Chapter Twelve Structured Notes

Ancient India

Please remember to study your Powerpoint slides!

(Pg. 46) India map

← Draw the map of India on this page

(Pg. 47) Section One: Geography of India

← Where is India located?

← What is a subcontinent?

← What is a monsoon?

← Which early Indian civilization developed writing and indoor plumbing?

← What is a raja?

← What is Sanskrit?

(Pg. 48-50) Section Two: Origins of Hinduism

← What were the four main social divisions of the Varnas?

← What is a caste system?

← What does a caste system determine for people?

← What is Brahmanism?

← What is Hinduism?

← What did Hindus believe?

← What is reincarnation?

← What is karma?

← What is dharma?

← What is ahisma?

← What Jainism?

← How did Sikhism develop?

← What is yoga?

(Pg. 51-52) Section 3: Origins of Buddism

← How did Siddhartha dedicate his time?

← What did Siddhartha change his name to?

← Who was Buddha?

← What is Buddhism?

← What is Nirvana?

← How did Buddhism make people feel?

← What did missionaries do?

← What was the Silk Road?

(Pg. 53) Section 4: Empires of Ancient India

← Who was Chandragupta? What guided him?

← Who was his grandson and what did he achieve?

(Pg. 54) Section 5: Indian Achievements

← What was Sanskrit literature?

← What is metallurgy?

← What is an alloy?

← What are Hindu-Arabic numerals

← What is an inoculation?

← What is astronomy?

See Mr. Peterson for extra help.



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