
Name ____________________________

English 9 Enriched Period ____

Ms. Liu


Webquest: Ancient India

Directions: As an introduction to Siddhartha, you will be researching the background of beliefs that frame the novel. In groups, use the Internet to search for resources and answer each of the questions below your subject. Each person will be responsible for a separate topic. Take thorough notes in your notebook; do not merely print out entire articles.

On Monday, return to your groups and present to one another. Each person must come prepared with his/her part so that your group will not be lacking essential information! Find interesting facts and pictures to accompany your research.

There are a few sources beneath each topic to help you get started.

Have fun!


1. Who is Hermann Hesse? What are some facts from his life?

2. Where did Hesse find inspiration for the novel Siddhartha?

3. What were/are the social conditions in India?

4. What types of dance or art exist in India? Do these have spiritual significance?

5. Describe the status of women during those times.

6. Who are some noteworthy faces in the course of Indian history?

7. What kinds of festivals, food, and cultural aspects continue to endure today?

8. Find at least one noteworthy Indian landmark and explain why it is unique.




1. What are the Four Noble Truths? [pic]

2. Describe the Eightfold Path.

3. What are other major elements or requirements in this faith?

4. What are some possible misconceptions of Buddhism?

5. What object best symbolizes Buddhism?

6. Describe a work of Buddhist art and explain why it is unique.

7. What are the two most positive aspects of Buddhism?

8. What is a surprising facet of Buddhism?



1. Where was Siddhartha Gautama born or raised?

2. What drastic decision did Siddhartha make at 29?

3. Why does Siddhartha choose to meditate? Where does he do this?

4. Why are there different forms of the Buddha (slender, well-rounded, etc.)?

5. What did the Buddha seek to teach?

6. Explain the main events happening during Buddha’s time as a teacher.

7. How did the life of the Buddha end?

8. Describe at least three different “gestures” of the Buddha.



1. How did Hinduism originate? What are the four goals of life? [pic]

2. Who are the three major deities (gods)?

3. What is the caste (varna) system?

4. What sacred texts, beliefs, or regulations guide Hinduism?

5. What object best symbolizes Hinduism?

6. Describe a piece of Hindu art and explain why it is unique.

7. What are the two most positive aspects of Hinduism?

8. What is a fascinating aspect of Hinduism?


Note: There will be an open-note quiz following the sharing of your Webquest results.


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