Study Guide Chapter 10 “The Roman Republic”

Study Guide Chapter 10 “The Roman Republic”

Sections 1-2-3 pgs. 294-313 Name _____________________________

Directions: You will need to know the material below to complete the multiple choice part of you test.

1. Know the correct geographic term to describe Italy. _________________________________________

2. Explain how the Roman laws of the Twelve Tables were similar to the U.S. Constitution. ___________


3. Identify the center of life in ancient Rome. _________________________________________________

4. Recognize one reason the Roman trade network grew. _______________________________________


5. Identify the event after 88 B.C. that had the most important effect on the Roman Republic’s government.


6. Know which effect of Italy’s climate was most important in terms of Rome’s growth. _____________


7. Predict what might have happened if the Roman nobles had not overthrown their last king. __________


8. Explain how Romans who were magistrates and Romans who took part in assemblies were similar.


9. Recognize why many nearby countries declared war on Rome. ________________________________


10. Identify the most important effect the killing of the Gracchus brothers had on Roman politics.


11. Name the general that led an attack on Rome in 218 B.C. _____________________________________

12. Place the following in the order that they occurred: (1-4)

______ Rome’s laws were written down on 12 bronze tablets. ______ Citizens complained about

laws they did not know existed. ______ Laws were established by the partrician officials in Rome.

______ Roman laws were displayed in public meeting places.

13. Identify the role the system of checks and balances plays in the U.S. government. __________________


Directions: You will need to know the material able to complete the completion part of your Ch. 10 test.

14. According to legend, Aeneas came to Rome from ___________________________________________.

15. As time passed, the _______________________________ became more powerful, gained influence over magistrates, and took control of the city’s finances.

16. Rome’s last three kings were _______________________________.

17. Rome fought the Punic Wars against ________________________________________.

18. When the Romans conquered _________________________________, they adopted much of the culture of the people who lived there.

Directions: You will need to know the definition of each term below to complete the matching part of your

Ch. 10 test.

19. republic ____________________________________________________________________________

20. dictators ____________________________________________________________________________

21. plebeians ___________________________________________________________________________

22. patricians ___________________________________________________________________________

23. consuls _____________________________________________________________________________

24. senate ______________________________________________________________________________


25. Forum _____________________________________________________________________________

26. tripartite ____________________________________________________________________________

27. legions _____________________________________________________________________________

28. purpose ____________________________________________________________________________


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