give me the new power this will benefit our country.



Olympic Event

Saturday, September 23, 322 B.C.

Dear Government,

My name is Brett Favre. I would just like to remind you that the Olympics are coming up this summer and I have found a perfect Olympic event. There will be a one hundred yard field and two teams in the game. There will be a ball that is like two cones put together. There will also be two end zones at then end of both sides and that is where you score. The end zones will be ten yards each. If you score, you get one point.

The first one to get five points wins. There will be twenty two players on each tam and both teams will have an offense and defense. There will be eleven players on offense and eleven players on defense. Every player on the team will get a position and everyone plays. If you have any questions concerning this event, you visit my house in Sparta. My address is Four Jets Drive.


Brett Favre


One of our latest deaths was all of our favorite god - Zeus. Zeus is the major god in Ancient Greece. He is the king of all gods and is by far the most powerful. He has left behind his wife Hera, and his many children. He is also greatly missed by all the Greeks.

Another death that has taken place was the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. She made many contributions to Greek culture. Her husband Hephaestus will miss her a lot. She will also be missed by the citizens of Ancient Greece.


“Dionysus caught spitting out wine”

Last night, Dionysus was at a bar in Athens. He was sitting in the corner of the room where he was sipping his wine. Then, he spit out his wine and made a nasty face. He obviously didn’t notice that there were some people staring at him. One bystander mentioned, “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

“Ares caught stopping war”

Last Saturday, Ares was caught stopping the war between Greece and the Persian Empire. Ares asked, “Why are you fighting?” Then he took everyone’s weapons and left. Everyone was extremely surprised that they just left the war and went home to rest. “Why would he do that” questioned one bystander.

Swords and Shields for Sale

Come to Fred’s sword and shield shop. We sell any type of weapons you need for war. Anything from swords for attack from shields for defense. Swords range from $5-20. Shields are $15.

Letter to Zeus

Field for new Olympic Event.


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