The First Americans: Guided Reading Lesson 1: Migration to ...

?THE FIRST AMERICANSLesson 1 Migration to the Americas?Guided Reading?Essential QuestionWhat are characteristics that make up a culture?The Migration Begins?Reading for Accuracy: As you read the lesson, answer the questions below.?1.?Identifying Name the scientific field that focuses on the study of ancient peoples.?________________________________________________________________?2.?Listing Name two types of things that are considered artifacts, or items ancient people left behind.?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?3.?Identifying Name the ancient land bridge that once linked Asia and the Americas.?________________________________________________________________?4.?Explaining What is the relationship between the Ice Age climate and the land bridge between Asia and the Americas??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?5.?Speculating What do scientists think is the reason that people crossed Beringia from Asia to the Americas??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?6.?Describing What types of animals did the first Americas hunt in North America? How did they hunt for these animals??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?7.?Identifying Cause and Effect What happened to Beringia once the Ice Age ended??________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the statement true.Settlement?Reading for Accuracy: Use your textbook to decide if a statement is true or false. Select True or False. If a statement is false, rewrite the underlined portion to make it true.?8.?Early Americans used many different methods of securing food, such as hunting, gathering, and fishing.___________________________________________________________________9.?Learning to farm had little impact on the nomadic way of life.___________________________________________________________________10.?Having a steady source of food meant people did not have to move from place to place.___________________________________________________________________11.?Early Americans in the area around present-day Mexico farmed crops such as tomatoes, cherries, and cabbages.___________________________________________________________________12.?Farming led to the improvement of the lives of early Americans because it allowed people to spend time on activities other than finding food.?___________________________________________________________________13.?After people started farming, some remained nomadic hunters, while many others began to settle down.___________________________________________________________________14.?Carbon dating helps scientists estimate the age of something by measuring the amount of radioactive oxygen in an artifact.___________________________________________________________________15.?Carbon dating has helped scientists determined that some North American villages date from about 5,000 years ago.___________________________________________________________________16.?Through the study and dating of artifacts from early American villages, scientists can tell that agriculture changed the lives of early Americans.___________________________________________________________________17.?Over time, the groups of people living throughout the Americas developed their own different cultures, or shared traditions and behavior.___________________________________________________________________18.?Which is first ??? ??????????a.?brush teeth????????b.?wake up????????c.?drink juice????????d.?pass outAnswer Key1.?archaeology2.?Possible answers: tools, weapons, pottery, or household items3.?Beringia4.?During the Ice Age, global temperatures dropped. This caused great quantities of ocean water to freeze into glaciers, which dropped the level of the oceans. This exposed the strip of land between Asia and the Americas.5.?Scientists believe people crossed in search of sources of food.6.?They found giant, shaggy beasts that resembled modern elephants: mastodons and mammoths, as well as bison. They hunted them by charging at the animals with spears.7.?The end of the Ice Age led to warmer temperatures. This caused glaciers to melt back into the oceans, leading to higher water levels. This covered the land bridge with water once again.8.?True9.?False - a significant effect10.?True11.?False - maize12.?True13.?True14.?False - carbon15.?True16.?True17.?True18.?d, b, c, a ................

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