
Ancient River Valley Civilizations

World History to 1500

Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Library of Congress Resources Used:

Unknown. (1st century B.C.E. - 1st century C.E.). Herodian Lamp. Library of Congress: Exhibitions, Scrolls from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship

Unknown. (ca. 7th century). Incantation bowl from Mesopotamia. Library of Congress: Research Centers, African & Middle Eastern Reading Room

World History to 1500

Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Introductory Activity:

Consider possible social hierarchies that exist in the United States today. What are these rankings based upon? Why do certain social groups in the U.S appear to rank higher than others? How is this value rewarded? Reflect independently, then discuss as a class.

Extension Ideas: (based on primary sources)

1. Group Discussion:

Discuss the purpose of job specialization in early civilizations. What are examples of specialized jobs from over 2,000 years ago? Where did these jobs rank in ancient society’s social hierarchy? Explain. What jobs do the artifacts represent?

2. Individual Response:

Describe each of the artifacts. In paragraph one: describe the form, structure, color, and probable texture of the Incantation bowl. In paragraph two: do the same for the Herodian Lamp. Your descriptions should help someone who has not seen the images to visualize them.  After recording your descriptions, discuss your responses as a class.

3. Action:

Create a 1-2 minute skit based on the following scenario: an early priest and artisan are debating their importance in ancient society. Present interesting arguments to support each member’s belief that they should be at the top of the social hierarchy. After presenting the skits, discuss as a class, the reasons the social hierarchy existed as it did.

Primary Source Learning Links:

Links to the pictures:

Incantation bowl from Mesopotamia

ca. seventh century

Incantation or magic bowls were designed to protect a house and its inhabitants from devils and evildoers.

Herodian Lamp

Israel, First century B.C.E.-first century C.E


Investigative Question:

Exp What systems needed to be in place to advance the rise of civilization?

Explore: Based on the artifacts displayed above, what examples of job specialization were evident almost 2,000 years ago in the societies of Mesopotamia and Israel?

Connect: Explain where these particular specialized jobs may have been ranked in ancient society’s social hierarchy.

Learn: Go to to find additional examples of primary sources from ancient civilizations that reflect job specialization, such as those in the exhibition World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings.

Understanding Goal

Students will understand that civilizations develop with advances in societal systems.

Herodian Lamp

Israel, first century b.c.e- first century c.e

Incantation Bowl

Mesopotamia, ca. seventh century


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This poster is part of a collection of K-12 primary source-based posters created by the Teaching with Primary Sources Northern Virginia Partnership.


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