Essential Outcome 4



(Ancient Rome)

(JULY 2008)

Unit Statement: This unit will provide the students with a good working knowledge of the geography of the Mediterranean Region. They will learn the background information and the beginnings of the great Roman Empire. They will realize the vast important and lasting contributions of the Roman civilization.

Essential Outcomes:

1. The Student Will describe the legend of Romulus and Remus.

2. TSW explain the desirable geographic features of Rome, locate the Roman Empire on a historical map, and identify the countries that occupy that area today. 

3. TSW compare the roles of the patricians and plebs.

4. TSW recognize the society’s belief in multiple gods.

5. TSW identify the Punic Wars as struggles between Rome and Carthage and know the outcome of these wars.

6. TSW understand Julius Caesar’s rise to power, his relationship with Cleopatra, and why he was assassinated.

7. TSW recognize the network of roads, bridges, and aqueducts as an important asset of the Roman Empire.

8. TSW recognize the activities that took place in Rome’s markets, the Forum, the Colosseum, and Circus Maximus.

Practice and Introduced Outcomes:

1. TSW collect current events about the areas that previously were apart of the Roman Empire.

2. TSW create a timeline with the class. This timeline will be posted in the classroom and items from each unit will be added.

3. TSW recognize that history is divided into two sections. These sections are traditionally named B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Initials for the Latin words which mean “In the year of our lord”). There are less traditional terms that are commonly used to avoid a cultural bias: B.C.E. (Before Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).

Suggested Hardcopy Materials:

1. History and Geography, Pearson Learning, Core Knowledge, edited by

E. D. Hirsh, Jr. – Teacher’s Binder – Level 3 - Unit 3

2. History and Geography, Pearson Learning, Core Knowledge, edited by

E.D. Hirsch, Jr. – Student’s Text – Level 3 - Unit 3 – Pages 41-87

3. Rand McNally Classroom Atlas

4. Rand McNally Classroom Atlas Teachers Guide- Blank Map Outlines

5. Eyewitness Book: Ancient Rome

6. Life in Ancient Rome – by Shilpa Mehta-Jones      

Suggested Electronic Materials:

Teacher Resources


Definition of the 5 themes of geography


This site has a lot of information about the 5 themes of geography.


This website provides lesson plans for this Core Knowledge unit


How to make crafts and items from Roman times

5. The following website gives some ideas of fun activities to do with this outcome.


A timeline for Ancient Rome


Listed in the teacher’s guide – Roman daily life and much more


Listed in the teacher’s guide – Another timeline for Ancient Rome


This site is full of information and free Roman Clip Art.


A site that teachers and students will enjoy


Links to many sites with information about Ancient Rome

Student Resources


An explanation of the 5 themes of geography for kids


A kid friendly site with lots of information about Ancient Rome

3. The kids will love the following website. It is full of information.


More great information for kids


On-line activities for kids

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

1. Create miniature models of the Rome’s markets, the Forum, the Colosseum, and Circus Maximus and other features in the Roman Empire. (TSW 1 and 8)

2. Have a Roman Feast where the students dress up and perform a play for another class showing the life of Julius Caesar. (TSW 6)

3. Role play “A day in the life of a pleb” or “A day in the life of a patrician”. The students must stay in character throughout the day. (TSW 3)

4. Choose a Roman god and create a power point presentation which shows the attributes that god possess. The text should include the myth and how the Roman called upon this god. (TSW 4)

5. Choose a side and debate whether or not Julius Caesar was a good emperor. (TSW 6)

6. Create models of the Roman roads and aqueducts and add them to the miniature model of Rome. (TSW 7)


Cultural Studies-8

Suggested Rubric – Essential Outcome 4 (E04)

(Ancient Rome)

Name______________________________________ Date _____________

|A = |To receive A level mastery, the student will be given opportunities to consistently demonstrate analysis, make |

| |personal connections, show deep content knowledge and produce work with an appreciation to detail. |

|In Progress = |If even one box in the P column is marked, the grade for the unit is “In Progress (P).” |

|TSW |A |B |P |

|1. describe the legend of Romulus and |Student is able to describe the legend of Romulus |Student is able to describe the legend of| |

|Remus. |and Remus and suggest a possible hypothesis as to |Romulus and Remus. | |

| |why this legend was created. | | |

|2. explain the desirable geographic |Student is able to critique the desirable |Student is able to explain the desirable | |

|features of Rome, locate the Roman |geographic features of Rome, locate the Roman |geographic features of Rome, locate the | |

|Empire on a historical map, and |Empire on a historical map, and identify the |Roman Empire on a historical map, and | |

|identify the countries that occupy |countries that occupy that area today.  |identify the countries that occupy that | |

|that area today.  | |area today.  | |

|3. compare the roles of the patricians|Student is able to infer and evaluate the roles of |Student is able to compare the roles of | |

|and plebs. |the patricians and plebs. |the patricians and plebs. | |

|4. recognize the society’s belief in | |Student is able to recognize the | |

|multiple gods.  | |society’s belief in multiple gods.  | |

|5. identify the Punic Wars as |Student is able to identify the Punic Wars as |Student is able to identify the Punic | |

|struggles between Rome and Carthage |struggles between Rome and Carthage and be able to |Wars as struggles between Rome and | |

|and know the outcome of these wars. |describe in detail the outcome of these wars. |Carthage and know the outcome of these | |

| | |wars. | |

|6. discover how Julius Caesar came to|Student has a thorough knowledge of Julius Caesar’s|Student is able to discover how Julius | |

|power, his relationship with |rise to power, his relationship with Cleopatra, and|Caesar came to power, his relationship | |

|Cleopatra, and how he was |why the Senators were upset enough with him to |with Cleopatra, and how he was | |

|assassinated. |commit murder. |assassinated. | |

|7. recognize the network of roads, |Student is able to analyze how the network of |Student is able to recognize the network | |

|bridges, and aqueducts as an important|roads, bridges, and aqueducts in the Roman Empire |of roads, bridges, and aqueducts as an | |

|asset of the Roman Empire. |helped them to expand into such a large area of the|important asset of the Roman Empire. | |

| |world. | | |

|8. recognize the activities that took| |Student is able to recognize the | |

|place in Rome’s markets, the Forum, | |activities that took place in Rome’s | |

|the Colosseum, and Circus Maximus. | |markets, the Forum, the Colosseum, and | |

| | |Circus Maximus. | |


|The following checklist may be adapted for projects. |

| |

|Students must fulfill the following for before the project is ready to be assessed. |

| |YES |NO |

|Appearance | | |

|The project or assignment should be eye catching and legible. | | |

|Participation | | |

|The student fulfilled project/assignment expectations. | | |

|Conventions | | |

|The project has few spelling or grammatical errors. | | |

|Creativity: | | |

|The student displayed unique ideas or responses. | | |

|This project is ready to be assessed | | |


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