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Name: __________________________________________Date: ___________Global History I. Midterm Review QuestionsMrs. ValdesThe definition of culture is…the place where people liveall the things that make up a person’s entire way of lifethe movement of people from place to anothera high level of technological achievementTrade along the Silk Roads and the trans-Saharan trade routes resulted in:393191931943Trade=Cultural Diffusion!020000Trade=Cultural Diffusion!elimination of all traditional beliefsa movement toward decolonizationthe Columbian exchangecultural diffusion between different societiesWhich statement about the Bantu migration is an opinion rather than a fact?The migration occurred gradually over a long period of time.Language and knowledge spread from northwestern to southern and eastern Africa.The lack of primary documents makes it difficult to determine the exact cause of the migration.Bantu civilization was superior to those civilizations that it displaced.19580370(Better than)020000(Better than)One reason that many historians study geography is to….4098897124156Geography- the study of earth and everything on it:Landforms & climate020000Geography- the study of earth and everything on it:Landforms & climateHelp predict changes in governmentShow connections between people and placesTell when events took place Explore the value systems of early peopleGeography is the study of …human activity in an areapeople, their environments and their resourcesthe system of supply and demandearly river valley civilizations399525497155Peninsula- landform surrounded by water on three sides020000Peninsula- landform surrounded by water on three sides6. Which nation is located on a peninsula?a. Brazil (in S. America)c. Saudi Arabiab. Philippines (islands)d. Austria (in Europe)3478585-35560Natural Barrier- NOT man-made020000Natural Barrier- NOT man-made7. Which feature is considered a natural barrier?a. Great Rift Valleyb. Aswan Damc. Panama Canal4432300141909Natural Resource- something in nature that man uses (timber, gas, gold, silver, iron, coal, fresh water)4000020000Natural Resource- something in nature that man uses (timber, gas, gold, silver, iron, coal, fresh water)d. Great Wall of China__________________________________________________________________________“Price of Oil Hits Record High”“Tribes Fight Over Control of Natural Resources”1322401170180(Limits)020000(Limits)“Government Rations Goods for Duration of War”8. These headlines all relate to the economic concept ofa. overproduction c. entrepreneurship (starting own business)b. interdependence d. scarcity (limited)__________________________________________________________________________9. An archeologist’s job while working at the site of an ancient African city would most likely includea. helping to set up a new industrial projectb. opposing the United Nations peacekeeping forcesc. studying artifacts for clues about early civilizationsd.teaching local farmers how to use chemical fertilizer663989296048(study development of man)020000(study development of man)10. Which social scientists primarily study the scarcity of resources and the distribution of goods and services?anthropologists c. economists2548393161925(study written records/primary sources)020000(study written records/primary sources)337737217170(study government and laws)020000(study government and laws)political scientists d. historians______________________________________________________________________________A library’s holdings include the following title: A Forgotten Kingdom, Being a Record of the results obtained from the excavation of two mounds, Atchana and Al Mina, in the Turkish Hatay.11. Which field of study would have been most responsible for conducting the excavation?a. economics c. archaeology337930146685(how man behaves in groups)020000(how man behaves in groups)b. sociology d. political science______________________________________________________________________________12. Which social scientist is most concerned with analyzing the relationship between the supply of and the demand for goods and services?an anthropologist c. a sociologistan economist d. a political scientist2381416155050Eyewitness account020000Eyewitness account13. Which document is an example of a primary source?a textbook on Russian Historyan encyclopedia article on religions of the Middle Easta novel of the Age of Explorationthe diary of a survivor of a Nazi death campPlanting wheat and barley (food)Domesticating animalsEstablishing permanent homes and villages (shelter)14. At the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution, the most direct impact of the developments mentioned above was on:religion and governmenttransportation and tradediet and shelterclimate and topography15. Which description best fits the Neolithic Revolution?24927341877(country)020000(country)13271504445(city)020000(city)a. moving from urban centers to rural centersb. using petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase productionc. replacing human laborers with machines1657847197623(Paleolithic)020000(Paleolithic)d. shifting from hunting and gathering to farming as a way of life4162315184288(a permanent change)020000(a permanent change)16. What is the main reason the Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in history?5617597133792Cultivation- planting crops00Cultivation- planting cropsfire was used as a source of energy for the first timespoken language was used to improve communicationdomestication of animals and cultivation of crops led to settled communitiesstone tools and weapons were first developed1999615172085(farming!)020000(farming!)17. How did the introduction of agriculture affect early peoples?3266237157810More food = more peopleBuilding of roads, establishing a government, written language, job specialization, building permanent housingStable food supply00More food = more peopleBuilding of roads, establishing a government, written language, job specialization, building permanent housingStable food supplysocieties became nomadicfood production declinedcivilizations began to developbirthrates decreased rapidlyBase your answer to the following question on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies.Long before the rule of pharaohs, Egyptians grew wheat and barley and raised pigs, goats, sheep and cattle. Spotty evidence had suggested that agriculture was practiced there more than 7,000 years ago, two millenniums earlier than the first royal dynasties.…— John Noble Wilford, New York Times,February 12, 200818. Which period in history is referred to in this excerpt?Industrial Revolution (factories, steam power- 1800s)Neolithic RevolutionScientific RevolutionGreen Revolution Base your answer to question 19 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies19. The main purpose of this map is to illustrate the location ofoverseas trade routesearly belief systemsriver valley civilizationsburial sites of ancient rulers______________________________________________________________________________20. One way in which the Huang He, the Indus and the Nile River Valley Civilizations were similar is that they…flourished by trading gold and salt- African empires: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai4361815148590Monotheistic- belief in one religion00Monotheistic- belief in one religiondeveloped monotheistic religionssuffered repeated invasionsoriginated (began) in river valley1295273-635(in China)020000(in China)4070553169215(feel sorry, or bad)020000(feel sorry, or bad)21. Historically, the Huang He has also been known as the “River of Sorrows” because: 380019677978Cataracts- waterfalls00Cataracts- waterfallsfrozen ports have made trade difficultcataracts have made transportation impossiblefloods have destroyed crops and villagesburials have taken place at the sacred waters____________________________________________________________________________“River of Sorrows Floods Again” – Yellow River/Huang He“Thousands Missing After Huang He Overflows”“Over 10 Million Reported Homeless After 1931 Flooding”22. These newspaper headlines describe the effects of geography on the people of:China c. IndiaJapan d. Vietnam_____________________________________________________________________________23. One way in which the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayas are similar is that these civilizations developed:irrigation systems- watering systemsiron weaponswheeled vehiclesblock printing systems24. The Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra were important to ancient India because they werehigh mountain ranges that protected India from invasion –Himalayas great rivers that flowed through India’s fertile northern plainAryan gods to whom the priests prayed for rainruling dynasties that united the people of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro186538114452(Mesopotamia- Babylonia & Sumaria)020000(Mesopotamia- Babylonia & Sumaria)25. The Code of Hammurabi was a major contribution to the development of civilization because it…. treated citizens and slaves equally- they were NEVER, EVER, EVER treated equally!ended all physical punishment – it almost encouraged it!recorded laws for all to seerejected the principles of filial piety26. Cuneiform and hieroglyphics are similar in that they both were:religious templesinventions of the Chineseholy books of ancient Egyptwritten forms of communication4370832245541Egypt and Mesopotamia are Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!00Egypt and Mesopotamia are Ancient River Valley Civilizations!!!27. Which statement most accurately describes how geography affected the growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia?river valleys provided rich soil to grow plentiful cropslarge deserts provided mineral depositsaccess to the Atlantic Ocean provided trade routeslarge savanna areas provided protection from invaders28. Which statement about the early Indus River valley civilization is an opinion rather than a fact?401177845416}00}132006438100(extra/more)020000(extra/more)4441825137795facts020000factsFarmers grew a surplus of barley, wheat, and dates. The Indus people developed a system of writing.Planned cities indicated a use of technology. The Indus city-states were the most developed of the time period.29. Which river system is found in Mesopotamia? Nile River- EgyptYellow River- China (AKA Huang He, “The River of Sorrows”) SYNONYMSTigris and Euphrates riversGanges and Brahmaputra rivers- India30. Oracle bones, Daoism, and the Mandate of Heaven are all associated with early civilizations in: 370514966853Mandate of Heaven:The right to rule comes from the gods00Mandate of Heaven:The right to rule comes from the godsEgypt c. IndiaRussia d. China31. Which geographic feature did the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India, and China have in common?38072825893River Valleys00River Valleysmountains that provided protection from invasionrivers that increased the fertility of the land by floodingvast forests that supplied lumber for buildingtropical climates that included monsoons1429385171450(Blocked)020000(Blocked)32. What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development?an inland location hindered trade and colonizationlack of natural seaports limited communicationthe rugged mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-statesabundant natural resources encouraged self-sufficiency—NO! They NEEDED to trade!33. Which geographic factor contributed to the formation of independent city-states in ancient Greece?tropical rainforests- South America & Africafertile farmland- Western Europe & parts of Middle East & South Americanavigable rivers-Europe, Asia, South America (Amazon), a few in Africa (the Nile)mountainous topography34. What was one of the most important contributions of the Greek city-state of Athens?4312310194361Athens = Democracy020000Athens = Democracya. development of direct democracyb. diffusion of a monotheistic belief systemc. promotion of the equality of all humansd. creation of a writing system using hieroglyphics208066727305started020000started35. Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?2547620114935Democracy = Greece020000Democracy = Greecea. Egyptb. Sumerianc. Indusd. GreekBase your answer to question 36 on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies.…We give our obedience to those whom we put in positions of authority, and we obey the lawsthemselves, especially those which are for the protection of the oppressed, and those unwrittenlaws which it is an acknowledged shame to break.…— Pericles, quoted in History of the Peloponnesian War36. In this quotation, Pericles is praising Athenian: civic values (values that seek good for a community or society as a whole.)?artistic creativitymilitary strengthscommercial success37. Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta?a. “The government and society in Sparta are so strict. The people have little voice in government.”b. “I feel as though I have never left home. Everything here is the same as it is in Athens.”c. “This society allows for more freedom of expression than I have ever experienced in Athens.”d. “I have never heard of a society like Sparta that believes in only one God.”367538066675Sparta = military/army020000Sparta = military/army38. The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta…was primarily concerned with the health of their peoplewas a powerful military state granted universal suffrage to woman (suffrage = right to vote)placed great emphasis on democracy and the arts39. The Golden Age of Athens is also known as the...301020444679Pericles- the leader of Athens after the Persian Wars.Under his leadership, Athens was brought into a Golden Age020000Pericles- the leader of Athens after the Persian Wars.Under his leadership, Athens was brought into a Golden Agea. Age of Periclesb. Hellenistic Erac. Age of Engagementd. Pax RomanaBase the answer to questions 40 and 41 on the diagram below and your knowledge of social studies40. Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illustration?a. isolation- alone/ separated b. armed conflict- a warc. cultural diffusion d. urbanization- the act of people moving from the countryside to the city (for jobs)41. Which leader is most closely associated with the accomplishment shown by the illustration?CharlemagneMansa MusaAlexander the Great- The mixture of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian culturesSuleiman the Magnificent 42. Important contributions of the ancient Greeks to modern society are found mainly in the areas of …military technologyreligioneconomic policy and planningd. government and law 43. Which description correctly identifies Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?rulers of the Roman Republicartists of the Italian Renaissancereligious leaders of the Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther, John Calvin, & Henry VIII)philosophers of Ancient Greece4611548143231big, large020000big, large ................

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