Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 1

1. Romulus and Remus –

2. Rome’s Geography –

3. Latins, Greeks and Etruscans –

4. The Forum –

5. Republic –

6. Patricians –

7. Plebeians –

8. Tribunes –

9. Twelve Tables –

10. Consuls –

11. The Senate –

12. Tribal Assembly –

13. Centuriate Assembly – (see chart p.157)

14. Dictator –

15. Legion –

a. Century -

16. By 256 B.C. the Romans were masters of ____________________.

17. Location of Carthage –

18. Punic Wars –

a. 1st Punic War –

b. 2nd Punic War and Hannibal –

c. Scipio –

d. 3rd Punic War –

e. Hannibal’s death -

19. By 70 B.C. Rome’s Mediterranean empire stretched from ___________ in the east to ________ in the west.

Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 2

1. By 100 B.C. about 1/3 of Rome’s population was made up of _______________.

2. Approximately ¼ of the Roman society was made up of the _________poor, many of whom were homeless or jobless former _____________.

3. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus –

4. Triumvirate –

5. Julius Caesar –

a. Gaul –

b. Results of crossing the Rubicon (“the die is cast”) –

c. Caesar’s Reforms –

d. March 15, 44 B.C. (the Ides of March) –

i. “Et tu, Brute?” –

6. Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus –

a. Antony and Cleopatra –

7. Augustus –

a. Imperator / emperor –

8. Pax Romana –

9. Civil Service –

10. By the second century A.D. the Roman Empire reached from Spain to ______________________ and from North Africa to __________.

11. Agriculture –

12. Denarius –

13. Roman roads –

14. Gravitas –

15. Role of Slavery –

a. Gladiators –

b. Thumbs up / thumbs down –

16. Numina –

17. Lares –

18. Ways in which government and religion were linked –

19. Jupiter –

20. Juno –

21. Minerva –

22. Class differences –

a. Daily rations –

b. Purpose of games –

c. Colosseum –

23. Roman Villa (p. 166) –

a. Fresco –

b. Pompeii and Herculaneum -

Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 3

1. Judea –

2. Messiah –

3. Jesus of Nazareth–

a. Monotheism –

b. Jesus stressed that people should love:

c. Gospels –

d. Apostles –

e. Pontius Pilot –

f. Origin of the word Christianity –

4. Paul –

a. Epistles –

5. The holiest Jewish shrine today –

a. Masada –

b. Jewish Diaspora –

6. Reasons for Roman persecutions of Christians:

a. Martyr -

7. Five reasons why Christianity appealed to people across cultures and lands:






8. Constantine –

9. Edict of Milan –

10. Theodosius –

11. Priest -

12. Bishop –

13. Peter –

a. Pope –

14. Heresy –

15. New Testament –

16. Old Testament –

17. Augustine of Hippo –

a. The City of God -

Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 4

1. Marcus Aurelius –

2. Factors that weakened Rome’s economy by 200 A.D.–

a. Inflation –

b. Agricultural problems -

3. Reason for less loyalty among the military –

a. Mercenaries –

b. Loyalty of citizens –

4. Diocletian –

a. Greek-speaking Eastern Empire –

b. Latin-speaking Western Empire –

5. Constantine –

a. Byzantium –

b. Constantinople –

6. 3 reasons for the final collapse of the Roman Empire:




7. The Huns –

a. Barbarians –

b. 410 A.D. –

c. Attila the Hun –

8. Romulus Augustulus (476 A.D.)–

a. Byzantine Empire –

b. 1453 A.D. -

Chapter 6 – Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Define and state the importance of the following terms as you complete your reading assignments.

Section 5

1. Greco-Roman culture (classical civilization) –

2. Style of Roman art and sculpture –

3. Bas-relief sculptures –

4. Mosaics –

5. Belief in Stoicism encouraged the ideals of:

6. Virgil –

a. The Aeneid –

7. Ovid –

8. Livy –

9. Tacitus –

a. Annals and Histories –

10. Influence of the Latin Language –

a. Romance Languages –

b. Affect upon the English language –

11. Name three features of Roman building that allowed the construction of spectacular structures like the Colosseum:

12. Aqueducts –

13. Roman roads, some still used, connected Rome to __________________.

14. Rome’s most lasting and widespread contribution was its _________.

a. All persons should have ________ treatment under the law.

b. A person is considered____________ until proven___________.

c. The burden of proof rests with the ______________.

d. A person should be punished only for___________ not ______________.

e. Any law that seems unreasonable or unfair could be_________________.


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