Ramayana, The Epic of Rama, Prince of India

 The Ramayana

Condensed into English Verse by

Romesh C. Dutt

To The Right Hon. Professor F. Max Muller

Who has devoted his lifetime to the elucidation of the learning, literature, and religion of ancient India and has recognised and vindicated what is true and great and ennobling in modern India this translation of the Ramayana is dedicated as a sincere token of

the esteem and regard of my countrymen.



A Note on the Late Romesh C. Dutt Bibliography

Book I. Sita-Swayamvara (The Bridal of Sita) I. Ayodhya, the Righteous City

II. Mithila, and the Breaking of the Bow III. The Embassy to Ayodhya

IV. Meeting of Janak and Dasa-ratha V. The Preparation VI. The Wedding

VII. Return to Ayodhya

Book II. Vana-Gamana-Adesa (The Banishment) I. The Council Convened II. The People Consulted III. The City Decorated IV. Intrigue V. The Queen's Demand VI. The King's Lament VII. The Sentence

Book III. Dasa-ratha-Viyoga (The Death of the King) I. Woman's Love

II. Brother's Faithfulness


III. Mother's Blessings IV. Citizens' Lament V. Crossing the Tamasa: the Citizens' Return VI. Crossing the Ganges, Bharad-vaja's Hermitage VII. Crossing the Jumna ? Valmiki's Hermitage VIII. Tale of the Hermit's Son

Book IV. Rama-Bharata-Sambada (The Meeting of the Princes I. The Meeting of the Brothers

II. Bharat's Entreaty and Rama's Reply III. Kausalya's Lament and Rama's Reply IV. Jabali's Reasoning and Rama's Reply

V. The Sandals VI. The Hermitge of Atri

Book V. Panchavati (On the Banks of the Godavari) I. The Hermitage of Agastya II. The Counsel of Agastya III. The Forest of Panchavati IV. Winter in Panchavati

Book VI. Sita-Harana (Sita Lost) 1. Surpa-nakha in Love II. Surpa-nakha Punished III. Rama's Departure

IV. Lakshman's Departure


V. Ravan's Coming VI. Ravan's Wooing VII. Ravan's Triumph

Book VII. Kishkindha (In the Nilgiri Mountains ) I. Friends in Misfortune II. The Counsel of Tara III. The Fall of Bali

IV. The Consecration of Sugriva V. The Rains in the Nilgiri Mountains

VI. The Quest for Sita

Book VIII. Sita-Sandesa (Sita Discovered) I. Sita in the Asoka Garden II. The Voice of Hope III. Rama's Token IV. Sita's Token

Book IX. Ravana-Sabha (The Council of War) I. Ravan Seeks Advice II. Prahasta's Speech III. Durmukha's Speech

IV. Vajra-danshtra's Speech V. Speech of Nikumbha and Vajra-hanu

VI. Bibhishan's Warning VII. Kumbha-karna's Determination


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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