Ancient India Kids Discovery Scavenger Hunt

[Pages:4]Name ___________________________________________________ Period _________

Ancient India Kids Discovery Scavenger Hunt

Directions: Answer the following questions. You do NOT have to use POQ! 1. What was once the largest city on the Indian sub-continent? Page 6 2. What do hunters wear to sneak up on unsuspecting herons? Page 10 3. How long did the Indus Valley civilization last? Page 8 4. What forms a barrier between the Indian subcontinent and the rest of Asia? Page 2 5. How did the Aryans measure their wealth? Page 13 6. What tells the story of how Hanuman helps Rama rescue Sita from Ravana? Page 17 7. What is the most long-lasting legacy of the Aryans? Page 16 8. Where does the country of India get its name from? Page 3 9. What is one of the most popular animals found on Indus seals? Page 5 10. What is something archaeologists have uncovered in trash heaps in Harappa? Page 4 11. What are steppes? Page 12 12. Who called on all Indians to stop the harsh treatment of untouchables? Page 15

13. How did each generation teach hymns and poems to the next generation before writing? Pg 13 14. What were houses made from? Page 7 15. What was the most important public building? Page 7 16. What did craftsmen make jewelry and other objects out of? Page 4 17. Who are the three especially important gods in Hinduism? Page 16 18. According to tradition, where did castes emerge from? Page 14 19. The Indus Valley civilization was many times larger than what two civilizations? Page 2 20. What is the word for social classes? Page 14 21. Along with Mohenjo-Daro, what was the other twin capital of the Indus civilization? Page 6 22. How many people lived in Harappa? Page 5 23. Over time, the Vedic Aryans gave up their nomadic life and settled where? Page 12 24. What does the ancient city of Harappa lie under? Page 2 25. What is the way a person behaves in this life called? Page 17

Name ____KEY___________________________________________ Period _________

Ancient India Kids Discovery Scavenger Hunt

Directions: Answer the following questions. You do NOT have to use POQ! Make sure you write down the page number as well!

1. What was once the largest city on the Indian sub-continent? Mohenjo-Daro (pg 6)

2. What do hunters wear to sneak up on unsuspecting herons? Decoys or Dead Herons (pg 10)

3. How long did the Indus Valley civilization last? 1,000 years (pg 8)

4. What forms a barrier between the Indian subcontinent and the rest of Asia? The Himalayas (pg 2)

5. How did the Aryans measure their wealth? In Cattle (pg 13)

6. What tells the story of how Hanuman helps Rama rescue Sita from Ravana? Ramayana (pg 17)

7. What is the most long-lasting legacy of the Aryans? Hinduism (pg 16)

8. Where does the country of India get its name from? Indus River (pg 3)

9. What is one of the most popular animals found on Indus seals? Unicorn (pg 5)

10. What is something archaeologists have uncovered in trash heaps in Harappa? Charred kernels of wheat and barley (pg 4)

11. What are steppes? Dry grasslands of Central Asia (pg 12)

12. Who called on all Indians to stop the harsh treatment of untouchables? Mohandas K. Gandhi (pg 15)

13. How did each generation teach hymns and poems to the next generation before writing? Word of mouth (pg 13)

14. What were houses made from? Baked brick (pg 7)

15. What was the most important public building? The Great Bath (pg 7)

16. What did craftsmen make jewelry and other objects out of? Copper, bronze, gold, silver, and terra cotta (pg 4)

17. Who are the three especially important gods in Hinduism? Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (pg 16)

18. According to tradition, where did castes emerge from? The mouth, arms, legs, and feet of Purusha (pg 14)

19. The Indus Valley civilization was many times larger than what two civilizations? Egypt and Mesopotamia (pg 2)

20. What is the word for social classes? Varna (pg 14)

21. Along with Mohenjo-Daro, what was the other twin capital of the Indus civilization? Harappa (pg 6)

22. How many people lived in Harappa? 20,000 (pg 5)

23. Over time, the Vedic Aryans gave up their nomadic life and settled where? In the valley of the Ganges River (pg 12)

24. What does the ancient city of Harappa lie under? The present-day city of Harappa (pg 2)

25. What is the way a person behaves in this life called? Karma (pg 17)


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