
Damien GoodenHIS201-WSNovember 18, 2012Professor OluwajuyemiAncient Civilization: Roman RepublicThe Roman Republic was a very long period in history that lasted almost 500 years began around 509 BC and lasted until 27 BC. The main aspect for the Romans grows from a small city, which was virtually indistinguishable from other cities in central Italy into one of the largest empires in the world. Within the centuries produced the systems of the classic republic political system as well as the birth of Roman Religion. The ancient Romans were not natural-born philosophers, and it took a long time to truly understand what Roman religion was. The ancient Roman religion was a very unique religious, practice because they did not believe in gods like other religious practices the instead took responsibility for their actions.From 753 to 509BC, Rome was ruled by Kings. It then became a Republic because the people of Rome did not like the way that King Tarquinius ruled: they said he was a tyrant that only lived for himself and did not care if the people suffered. The republic was basically a country without a King or Emperor. It was set up to ensure that there were no more tyrants in charge of Rome. In the Republic of Rome there were different parts of the Government. The Three main parts of the government were the Senate, the consuls and the Assemblies. The senate was a similar to our parliament. Members of the senate were elected by citizens and they had a discussion then voted to decide what should and should not happen within the civilizations. Then Senators elected two consuls to act as leaders. These men decided what would be discussed during meetings and had a lot of power and could vote yes or no at assemblies. Assemblies were basically a gathering of Roman citizens. At these gatherings the citizens discussed new Laws and voted to decide whether or not they should become a new law. The Roman religion in the Roman Republic was based on separating religious traditions or systems. The main purpose of this religion was to protect the pax deum, or the favor of the gods, to ensure the safety of the community. Temples were built to honor the generals that were victorious in battle. Philosophers such as Cicero questioned many of the practices of this religion, he taught his followers to believe in “natural” events rather “mythical” events. He also believed that no man should be considered a god. Roman religion practices coexisted with family religion loyalties, were members of a family had different task to complete on a daily bases. Their task were separated by social class, adult population were encouraged to pray in temples when there was a crisis. They believed in completing small task every day to show respect to God. Philosophers such as Cicero questioned this form of religion, he taught his followers to believe in “natural” events rather “mythical” events. , he taught his followers to believe in “natural” events rather “mythical” events. Another Philosophers Varro testifies that true religion was not instituted by an earthly state: instead is inspired to teach true followers of God, the giver of eternal life. He also believed that nature of the gods, were above man and all men should show respect to them. Roman religion served the ruling class and enabled communication with lower class people during rituals. Religious rituals also served as a way to express social division between gender and age.The religion in the Roman Republic had a small number of ritual forms that dominated most of the literacy period. It is important to note that these forms varied in different areas. People of Rome were not restricted to any individual god, within the circle of gods available to them. People built special temples were they pray to the god that they worship. This was a huge step in expansion of Roman power in Italy and throughout the Mediterranean, also combined with roman citizenship in Italy it appears as a medium rather than a separation. When dealing with ancient religion citizens was not as free as Greek people instead they had to take part in ‘secret cults’. A lot of people during this time disagreed with the senate for allowing people to join cults for the fact that it will cause problems. Religion did not have to be indigenous, but it has to be practiced in public no matter what.Many historians tried to learn and understand the Romans History. The first half of the century B.C. had a major event happen the Hannibalic war which laid the foundation of the dominance of the Mediterranean world. Roman leaders had a lot of power and could make our break the country. For example going to war are to have peace; the most important decision to make was the decision that would benefit the country. The Roman Republic grew into a major power and had many sacrifices, which were made. Historians determined that religion played a huge part in politics. Most roman leaders used the daily rituals of roman religion to insure that there empire goes, at a fast pace.Historians studied for years, to figure out the development of the Roman Imperialism and how it had a major part in the outcome of the Roman Republic. William Harris wrote a book on war and imperialism he basically talked about how Romans, were consciously aggressive toward their enemies as far their religious beliefs. Romans took their rituals and practices very seriously and would fight anyone who tried to challenge them. The major achievements of War and Imperialism had on the people of the Roman Republic it changed their view as well as their political and religious beliefs. It gave them a sense of pride in the practices they did mainly for the fact that they do these rituals daily. This was considered to be a huge accomplishment for the people.Religious rituals sometimes helped in social division which helped to express separation between gender, age, and juridical status. With so much influence from the government religion was based on who status was higher. By having such a biased government people did not have any interaction with the government which meant that rituals were law instead of a choice. The main reason the Roman Republic ended was because the poor or less fortunate was not allowed to vote. That had a huge impact on Romans because they had no input on anything that went on with the government. Another reason is because by 14 A.D. emperor Augustus died which made popular vote all but disappear. By having this happen to the Roman Republic it made future civilization insure that they do not make the same mistakes as they did.To touch back on the nature of the gods in the Roman Republic many would account to Cicero as one of the prime people that helped a civilization figure out what it really was. His continuous theories on the religion gave a better understanding of what Roman religion was during that time. Cicero stood a s the last line of defense of the old religion. Many would say that he is a hard headed individual that was neither confident nor had any personal conviction. Philosophers after his such as Varro paid homage to what Cicero did for Rome and its religion. His positive contribution was his discussions on his academic “suspense of judgment”. He used this to ensure that he was neither sided with Stoics or the Epicureans. He did not change his philosophy for no one and stood true to his goal of allowing people to worship one God.In conclusion the Roman Republic was a place where people had to follow all rules made by the government and could do nothing about. The main aspect for the Romans religion was to grow from a small city, which was virtually indistinguishable from other cities in central Italy into one of the largest empires in the world. During this century a lot of advancement had been made to the society and one can say that they did well for themselves. The Roman learned to adapt to this new religion and would challenge anyone that went against it. This had very compelling research and people can learn something new from this every interesting world. SourcesJournalMillar Fergus, The Journal of Roman Studies , The Political Character of the Classic Roman Republic, 1, no. 74 (1984): 1-102.) JournalEric Orlin, Temples, religion, and politics in the Roman Republic, In the Roman Republic, 1, no. 1 (1997): 5-25,3.)BookHarriet I. Flower , The Roman Republic , (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 179-199.4.) BookFrederick C. Grant, Ancient Roman Religion, (New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1957),5.) InternetClayton, Edward. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "A peer review academic resoruce." Last modified July 14, 2005Reference Page1.) Beard, Mary. The Fall of the Roman Republic, "Rome Revolution."2.) Grant, Frederick C. “Ancient Roman Religion”. New York: The Liberal Arts Press, INC., 1957 139-1493.) Harriet I. Flower, The Roman Republic , (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 190-194.4.) Millar, Fergus. "The Journal of Roman Studies." The Political Character of the Classical Roman Republic”, 200-151 B.C. 74. (1984): 1-10.5.) Clayton, Edward. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "A peer review academic resoruce." Last modified July 14, 2005 ................

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