
Ancient Mali Study GuideStorytellers- These people passed on stories and traditions from one generation to the next.Kings- These were rich and powerful men who controlled the trade in West Africa. Salt- This was an important natural resource for people in the desert. They used it for their health and for preserving food. Gold- This was found by miners in West Africa and was traded for salt.Mali lay across the trade routes of salt in the Sahara Desert and gold from West Africa.Timbuktu- This was an important city in Mali. It had a famous university and a large library containing Greek and Roman books.Physical Characteristics of Ancient Mali- It was located in West Africa near rivers and in a grassland region. It had gold mines.Human Characteristics of Ancient Mali- The people of Ancient Mali were farmers, miners, and traders. How the people of Ancient Mali adapted to their environment- Salt was an important natural resource needed in Mali. Gold from Mali was traded for salt.Africa- The continent Mali was located on.Characteristic- Trait or qualityGriots- This was the name of storytellers in Ancient Mali.Niger River- The river that flowed through Ancient Mali.Salt was dug up in big slabs.The people of Mali used camels to carry the salt and gold across the desert to trade at the market.The kings charged traders a tax to trade in Mali.Contribution- The act of giving or doing something. ................

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