Revised in April, 1999

Joyce MarcusMuseum of Anthropological Archaeology, 610 E. University Avenue, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259Electronic Mail (e-mail) address --- joymar@umich.eduTelephone:(734) 764-0485, (734) 763-5164; Fax Number: (734) 763-7783 PUBLICATIONS1. Books and Monographs1976 Emblem and State in the Classic Maya Lowlands: an epigraphic approach to territorial organization. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. (203 pp.)1983The Cloud People: divergent evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations. [co-editor with Kent V. Flannery]. {Sole author of 16 chapters (see below) and co-author of 10}, SAR, Academic Press, NY. (391 pp.)1987 Late Intermediate Occupation at Cerro Azul, Perú. A Preliminary Report. Tech. Report 20, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan. (112 pp.)1987The Inscriptions of Calakmul. Royal Marriage at a Maya City in Campeche, Mexico. Tech. Report 21, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan (205 pp.)1989The Flocks of the Wamani: A Study of Llama Herders on the Punas of Ayacucho, Peru (Kent V. Flannery, Joyce Marcus, and Robert G. Reynolds). Academic, NY (240 pp.)1990Debating Oaxaca Archaeology. [editor] Anthropological Paper 84, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (275 pp.)1992Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations. Princeton U Press, NJ. (500 pp.) Latin Am Studies Assoc awarded an “Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Book in the Social Sciences and Humanities” 1994Early Formative Pottery of the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico (with KV Flannery; technical ceramic analysis by W.O. Payne). Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Valley of Oaxaca, No. 10. Memoir 27, Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan (410 pp.)1994Caciques and their People: a volume in honor of Ronald Spores (co-ed. with J. F. Zeitlin). Anthropological Paper 89, Museum of Anthr, University of Michigan, (300 pp.)1996Zapotec Civilization: How Urban Society Evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley (Joyce Marcus and Kent V. Flannery). Thames & Hudson, London (255 pp.)1998Archaic States (co-edited with Gary M. Feinman). School of American Research, SAR Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico (427 pp.) 1998Women's Ritual in Formative Oaxaca: Figurine-making, divination, death and the ancestors. Memoir 33, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (333 pp.). 2001La Civilización Zapoteca: Como Evolucionó La Sociedad Urbana en el Valle de Oaxaca (with K Flannery) Fondo de Cultura Económica (324 pp.) (Winner of “Premio Caniem 2001 en el Arte Editorial,” Mexico, in category entitled “Books on Historical Topics”)2003The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations (edited with K.V. Flannery). Percheron Press, Clinton Corners, New York (paperback edition with a new introduction, pp. vii-xiv) (391 pp.)2005Excavations at San José Mogote 1: The Household Archaeology (with Kent V. Flannery). Memoir 40, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (490 pp.)2006Agricultural Strategies (co-edited with Charles Stanish). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Cotsen Advanced Seminar No. 2, UCLA. (428 pp.).2008Excavations at Cerro Azul, Peru: The Architecture and Pottery. UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology. Awarded the Jo Anne Stolaroff Cotsen Book Prize “which honors outstanding studies in archaeology.” (332 pp.)2008General editor of Imperial Transformations in Sixteenth-Century Yucay, Peru, transcribed and edited by R. Alan Covey and Donato Amado González. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Memoir 44. (373 pp.)2008The Ancient City (co-edited with Jeremy A. Sabloff) (funded by National Academy of Sciences/ Arthur M. Sackler Funds and SAR Press, Santa Fe, NM) (405 pp.)2008Monte Albán. El Colegio de México, Fideicomiso Historia de las Américas, Fondo de Cultura Económica. (206 pp.)2009Andean Civilization: A Tribute to Michael E. Moseley (co-edited with Patrick Ryan Williams). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA. (419 pp.)2009General editor of Domestic Life in Prehispanic Capitals: A Study of Specialization, Hierarchy, and Ethnicity, by L. Manzanilla and C. Chapdelaine. Memoir 46, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan (266 pp.)2011General editor of Yuthu: Community and Ritual in an Early Andean Village, by Allison R. Davis. Memoir 50, Museum of Anthr, Univ of Michigan. (185 pp.)2012General editor, Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-III, Alexei Vranich, Elizabeth Klarich, Charles Stanish. Memoir 51, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan (318 pp.) 2012The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire (with Kent Flannery). Harvard U (631 pp.) [Chinese edition, 2016]2014 General editor of Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys, by R Alan Covey. Memoir 55, Mus of Anthropology, U of Michigan (200 pp.)2014 General editor of The Northern Titicaca Basin Survey: Huancané-Putina, by Charles Stanish, Cecilia Chávez Justo, Karl LaFavre, and Aimée Plourde. Memoir 56, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (407 pp.) 2015Excavations at San José Mogote 2: The Cognitive Archaeology (with Kent V. Flannery). Memoir 58, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (410 pp.). 2016Chinese translation of The Creation of Inequality. Shanghai Translation Publishing House. 663 pp.2016Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru: The Study of a Late Intermediate Kingdom. Memoir 59, Museum of Anthropology (i-xix + 382 pp.)2020Zapotec Monuments and Political History. Memoir 61, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (i-xxiii + 437 pp.) 2. Articles1973Territorial Organization of the Lowland Classic Maya. Science 180:911-916.1974 Reply to Romanov and Hammond. Science 183:876-877.1974 The Iconography of Power among the Classic Maya. World Archaeology 6:83-94.1976The Size of the Early Mesoamerican Village. In The Early Mesoamerican Village, ed. K.V. Flannery, pp. 79-90. Academic, NY. 1976Evolution of the Public Building in Formative Oaxaca (with K.V. Flannery). In Cultural Change and Continuity: Essays in Honor of James Bennett Griffin, ed. Charles C. Cleland, pp. 205-221. Academic Press, New York.1976Formative Oaxaca and the Zapotec Cosmos (with Kent V. Flannery). American Scientist 64 (4):374-383. (July-August)1976The Origins of Mesoamerican Writing. Annual Review of Anthropology 5:35-67. Palo Alto.1976The Iconography of Militarism at Monte Albán and Neighboring Sites in the Valley of Oaxaca. In The Origins of Religious Art and Iconography in Pre-Classic Mesoamerica, ed. H.B. Nicholson, pp. 123-39. Latin American Center, UCLA1978The Handbook of Middle American Indians: A Retrospective Look. (with Ronald Spores). American Anthropologist 80:85-100.1978 Ethnoscience of the Sixteenth-Century Valley Zapotec (with Kent V. Flannery). In The Nature and Status of Ethnobotany, edited by Richard I. Ford, Anthropological Papers 67: 51-79. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.1978 Archaeology and religion: a comparison of the Zapotec and Maya. World Archaeology 10 (2):172-191.ReprintedArchaeology and religion: a comparison of the Zapotec and Maya. [Reprinted 1981] Ancient Mesoamerica (2nd ed.), ed. John Graham, pp. 297-314. Peek Pub, Palo Alto, CA.1979 Los orígenes de la escritura mesoamericana. Ciencia y Desarrollo, Número 24, pp. 35-52. (Spanish translation of "Origins of Mesoamerican Writing").1980 Zapotec Writing. Scientific American 242 (2):50-64 (Feb. issue)1981 The Preceramic and Formative of the Valley of Oaxaca (with K.V. Flannery and S.A. Kowalewski). Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, ed J A Sabloff (vol. editor) and V R Bricker (series editor), Vol. 1: Archaeology, pp. 48-93. U of Texas. 1982The Aztec Monuments of Acalpixcan. In Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Southern Valley of Mexico: Chalco-Xochimilco Region, by J Parsons, E Brumfiel, M Parsons, and DJ Wilson. U of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Mem 14, Appendix 4, pp. 475-485.1982 The Plant World of the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Lowland Maya. In Maya Subsistence: Studies in Memory of Dennis E. Puleston, ed. KV Flannery, pp. 239-273. Academic Press, NY 1983 On the Nature of the Mesoamerican City. In Prehistoric Settlement Patterns: Essays in Honor of Gordon R. Willey, edited by Evon Z. Vogt and Richard M. Leventhal, pp. 195-242. University of New Mexico Press and Peabody Museum, Harvard U, Cambridge.ReprintedOn the Nature of the Mesoamerican City [Reprinted 2000] In The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader, ed ME Smith and MA Masson, pp. 49-82. Oxford, Blackwell.1983 Lowland Maya Archaeology at the Crossroads. American Antiquity 48:454-881983 Chapters in The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of The Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations (See above under "Books"), with the following titles:The genetic model and the Otomangueans, pp. 4-9. The Espiridión complex and the origins of the Oaxacan Formative, pp. 42-43. The first appearance of Zapotec writing and calendar, pp. 91-96. The conquest slabs of Building J, Monte Albán, pp. 106-108. Monte Albán II in the Macuilxochitl area, pp. 113-115.The style of the Huamelulpan stone monuments, pp. 125-126. Stone monuments and tomb murals of Monte Albán IIIa, pp. 137-43. Rethinking the Zapotec urn, pp. 144-148. Lintel 2 at Xoxocotlán, pp. 150-152. Teotihuacán visitors on Monte Albán monuments and murals,175-81. Changing patterns of stone monuments after the fall of Monte Albán, pp. 191-197. Monte Albán's Tomb 7, pp. 282-285. The reconstructed chronology of the later Zapotec rulers, A.D. 1415-1563, pp. 301-308. Aztec military campaigns against the Zapotec: the documentary evidence, pp. 314-318. Zapotec Religion, pp. 345-351. A synthesis of the cultural evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec, pp. 355-360.1983 An Introduction to the Series and to Volume I. Memoir No. 16 of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, pp. v-vii.1984 Reply to Hammond and Andrews. American Antiquity 49(4):829-833.1984 Introduction to Volume II. Memoir 17, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, pp. iii-v. 1984Mesoamerican Territorial Boundaries: Reconstructions from Archaeology and Hieroglyphic Writing. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 3(2):48-62. Cambridge. 1984 Introduction to Volume III. Memoirs No. 18 of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, iii-v. 1984 Monumentos Mayas en el Museo "Rufino Tamayo," Oaxaca. In Estudios de Cultura Maya, Volumen XV, pp. 97-115. UNAM, Mexico City.1985Arquitectura Inca de Cerro Azul, Valle de Ca?ete (co-authored with Ramiro Matos and María Rostworowski). Revista del Museo Nacional XLVII:125-138. Lima, Perú.1987Prehistoric Fishermen in the Kingdom of Huarco. American Scientist 75(4):393-401.1988 Biographical Profile of Tatiana Proskouriakoff (1909-1985). In Women Anthropologists: A Biographical Dictionary, edited by Ute Gacs, Aisha Khan, Jerrie McIntyre, and Ruth Weinberg, pp. 297-302. Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881.1988 (1.) Chillón Valley "Coca Lands": Archaeological Background and Ecological Context. (2.) Los Cocales del Valle del Chillón: Evidencia Arqueológica y Contexto Ecológico (co-authored with Jorge E. Silva). Memoir 21 of the Museum of Anthropology Univ of Michigan. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology IV:1-52. 1988Introduction to Volume IV. Memoir 21 of the Mus of Anthropology, U of Michigan. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, pp. v-viii.1988Comment on Wm T. Sanders and Deborah L. Nichols' article entitled Ecological Theory and Cultural Evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca. Current Anthropology 29(1):60-61. 1988El Handbook of Middle American Indians (with Ronald Spores)[Spanish translation of 1978 article in American Anthropologist]. In Anuario de Etnología y Antropología Social Vol. 1: 75-97. Mexico.1989Zapotec Chiefdoms and The Nature of Formative Religions. In Regional Perspectives on the Olmec, edited by Robert J. Sharer and David C. Grove, pp. 148-197. School of American Research and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.1989Preface. In New Frontiers in the Archaeology of the Pacific Coast of Southern Mesoamerica, edited by Frederick J. Bove and Lynette Heller. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers, No. 39. Dept. of Anthro, Arizona State Univ, Tempe. 1989From Centralized Systems to City-States: Possible Models for the Epiclassic. In Mesoamerica After the Decline of Teotihuacan: A.D. 700-900, ed. Richard Diehl and Janet C. Berlo, pp. 201-08. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC 1990Preface. In Debating Oaxaca Archaeology. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan Anthropological Papers, No. 84, pp. ix-x. Ann Arbor.1990Borrón, y Cuenta Nueva: Setting Oaxaca's Archaeological Record Straight (with K.V. Flannery). In Debating Oaxaca Archaeology. Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan Anthropological Papers 84, pp. 17-69. 1990Science and Science Fiction in Postclassic Oaxaca, or "Yes, Virginia, there is a Monte Albán IV." (with Kent V. Flannery). In Debating Oaxaca Archaeology. Anthropological Papers 84, pp. 191-205. Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor.1991The Maya Rediscovered. First Dates. The Maya calendar and writing system were not the only ones in Mesoamerica -- or even the earliest. Natural History 4:26-29. American Museum of Natural History, New York (April)1991Another Pinch of Salt: A Comment on MacKinnon and Kepecs. Am Antiq 56(3):526-527. 1992Comment on Alan Peatfield's article entitled "Rural Ritual in Bronze Age Crete: The Peak Sanctuary at Atsipadhes." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2(1):82-83. England.1992Royal Families, Royal Texts: Examples from the Zapotec and Maya. In Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, ed. Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase, pp. 221-241. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 1992Dynamic Cycles of Mesoamerican States. National Geographic Research & Exploration 8(4): 392-411. Washington, DC (Fall issue) 1993The Itzá Maya and Ancient Maya Tropical Agro-Forestry: comment on Scott Atran's article. Current Anthropology 34 (5): 692-693. 1993Cognitive Archaeology (with Kent V. Flannery). Cambridge Archaeological Journal 3(2): 260-270. Cambridge, England.ReprintedCognitive Archaeology (with KV Flannery). [Reprinted in 1996] Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, edited by Robert W. Preucel and Ian Hodder, pp. 350-364. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers.ReprintedCognitive Archaeology (with KV Flannery). [Reprinted in 1998] Reader in Archaeological Theory: Post-Processual and Cognitive Approaches, edited by David S. Whitley, pp. 35-48. London and New York, Routledge Press.1993Ancient Maya Political Organization. In Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century A.D., edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff and John S. Henderson, pp. 111-183. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. 1994Ritual and Supernatural Protection in Ancient Greece: A View from the New World. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Vol 4, No 2, pp. 284-286. Cambridge, England. 1994"Thoughts on Ancient Literacy" and "Restricted Access to Ancient Texts." In Literacy: Interdisciplinary Conversations, ed. Deborah Keller-Cohen, Hampton Press, Cresskill NJ1994Una estela más del siglo V y nueva información sobre Pata de Jaguar, gobernante de Calakmul, Campeche, en el siglo VII (with William J. Folan). Gaceta Universitaria, A?o IV, No. 15-16, pp. 21-26. Universidad Autonóma de Campeche, Campeche, Mex. 1994Ancient Zapotec Ritual and Religion: An Application of the Direct Historical Approach (with K.V. Flannery). In The Ancient Mind, edited by Colin Renfrew and Ezra B. W. Zubrow, pp. 55-74. Cambridge University Press. ReprintedAncient Zapotec Ritual and Religion: An Application of the Direct Historical Approach (with K.V. Flannery). [Reprinted in 2000] In The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader, ed. Michael Smith and Marilyn Masson, pp. 400-421. Oxford, Blackwell Pubs.1994Introduction to Volume V. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, pp. v-vii. Memoir 28, Mus of Anthropology, U of Michigan. 1994Comment on "Living on the Edge: Core/Periphery Relations in Ancient Southeastern Mesoamerica" by Ed Schortman and Pat Urban. Current Anthropology 35(4):417-418. 1994Una estela más del siglo V y nueva información sobre Pata de Jaguar, gobernante de Calakmul, Campeche, en el siglo VII (with W.J. Folan). (This article appeared in Crónica, a Campeche, Mexico newspaper on July 17). 1994Mesoamerican Writing. In New World and Pacific Civilizations: Cultures of America, Asia, and the Pacific, ed. Goran Burenhult, Vol. 4, pp. 22-23. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Humankind, Weldon Owen Publishers, Australia. 1994On The Perils of "Politically Correct" Archaeology (with KV Flannery). Current Anthropology 35(4):441-442. 1994Preface to Caciques and their People: a volume in honor of Ronald Spores (with Judith F. Zeitlin). Anthropological Papers 89, edited by Joyce Marcus and JF Zeitlin. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1994Retired? You Must be Kidding! A Tribute to Ronald Spores (with Kent V. Flannery). In Caciques and their People: a volume in honor of Ronald Spores, edited by Joyce Marcus and JF Zeitlin, pp. 1-12. Anthropological Papers 89, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1994A Zapotec Inauguration in Comparative Perspective. In Caciques and Their People: a volume in honor of Ronald Spores, edited by Joyce Marcus and Judith Francis Zeitlin, pp. 245-274. Anthropological Papers 89, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1994The Amazon: Divergent Evolution and Divergent Views. National Geographic Research & Exploration 10 (4): 384-397. 1995Where is Lowland Maya Archaeology Headed? J Archaeological Research 3(1):3-53. 1995Maya Hieroglyphs: History or Propaganda? Research Frontiers in Anthropology, eds. Carol Ember, Mel Ember, Peter Peregrine, pp. 1-24. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ 1995Writing, Literacy, and Performance in the New and Old Worlds. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (2): 325-331. 1995Verification of a Maya Settlement Model through Remote Sensing (by William J. Folan, Joyce Marcus, and W. Frank Miller). Cambridge Archaeological Journal 5 (2): 277-283. 1995Patrones Comunes en Varios Estados Mesoamericanos. In Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya, Tomo 1, pp. 185-213. Univ Autónoma de Campeche, Campeche, Mexico. 1995Calakmul: New Data from an Ancient Maya Capital in Campeche, Mexico (William J. Folan, Joyce Marcus, Sophia Pincemin, M. del Rosario Domínguez, Laraine Fletcher, Abel Morales). Latin Am Antiquity 6:310-334. 1996Invited Comment on John Gerard Fox, "Playing with Power: Ballcourts and Political Ritual in Southern Mesoamerica." Current Anthropology 37(3):500. 1996Writing Systems. In Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, edited by David Levinson and Melvin Ember, Vol. 4, pp. 1387-1391. Human Relations Area Files, Yale. Henry Holt Reference Book. Henry Holt & Company, New York. 1996The Importance of Context in Interpreting Figurines. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 6 (2): 285-291 and 304-307. (October issue) 1997Obituary for Mary G. Hodge. Anthropology Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association (Jan. issue) 38 (1): 46.1997Tribute to James B. Griffin. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 22 (2):142-143. University of Iowa, Iowa City.1998Preface to Archaic States, by Gary Feinman and Joyce Marcus. In Archaic States, ed Gary Feinman and J Marcus, pp. xiii-xiv. Adv Seminar, Sch Am Research, SAR Press.1998Introduction to Archaic States, by Joyce Marcus and Gary M. Feinman. In Archaic States, edited by Gary M. Feinman and Joyce Marcus, pp. 3-13. School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM, SAR Press.1998The Peaks and Valleys of Ancient States: An Extension of the Dynamic Model. In Archaic States, ed. G. Feinman and J. Marcus, pp. 59-94. SAR 1998El ritual femenino en las aldeas de Oaxaca durante el período Formativo. Cuadernos del Sur, A?o 5, no. 12 (May issue), pp. 7-19. CIESAS, INI, INAH. Oaxaca, Oax, Mexico. 1998Extending the Calakmul Dynasty Back in Time: A New Stela from a Maya Capital in Campeche, Mexico (S. Pincemin, Joyce Marcus, L. Florey Folan, WJ Folan, M. del R. Domínguez, A Morales) Latin Am Antiquity 9(4):310-27 1999Early Architecture in the Valley of Oaxaca: 1350 B.C.-A.D. 500. In Mesoamerican Architecture as a Cultural Symbol, edited by Jeff Karl Kowalski, pp. 58-75. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1999Men's and Women's Ritual in Formative Oaxaca. In Social Patterns in Pre-Classic Mesoamerica: A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks 9 and 10 Oct 1993, edited by by D.C. Grove and R.A. Joyce, pp. 67-96. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC 1999Fish and mammals in the economy of an ancient Peruvian kingdom (by Joyce Marcus, Jeffrey D. Sommer, and Christopher P. Glew). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (11): 6564-6570. (May 25 issue)1999Religión de los mayas antiguos. In La Historia General de Guatemala, Volumen 1, edited by Jorge Luján Mu?oz and Marion Popenoe de Hatch, pp. 529-540. Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo, Guatemala. 2000Los Calendarios Prehispánicos. Arqueología Mexicana VII(41):12-19. 2000Formative Mexican Chiefdoms and the Myth of the ‘Mother Culture’ (with K.V. Flannery). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19: 1-37.2000Cultural Evolution in Oaxaca: The Origins of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations (by Joyce Marcus and Kent V. Flannery). In The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Vol. II: Mesoamerica, Part 1, edited by Richard E. W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod, pp. 358-406. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.2000Toward an Archaeology of Communities. In The Archaeology of Communities: A New World Perspective, edited by Marcello-Andrea Canuto and Jason Yaeger, pp. 231-242. Routledge, London & NY.2000Ancient Zapotec Religion and Ritual: an application of the direct historical approach. In Arqueología, historia y antropología: In memoriam José Luis Lorenzo Bautista, ed. Jaime Litvak and Lorena Mirambell, pp. 205-234. INAH, Mexico.2000Cinco Mitos Sobre La Guerra Maya. In La Guerra entre los Antiguos Mayas: Memoria de la Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Mexico, edited by Silvia Trejo, pp. 225-243. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.2001Short Articles on “Writing” (pp. 825-826), “Blood and Bloodletting” (pp. 81-82), “San José Mogote” (with K.V. Flannery, p. 645), “Huitzo” (with K.V. Flannery, page 352), “Monte Negro” (pp. 486-487), “Zapotec Culture and Religion” (pp. 846-847), “Leadership and Rulership” (p. 401), “Mesoamerican Names and Titles” (pp. 511-512), “Tatiana Proskouriakoff”(p. 610), “Cosmology” (p. 183), and “Lightning and Thunder” (p. 402). In Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, edited by Susan Toby Evans and David L. Webster. Garland Publishing, New York.2001Invited Comment: T. Inomata’s “The Power and Ideology of Artistic Creation: Elite Craft Specialists in Classic Maya Society.” Current Anthropology 42(3):338-339. (June issue)2001Tiempo Mesoamericano VI: Clásico Tardío. Arqueología Mexicana VIII (48):20-29. 2001La Zona Maya en el Clásico Terminal. In Historia Antigua de México Vol II: El Horizonte Clásico, ed. L Manzanilla and L López Luján, pp. 301-46. Mexico: INAH2001Epigraphy: Zapotec Writing. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilization of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, V. 1, pp. 387-388. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.2001Political Organization and Development: Prehispanic Cultures. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilization of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, Volume 3, pp. 6-14. Oxford University Press.2001Conquests: Prehispanic Period. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilization of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davíd Carrasco, V. 1, pp. 251-254. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.2001Textos Dinásticos. In Las Ruinas de Calakmul, Campeche, México: Un lugar central y su paisaje cultural, edited by William J. Folan, Laraine A. Fletcher, Jacinto May Hau, and Lynda Florey Folan, pp. 37-42. Campeche: Universidad Autónoma de Campeche.2001Bastan-shenasi-ye Edraki (with Kent Flannery). In Theoretical Archaeology: Collected Essays, edited by Shahram Zare, pp. 95-120. Jahad-e Daneshgahi Publications of the Tehran University Press. [Persian translation of “Cognitive Archaeology” by K Abdi.] 2001La clasificación de animales y plantas entre los zapotecos del siglo XVI: un estudio preliminar (with KV Flannery). Cuadernos del Sur, A?o 7 no. 16, pp. 5-20. Oaxaca.2001Richard Stockton MacNeish 1918-2001 (with KV Flannery) Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 80:1-27. The National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.2001Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The Strategies of Royal Women in Ancient States. In Gender in Pre-Hispanic America, ed Cecelia F. Klein, pp. 305-40. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C.Los Caminos de Calakmul, Campeche (Wm J. Folan, Jacinto May Hau, Joyce Marcus, W. Frank Miller, and Raymundo González Heredia). Ancient Mesoamerica 12:293-298.2002Invited Comment on Cecelia Klein, Eulogio Guzmán, Elisa C. Mandell, and Maya Stanfield-Mazzi’s article “The Role of Shamanism in Mesoamerican Art: A Reassessment.” Current Anthropology V. 43, no. 3, p. 409. June issue2002Carved Stones from the Sola Valley. In The Sola Valley and the Monte Albán State: A Study of Zapotec Imperial Expansion, by Andrew K. Balkansky. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan, No. 36, pp. 103-121. Ann Arbor.Introduction to Volume 12 of the Series (with Kent V. Flannery). The Sola Valley and the Monte Albán State: A Study of Zapotec Imperial Expansion, A K Balkansky. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology U Michigan, No. 36, pp. xiii-xv. Ann Arbor.2003The Maya and Teotihuacan. In The Maya and Teotihuacan: Reinterpreting Early Classic Interaction, ed. Geoffrey E. Braswell, pp. 337-56. University of Texas Press, Austin.Recent Advances in Maya Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Research 11:71-148. 2003Monumentality in Archaic States: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Excavations of the Past. In Theory and Practice in Mediterranean Archaeology: Old World and New World Perspectives, edited by John K. Papadopoulos and Richard M. Leventhal, pp. 115-134. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles.2003Escritura y representación en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo. In Escritura Zapoteca: 2500 a?os de historia, ed. M de los ?ngeles Romero Frizzi, pp. 73-93. CONACULTA-INAH2003Introduction to the Percheron Press Edition of The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations (K.V. Flannery and Joyce Marcus), pp. vii-xiv. Percheron Press, a division of Eliot Werner Publications, Inc., Clinton Corners, NY 2003Foreword. Ancient Titicaca: The Evolution of Complex Society in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia, by Charles Stanish, pp. xv-xvii. U of California Press, Berkeley.2003The Origin of War: New 14C Dates from Ancient Mexico (Kent V. Flannery and Joyce Marcus). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(42):11801-11805. 2004Maya Commoners: The Stereotype and the Reality. In Ancient Maya Commoners, edited by Jon C. Lohse and Fred Valdez, Jr., pp. 255-283. University of Texas Press, Austin.2004Primary and Secondary State Formation in Southern Mesoamerica. In Understanding Early Classic Copan, edited by Ellen E. Bell, Marcello A. Canuto, and Robert J. Sharer, pp. 357-373. University Museum Press, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.2004Calakmul y su papel en el origen del estado maya [Calakmul and its Role in the Origin of the Maya State]. Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 12, Tomo 1: 14-31. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, Campeche, México.2004The coevolution of ritual and society: New 14C dates from ancient Mexico (Joyce Marcus and KV Flannery). Proc National Academy of Sciences 101(52):18257-18261 (Dec. 28)2005Evon Zartman Vogt, Jr. (1918-2004). Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 86, pp. 354-376. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.2005The Formative Period in Mesoamerica: An Overview (Joyce Marcus and REW Adams). In New Perspectives on Formative Mesoamerican Cultures, ed. by Terry George Powis. British Arch Reports, Intern. Series 1377, pp. 203-211. Oxford, England.2005Petrographic Evidence Shows that Ceramic Exchange between the Olmec and Their Neighbors was Two-Way (James B. Stoltman, Joyce Marcus, KV Flannery, JH Burton, RG Moyle). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(32):11213-11218.2005Place Glyphs and Polity Boundaries: Two Zapotec Cases. In Painted Books and Indigenous Knowledge in Mesoamerica: Manuscript Studies in Honor of Mary Elizabeth Smith, edited EH Boone, pp. 91-108. Middle American Research Institute, Tulane U. 2005Implications of New Petrographic Analysis for the Olmec “Mother Culture” Model (Kent V. Flannery, Andrew K. Balkansky, Gary M. Feinman, David C. Grove, Joyce Marcus, Elsa M. Redmond, R G Reynolds, Robert J. Sharer, Charles S. Spencer, and Jason Yaeger). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (32):11219-11222.2006Introduction. In Agricultural Strategies, edited by Joyce Marcus and Charles Stanish, pp.1-13. Monograph 50, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA.2006Mesoamerica: Scripts. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. viii, ed. Peter T. Daniels, pp. 16-25. Oxford & San Diego: Elsevier Press. 2nd Ed. 2006On the Logic of Archaeological Inference: Early Formative Pottery and the Evolution of Mesoamerican Societies (RJ Sharer, AK Balkansky, JH Burton, GM Feinman, KV Flannery, DC Grove, Joyce Marcus, RG Moyle, TD Price, EM Redmond, RG Reynolds, PM Rice, C Spencer, JB Stoltman, J Yaeger). Latin American Antiquity 17(1):90-103.2006Sacré et culte des ancêtres chez les Zapotequès: ? la découverte des croyances de l’ancien peuple de Oaxaca, Mexique. Religions & Histoire 7, pp. 38-45. Editions Faton, 25, rue Berbisey, 21000, Dijon, France.2006Obituary of Craig Morris (with Robert L. Carneiro). In Anthropology Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 47, No. 8. 2006Identifying Elites and Their Strategies. In Intermediate Elites in Pre-Columbian States and Empires, edited by Christina M. Elson and R. Alan Covey, pp. 212-246. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.2006The Roles of Ritual and Technology in Mesoamerican Water Management. In Agricultural Strategies, edited by Joyce Marcus and Charles Stanish, pp. 221-254. Monograph 50, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology series, UCLA. 2007Las sociedades jerárquicas oaxaque?as y el intercambio con los olmecas (with K. Flannery). Arqueología Mexicana XV, Núm. 87:71-76 (Sept-Oct) 2007Rethinking Ritual. In The Archaeology of Ritual, edited by Evangelos Kyriakidis, pp. 43-76. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles. 2007Early Great Art Styles and the Rise of Complex Societies. In Gordon R. Willey and American Archaeology, ed. J Sabloff and W Fash, pp. 72-104. U Oklahoma Press.2007Preface to Volume 14 in the Oaxaca series (with Kent V. Flannery). In Excavations at Cerro Tilcajete: A Monte Albán II Administrative Center in the Valley of Oaxaca, by CM Elson, pp. ii-vii. Memoir 42, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor.2007Edward Craig Morris (1939-2006). In Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, pp. 1-19. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.2008The Archaeological Evidence for Social Evolution. Annual Review of Anthropology 37:251-266.2008Integrating Ethnohistory and Archaeology. In Imperial Transformations in Sixteenth-Century Yucay, Peru, by Alan Covey and Donato Amado González, pp. xi-xiv. Memoir 44, Museum of Anthropology, Ann Arbor. 2008Introduction to the Ancient City (with Jeremy A. Sabloff). In The Ancient City (co-edited with J.A. Sabloff), pp. 3-26. SAR Press, Santa Fe, NM 2008Cities and Urbanism: Central Themes and Future Directions (with J. Sabloff). In The Ancient City (co-editor Jeremy Sabloff), pp. 323-36. SAR Press, Santa Fe.2009Understanding Houses, Compounds, and Neighborhoods. In Domestic Life in Prehispanic Capitals: A Study of Specialization, Hierarchy, and Ethnicity, edited by Linda Manzanilla and Claude Chapdelaine, pp. 256-266. Memoir 46, University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology, Ann Arbor.2009Rethinking Figurines. In Mesoamerican Figurines: Small-Scale Indices of Large-Scale Social Phenomena, edited by Christina T. Halperin, Katherine A. Faust, Rhonda Taube, and Aurore Giguet, pp. 25-50. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 2009A World Tour of Breweries. In Andean Civilization: A Tribute to Michael E. Moseley, ed Joyce Marcus and Patrick Ryan Williams, pp. 303-24. UCLA Cotsen Inst Archaeology.2009Michael E. Moseley and the Foundations of Andean Civilization (by Joyce Marcus and Charles Stanish). In Andean Civilization: A Tribute to Michael E. Moseley, edited by Joyce Marcus and P. Ryan Williams, pp. 1-8. UCLA, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.2009How Monte Albán Represented Itself. In The Art of Urbanism: How Mesoamerican Kingdoms Represented Themselves in Architecture and Imagery, edited by William L. Fash and Leonardo López Luján, pp. 77-110. Dumbarton Oaks Research.2010En búsqueda de la mentalidad andina: aventuras en el Perú con Ramiro Matos (with K.V. Flannery). Arqueología y Vida 3, pp. 9-22. Museo de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru.2011William Timothy Sanders (1926-2008). In Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, pp. 1-26. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.2011A New World Perspective on the ‘Death’ of Archaeological Theory (with K. V. Flannery). In The Death of Archaeological Theory?, edited by John Bintliff and Mark Pearce, pp. 23-30. Oxbow Books, Oxford, England.2011A Tribute to William R. Coe entitled “Door-to-Door Service.” Codex, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 40-41. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Pre-Columbian Society, Philadelphia, PA.2011An Early Village in the Inka Heartland. In Yuthu: Community and Ritual in an Early Andean Village, by Allison R. Davis, pp. xi-xvii. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 50. Ann Arbor.2012Andean Archaeology in the 21st Century. In Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-III, edited by Alexei Vranich, Elizabeth Klarich, and Charles Stanish, pp. 1-11. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 51. Ann Arbor, MI.2012Maya Political Cycling and the Story of the Kaan Polity. In The Ancient Maya of Mexico: Reinterpreting the Past of the Northern Maya Lowlands, edited by Geoffrey E. Braswell, pp. 88-116. Equinox Press, London. 2012Yucatan at the Crossroads. In The Ancient Maya of Mexico: Reinterpreting the Past of the Northern Maya Lowlands, ed. Geoff E. Braswell, pp. 349-71. Equinox, London.2012 The Creation of Inequality: How our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire (with Kent Flannery). Montréal Review (June 2012)2012Who are these guys really? The myth of class (with Kent Flannery). New York Moves, Winter 2012, pp. 020-021. 2012The Formation of Political Hierarchies and the Loss of Autonomy. Social Evolution & History 11(2):74-78. ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House, Moscow.2012The Archaeological Evidence for Social Evolution. Iranian J of Arch and History, V. 50.2013Foreword: An Introduction to Vol 15 (with K Flannery). Cerro Danush: Excavations at a Hilltop Community in the Eastern Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, by RK Faulseit, page xv. 2014Settlement Patterns in the Inca Heartland. In Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys, edited by R. Alan Covey, pp. xi-xvi. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 55. Ann Arbor. 2014La desigualdad social en el antiguo Nuevo Mundo (with Kent V. Flannery). In Letras Libres, no. 190, pp. 38-40. México, D.F. 2014La zona maya en el Clásico terminal. In Historia Antigua de México, Volumen II: el horizonte Clásico, ed. Linda Manzanilla and Leonardo López Luján, pp. 301-346. 3rd ed. Universidad Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, México2015Studying the Individual in Prehistory: A Tale of Three Women from Cerro Azul, Peru. ?awpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 35(1):1-22.2016Barcoding Spindles and Decorating Whorls: How Weavers Marked Their Property at Cerro Azul, Peru. ?awpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 36(1):1-21. 2016Las unidades domésticas tempranas del valle de Oaxaca. Arqueología Mexicana 24(140):47-52.2016Fred Wendorf, 1924-2015 (with Kent V. Flannery). Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, pp. 1-17. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.2016The Ecosystems of the Kingdom of Huarco. In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 3-19. 2016Provenience and Context of the Plant and Animal Remains at Cerro Azul. In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 20-32. 2016The Collection of Shellfish (with Kent V. Flannery). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 35-53. 2016Crayfish Trapping (with Ramiro Matos). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 65-71. 2016The Fish Resources of Cerro Azul in the 1980s (with Kent V. Flannery). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 72-97. 2016The Drying of Fish for Export. In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 116-119. 2016The Hunting of Birds and Mammals. In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 158-171. 2016The Bird Life of Ca?ete and the Avifauna of Cerro Azul (with Christopher Glew). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 172-185. 2016Edible, Ritual, and Medicinal Plants (with C. Earle Smith, Jr.). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 201-231. 2016Comments on the Late Intermediate Maize (with C. Earle Smith, Jr.). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 232-253. 2016Industrial Plants (with C. Earle Smith, Jr.). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 262-284. 2016The Economy of the Kingdom of Huarco. In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru, pp. 340-351. 2016Artisanal Fishing at Cerro Azul, 1984-1986 (with Khalid Kattan and Robert G. Reynolds). In Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, pp. 352-358.2017The Inca Conquest of Cerro Azul. ?awpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 37(2):175-196.2019Competitive versus Peaceful Interaction. In Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica, ed. by Joshua D. Englehardt and Michael D. Carrasco, pp. 341-364. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.2019Studying Figurines. Journal of Archaeological Research 27(1):1-47. 2019Maritime Adaptations at Cerro Azul, Peru: A Comparison of Late Intermediate and Twentieth-Century Fishing. Joyce Marcus, Kent Flannery, Jeffrey Sommer, R Reynolds. In Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes: Society and Ecology in Island and Coastal Archaeology, ed. Gabriel Prieto and Dan Sandweiss, pp. 351-65. U P of Florida.2020Maya Usurpers. In A Forest of History: The Maya after the Emergence of Divine Kingship, edited by Travis W. Stanton and M. Kathryn Brown, pp. 49-66. University Press of Colorado, Louisville, CO. 2021Dawn in the Land of the Jaguar (co-authored with M. James Stemp, Jaime Awe, and Christophe Helmke). Special section of Ancient Mesoamerica In prep.Mesoamerican Archaeology---Oxford Handbook of Latin American Studies (Oxford file)BOOK REVIEWS1975Deciphering Ancient Writing. A review of Mesoamerican Writing Systems, Papers from a 1971 Conference, ed. Elizabeth P. Benson. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC (1973). Science 188: 851-853.1976Review of Archeologie de Los Naranjos, Honduras, Claude Baudez and Pierre Becquelin. Etudes Mesoamericaines Vol. II. Mission Archéologique et Etnologique Fran?aise au Mexique (1973) Am Antiquity 41(4):583.1978Review of Kaminaljuyú Project-- l969, 1970 Seasons-- Part I--Mound Excavations, edited by Joseph W. Michels and William T. Sanders. Penn State Occasional Papers in Anthropology, No. 9. (1973) Am Antiquity 43 (1):129-130.1980Review of Ecology and the Arts in Ancient Panama: on the development of social rank and symbolism in the Central Provinces, by Olga F. Linares. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology, No. 17. Dumbarton Oaks (1977). American Antiquity 45 (1): 214-216.1982Review of Lowland Maya Settlement Patterns, edited by Wendy Ashmore. A School of American Research Book, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. (1981) American Antiquity 47(4): 899-902.1982Review of Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory, edited by Norman Hammond and Gordon R. Willey. University of Texas Press, Austin. (1979) Ethnohistory 29 (3): 224-227.1984 Review of The Monuments and Inscriptions of Caracol, Belize, by Carl P. Beetz and Linton Satterthwaite. University Museum Monograph 45, U of Pennsylvania. (1981) American Antiquity 49 (1):206-207.1984Review of Four Lienzos of the Coixtlahuaca Valley, by Ross Parmenter. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology, No. 26, Dumbarton Oaks, Wash, DC (1982) American Antiquity 49 (3): 674.1985Review of Diccionario Zapoteco: Zapoteco de Juárez, Neil Nellis and Jane Goodner de Nellis. Serie de Vocabularios y Diccionarios Indígenas Mariano Silva y Aceves, No. 27 (1983) Am Anthrop 87(2):442.1987Review of The Archaeology of Santa Leticia and the Rise of Maya Civilization, by Arthur Demarest. Middle American Research Institute, Pub 52, Tulane University (1986). American Antiquity 52(4):878-879.1989Review of Maya Iconography, edited by Elizabeth Benson and Gillett Griffin. Princeton University Press (1988). American Anthropologist 91 (3):785.1991Review of The New Archaeology and the Ancient Maya, by Jeremy Sabloff (1990) Am Anthropologist 93:245-246.1991Review of The Imagination of Matter: Religion and Ecology in Mesoamerican Traditions, Davíd Carrasco. BAR International Series 515 (1989) Journal of Field Archaeology 18:387-89.1992 Review of The Great Temple of Tenochtitlán, by Johanna Broda, Davíd Carrasco, Eduardo Matos Moctezuma. U California Press, Berkeley (1987) Latin American Anthropology Review 2 (2): 79-80.1992Review of Cuello, ed. Norman Hammond (1991) Journal of Field Archaeology 19(3):397-99.1994Review of Maya History, T. Proskouriakoff (ed. Rosemary Joyce). Univ. of Texas Press. (1993) Man 29(3):717-718. 1996Review of The Politics of Symbolism in the Mixtec Codices, by John M. D. Pohl. Vanderbilt U Publications in Anthropology, No. 46, Nashville (1994). Ethnohistory 43(1):207-08. 1996Review of Mixteca-Puebla: Discoveries and Research in Mesoamerican Art and Archaeology, ed H.B. Nicholson and Eloise Qui?ones K. Latin American Antiquity 7:87-88. 1998Review of The Essential Codex Mendoza, by Frances F. Berdan and Patricia R. Anawalt (U California Press, 1997). Man, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 32: 365-366.Review of Aztec Art, by Esther Pasztory. In J of Anthropological Research vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 304-305. 2003Review of The Mixtecs of Colonial Oaxaca: ?udzahui History, Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries, by Kevin Terraciano (Stanford, 2001). American Historical Review, pp. 222-223.2004Review of Stories in Red and Black: Pictorial Histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs, by Elizabeth Hill Boone (U of Texas, 2000). Latin American Antiquity 14 (3):356-357. 2008Review of Variations in the Expression of Inka Power: A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, ed R Burger, Craig Morris, and R. Matos (2007). Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 13(2):467-469 2009Review of Ruins of the Past: The Use and Perception of Abandoned Structures in the Maya Lowlands, ed. Travis Stanton and A. Magnoni (U Press of Colorado, 2008). Bull of Latin Am Research 28(3):430-32. U of Liverpool, UK.SERIES EDITOR"Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Valley of Oaxaca" (co-editor with KV Flannery) Memoir SeriesVol. 10(1994) Early Formative Pottery of the Valley of Oaxaca, by K.V. Flannery and J. Marcus, with technical ceramic analysis by William Payne. Memoir 27, Museum of Anthropology. Vol. 11(1998) Women's Ritual in Formative Oaxaca: Figurine-making, divination, death and the ancestors, by Joyce Marcus. Memoir 33, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 12(2002) The Sola Valley and the Monte Albán State: A Study of Zapotec Imperial Expansion, by Andrew K. Balkansky. Memoir 36, Museum of Anthropology. Vol. 13(2005) Excavations at San José Mogote 1: The Household Archaeology, by K.V. Flannery and Joyce Marcus. Memoir 40, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 14(2007) Excavations at Cerro Tilcajete: A Monte Albán II Administrative Center in the Valley of Oaxaca, by Christina M. Elson. Memoir 42, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 15(2013) Cerro Danush: Excavations at a Hilltop Community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, by Ronald K. Faulseit. Memoir 54, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 16(2015) Excavations at San José Mogote 2: The Cognitive Archaeology, by K.V. Flannery and Joyce Marcus. Memoir 58, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 17(2019) Cueva Blanca, by Kent V. Flannery and Frank Hole. Memoir 60, Museum of Anthropology.Vol. 18(2020) Zapotec Monuments and Political History, by Joyce Marcus. Memoir 61, Museum of AnthropologyStudies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology (sole editor) Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of MichiganVol. I (1983) A Fuego y Sangre: Early Zapotec Imperialism in the Cuicatlán Ca?ada, Oaxaca, by Elsa Redmond. 214 pp., 42 pls, 46 tables, 75 figs.Vol. II(1984) Irrigation and the Cuicatec Ecosystem: A Study of Agriculture and Civilization in Oaxaca, by Joseph W. Hopkins III. 148 pp., 16 pls, 3 tables, 13 figs.Vol. III(1984) Aztec City-States, by Mary G. Hodge. 166 pp., 3 pls, 30 tables, 64 figs.Vol. IV(1988) Conflicts over Coca Fields in XVIth-Century Perú, by María Rostworowski. 315 pp., 2 tables, 21 figs.Vol. V(1994) Tribal and Chiefly Warfare in South America, by Elsa Redmond. 150 pp., 2 tables, 66 illustrations.Vol. VI(2008) Imperial Transformations in Sixteenth-Century Yucay, Peru, edited by Alan Covey and Donato Amado González. Memoir 44, 373 pp., i-xv, 28 figs.Vol. VII(2009) Domestic Life in Prehispanic Capitals: A Study of Specialization, Hierarchy, and Ethnicity, edited by Linda Manzanilla and Claude Chapdelaine. Memoir 46. 266 pp., 16 tables, 120 figs. Vol. VIII(2011) Yuthu: Community and Ritual in an Early Andean Village, Allison Davis. M 50, 185 pp., 3 t, 92 figs., 8 colorVol. IX(2012) Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-III, A Vranich, E Klarich, C Stanish. Mem 51, 318 pp., 18 t, 250 fig.Vol. X(2014) Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys, edited by R. Alan Covey. Memoir 55. 212 pp., 36 tables, 98 figs.Vol. XI(2014) The Northern Titicaca Basin Survey: Huancané-Putina, by Charles Stanish, Cecilia Chávez Justo, Karl LaFavre, Aimée Plourde. Memoir 56. 407 pp., 11 tables, 2 appendices. Vol. XII(2016) Coastal Ecosystems and Economic Strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru: The Study of a Late Intermediate Kingdom, edited by Joyce Marcus. Memoir 59. i-xix + 382 pp., 45 tables, 300 figures. ................

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