Ancient Greek Theater & Antigone: Webquest

Ancient Greek Theater Webquest Name ______________________________________

Directions: Your goal is to find out what ancient Greek theater was like. As you find descriptions and pictures online, think about how they relate to life and theater today.


. Click on Europe, then Greece. Notice that Thebes no longer exists.

1. What is the capital of Greece?

2. Name a city that is close to the capital.

Compare the modern-day map at the link above with the map of ancient Greece at .

3. Find the mountain that is 2917m. Name it here.

4. Name the sea that is to the East of Greece.

The Theaters

5. How do ancient Greek theaters compare to today’s modern theaters?

6. What is the name of the theater in Athens?

7. What is the orchestra?

8. Where did the audience sit?

9. What is a skene?

10. What year was Socrates tried and killed?

11. Go to STAGING AN ANCIENT GREEK PLAY: How are plays different in the U.S. from Greece?

12. Go to STRUCTURE OF THE PLAYS: Define the following:

a. Prologue:

b. Parodos:

c. First Episode:

d. First Stasimon:

e. Exodos:

A brief intro to Greek Tragedy:

13. How many actors were on stage at one time in an ancient Greek Tragedy?

14. Why does it matter that ancient Greek plays were based on myths? How did this affect the audience’s relationship with the plays?

15. Where did violent actions in the plays take place?

An outline of Ancient Greek Theater:

16. From what sources do we know about ancient Greek theater?

17. Who are the three main tragic writers?

18. What are four qualities of Greek drama, according to this website?

(Keep Going!

More Sites on Ancient Greece and Greek Theater

Choose Sophocles

19. Record one fact from paragraph one.

20. Record one fact from paragraph two.

21. Record one fact from paragraph three.

(The “people” link includes info on Sophocles.)

22. Choose either Alexander the Great or Archimedes. Record three facts.

23. What is the definition of tragedy?

24. Find the paragraph that talks about women not being allowed to be actors. How did men portray women’s roles?

25. Why did actors have to wear different masks?

26. What were masks made of?

27-30. Draw your own Greek mask below on the next blank page. (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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