Loras College InTASC Portfolio Reflections - InTASC Standard 1

Hannah Dirks Mrs. Lundh World History 4th & 7th hour October 2018Ancient Rome Unit PlanDay I – Introduction to Unit – 10/09/2018Student goals/objectivesWe will wrap up our unit on ancient Greece and then begin our unit on ancient Rome. During today’s lesson my goal is to introduce the students to our studies of ancient Rome and get them excited about our upcoming unit. Bell Ringer – 10 minutes For the first ten minutes of class we will go over the students test on ancient Greece. I will go over the answers to the test to ensure that they know the correct answers. During this time, I also want the students to look out for any mistakes I may have made when I was grading their tests. Class – 18 minutes 10 minutes - The students will be given the below worksheet. I will use this to gage their understanding of ancient Rome, to see how they gained this knowledge, to gage how they are feeling about group work, and then if they would rather work individually or within small groups for an upcoming project. After the students have completed the worksheet we will talk about their prior knowledge so the students understand that they are all largely on the same learning level. 8 minutes – The students will watch the below video. As they watch the video on a piece of scratch paper I want them to write down at least two things they want to learn more about during our unit on ancient Rome. Closure Activity – 10 minutes The students will participate in a snowstorm closure activity. They will then crumple up their paper (with the two things they want to learn) into a ball. Then on my signal I will have them launch their snowballs. Then each student will pick up a nearby response and we will go around the classroom and share. If the students use this activity as a way in which to harm their peers I will instruct them that they will be given the rest of the class period to start their homework. The students will be instructed to complete the below homework and bring it to class with them to class tomorrow. Name: ____________________ Period: ___________Ancient Rome InquiresWhat do you already know about ancient Rome? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How did you gain this knowledge? Books? Shows? Movies? Teachers? Be specific name the title of the book, movie, show, or tell me what this teacher taught you. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are three things you want to learn from our studies on ancient Rome? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think about small group work? What advice would you like me to consider when it comes to group work? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________For this unit I have planned a project in which you will be taking on the identity of someone living within ancient Rome. Would you rather work in groups I assign, or complete this project individually? Be sure that you are explaining why you feel the way you do. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: _____________________ Period: _______________Conquering Italy (page 151) At the beginning of the Roman republic who surrounded Rome? (1 point)Who did the Romains conqueror to gain all of Italy? (1 point) What was the Roman Confederation? (1 point) Why did Romans believe that their early ancestors were successful? (1 point)Who was Livy and what did he teach the Romans? (1 point) Give two examples in which the Romans were good diplomats. (1 point)Give two examples in which the Romans excelled in military matters. (1 point)Give one example as to how the Romans were brilliant strategists. (1 point) How were the Romans practical in their laws and politics? (1 point) How does this relate to your own life? (1 point) Day II – Conquering Italy – 10/10/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will learn how the Romans conquered Italy. During todays lesson it is my goal for the students to start thinking about how and why the Romans were successful in gaining control of Italy. Bell Ringer – 5 minutes I will introduce our activity for the day. I will tell them that they will be playing the Roman game of Life with a partner. I will inform the students that when I created this game I based it off the board game Life. They will role a dice and then land on a green, orange, purple, or yellow space. The green spaces represent the political decision that were central in conquering Italy, the orange spaces reflect how the Romans responded to rebellion, the purple spaces represent diplomatic decisions, and the yellow spots represent trick spaces. The students will start by rolling die they will then move their pawn to the spot they rolled. If they land on a green spot they will then pick the correlating card which will allow them the chance to gain points. These points will be given out in the forms of dollar bills. If I run out of cash for the point system, the students will be instructed to take keep track of their points on a piece of notebook paper. For a copy of what the board and what is written on the cards please see below. – There will be twelve laminated board games and 192 playing cards. Each group of students will receive one board game and 16 cards. The students will be put into the following pairs. 4th hour Cross and Braedyn Charlie and WizdomSam and WillReed and JohnathonDeclan and Ayden Rylie and Jestin, Megan and HilbyBrianna and Juliyana Jacob and Cole 7th hour Fatma and Amanda Malakhi and Kyle Brianna and OwenKai and BenEthan and WyattPaige and ElizabethIsabella and Ava Sharon and MaxTrevor and Payton, Connor and MichaelGabe and Kate Sarah and Cade Class – 25 minutes The students will play two-three rounds of the board games within their pairs. As they play on the back of their homework assignments from the prevision day, I want them to write down reasons why they think the Romans were successful in conquering Rome. Closure Activity – 8 minutes At the end of the lesson I will ask the students to share their response from question number ten on their home work sheets. If there is lot of time left at the end I will have the students go around the classroom and share but if there isn’t much time left I will have whoever feels comfortable share. I will inform the students that they need to bring their textbooks tomorrow. Board Game DesignQuestions for Roman LifePolitical DecisionYou help create the Roman Confederation – you earn 200 points You require your allies to provide you with soldiers to protect Rome – you earn 100 points You built and fortified a town you captured – you earn 100 points Your fortified town is not a welcoming sight to the citizens, which leds to rebellion – you lose100 points Your roads were not built successfully, meaning your troops were not able to make it to the sight of rebellion – you lose 200 points RebellionYou crushed the Latin states – you earn 200 points After fifty years you defeat the Apennines - you earn 300 points You add on to your army – you earn 100 points You add on to your fleet – you earn 100 points You lose a large part of your army – lose 100 points You lose half of your fleet – lose 100 points You fail to crush a rebellion – lose 200 points Diplomatic DecisionsYou overcome the Greek cities – you earn 200 points You allow the Latins to have Roman citizenship – you gain 100 points You make allies with the remaining communities and allow them to run their own affairs – you gain 200 points You don’t allow certain members of the city you conquered to become citizens which causes a rebellion – you lose 100 points Day III – The Roman State (government) – 10/11/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will be tasked with examining the Roman government. During today’s lesson I want the students to learn some of the key positions within the Roman government. Introduction – 5 minutes I will tell the students that today they will be assigned a role within the Roman government. They will need to explain the role they play within the Roman government through a minute-long skit followed up with a minute-long explanation of what their skit portrayed. Their skits should answer the following questions – defining the political office and then describing what role their assigned position played within the government. During their skits they will cover the following things: patricians, plebeians, consuls, praetors, Roman senate, centuriate assembly, and emperor. The students will look at page 152 within their textbooks but if they need more information about their assigned role then they can also look for information on the internet. Within their small groups everyone must participate within the skit. 4th hour Patricians: Cross, Reed, and Megan Plebeians: Braedyn, Johnathon, and Hilby Consuls: Declan, and Brianna Praetors: Wizdom, Rylie, and Jacob Roman senate: Sam, Ayden, and Juliyana Centuriate assembly: Will, and Cole Emperor: Charlie and Jestin 7th hour groups (groups 3-4 due to class size) Patricians: Connor, Wyatt, Isabella, and Kai Plebeians: Fatma, Sharon, Malakhi Consuls: Ethan, Payton, Elizabeth Praetors: Ben, Kyle, Kate, Cade Roman senate: Brianna, Max, Sarah, Owen Centuriate assembly: Trevor, Gabe, Ava Emperor: Amanda, Michael, Paige Class – 20 minutes The students will be given the next 20 minutes to prepare their skits and correlating explanation. Closure Activity – 13 minutes The students will present their skits and their peers will fill out the below worksheet. Name: __________________ Period: ______Notes on the Roman government Patricians – 2 points Define the term patricians. What role did the patricians play within the Roman government? Plebeians – 2 points Define the term plebeians. What role did the plebeians play within the Roman government? Consuls – 2 points Define the term consuls. What role did the consuls play within the roman government? Praetors – 2 points Define the term praetors.What role did the praetors play within the Roman government? Roman senate – 2 points Define the term Roman Senate. What role did the Roman senate play within the Roman government? Centuriate assembly – 2 points Define the term centuriate assembly. What role did the centuriate assembly play within the Roman government? Emperor – 2 points Define the term emperor. What role did the emperor play within the Roman government? Day IV – The Rise and Fall of Caesar (Examining triumvirates & Roman Emperors) – 10/15/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will examine the first and second triumvirate in addition to some of the central emperors during this time. During today’s lesson the students will learn about; Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompey (emperors within the first triumvirate) and then Gaius Octavius, Marcus Antonius, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (emperors within the second triumvirate). Introduction – 10 minutes I will pass out the below worksheet. I will have the students fill out this worksheet as I discuss what the first and second triumvirate were. For a copy of my PowerPoint slides, see below. Class – 25 minutes The students will be assigned one of the following six emperors Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompey, Gaius Octavius, Marcus Antonius, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. They will use one of the six websites below to find out more about their assigned emperor. The student’s presentations will aim to answer the three questions about their emperor from the below worksheet. These presentations should be brief I’m think two-five minutes apiece. The students will present their findings using the below website, which is comparable to popplet. When they use this website for the first time it will require them to create an account, but they can do this for free using their Gmail accounts. 4th hour Caesar – Sam, Jacob, and Declan Crassus – Cross, Brianna, and Ayden Pompey – Reed, Rylie, and Will Octavius – Megan, Wizdom, and Cole Mark Antony – Bradeyn, Hilby, and Charlie Lepidus – Johnathon, Juliyana, and Jestin 7th hour Caesar – Kai, Trevor, Isabella, Payton Crassus – Ethan, Elizabeth, Fatma, Connor Pompey – Malakhi, Kyle, Kate, AvaOctavius – Cade, Sarah, Wyatt, MaxMark Antony – Owen, Amanda, Sharon, BenLepidus – Gabe, Paige, Brianna, Michael Websites Caesar – Crassus – Pompey – Octavius – Mark Antony – Lepidus – Presentation link Closure Activity – 10 minutes I will instruct the students to use the snipping tool (something they should know how to do) to capture an image of their presentations. They will then send this image to me. After they have sent me this image the students will be instructed to put their laptops away, so this is not a distraction as their peers are presenting. The students will then present their findings to the class. As the groups present their peers in the audience will work to answer the below questions. Name: ________________________ Date: __________Emperors & Triumvirates – 21 points Lecture Notes What is the definition of triumvirate? Who started the first triumvirate? Who started the second triumvirate? CaesarWhat was Caesar’s role within the first triumvirate? What was significant of Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon river? Why was Caesar assassinated? CrassusWhat was Crassus’s role within the first triumvirate? How did Crassus die? What did Crassus’s death cause? PompeyWhat was Pompey’s role within the first triumvirate? What was the relationship between Pompey and Caesar like? How was Pompey killed? What was the significance of his death? Octavius Who was Octavius’ great-uncle and adoptive father? Why was this relationship important? How was land divided within the second triumvirate? What were some events which occurred during Octavius’s 40-year reign? Mark AntonyHow would you describe the relationship between Antony and Octavius? What is important to know about the relationship between Antony and Cleopatra? How did Antony die? What is the importance of his death? LepidusHow would you describe the relationship between Lepidus and Antony?What territories did Lepidus gain during the second triumvirate? Did he hold these territories long? What happened after his revolt against Octavian? Day V – Life in Rome – 10/16/2018Student goals/objectivesWe will finish our studies from yesterday to move forward in our studies of the Romans way of life. During today’s lesson in is my goal to introduce and get the students thinking as if they were living during this period. Intro – 10 minutes We will finish up or presentations from the day before. After the students have finished presenting I will collect the student’s emperors & triumvirates worksheet. Class – 30 minutes I will start by introducing the students to what they will be working on for the rest of the day and then for a portion of the day tomorrow. The students will be tasked with entering the mindset of someone living within this period. This assignment is essential as it will be worth a total of 40 points. For more information on this assignment see the assignment details below. The students will be given time to work on their projects. As the students work I will be walking around the classroom answering any questions the students may have. By the end of today it is my hope that the students will have selected the perspective they want to write from and then start examining resources. Closure Activity – 5 minutes Before the students leave I will ask them to pull out a piece of scratch paper. On this piece of scratch paper, they will write down how they are feeling about the assignment and any questions or concerns they have. Before they turn in these pieces of papers I want them to initial their responses, so I can answer any specific concerns they may have. They will then turn these pieces of paper into me, so I can gage how they are comprehending this assignment. What to say to a student who is picking on another studentI am concerned, one of your peers has mentioned that they have witnessed bullying occurring within your row. This needs to stop as it is not acceptable within my classroom. If I see you doing this or if I hear that you are picking on this student again I will take disciplinary actions and get in contact with your guardians. Roman Life Diaries Overview of Assignment You will be tasked with taking on the role of someone living in ancient Rome. You can take on a role of your choosing. Some examples of the perspectives you can write from include; farmer, farmers wife, farmers child, wealthy husband, wealthy wife, a child of wealthy parents, Greek slave, tutor, poor Roman citizen, or Roman soldier. While these are some options you can select a perspective that I have not included above. If you decide to select a role that is not featured above, you need to have my approval before you start researching and writing your diary entries. You will be given work time today and tomorrow to work on creating this perspective. Stylistic Details For this assignment you will be creating four to five diary entries, each of which are a paragraph or more in length. These entries should be double spaced and have minimal spelling and grammar mistakes. In addition, your entries should have a consistent and logically formatting style. For example, your diary should be in the same font, size, color, and general formatting style. This assignment will be worth a total of 40 points. Required ResourcesTo get the full 40 points for this assignment, you must use both your textbook and a scholarly website to format your diary entries. In addition, if you decide to use a direct quote from one of these sources you must include a parenthetical citation. Ex. (Spielvogel 166). At the end of your work you must also include a works cited page. If you need help with in text citations or with creating a works cited page I would be happy to help you. Writing & Presenting Process You will be given the rest of today and tomorrow to complete this assignment. I will give you work time today and most of tomorrow. Towards the conclusion of class tomorrow, you will have the chance to review with a peer of your choosing. Then you will informally present your work on Thursday. On the Thursday you will come to class with one of your favorite entries printed off. Then everyone will walk around the room leaving positive comments on everyone’s work. Day VI – Life in Rome – 10/17/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will explore different perspectives of people living in ancient Rome. It is my goal that during today’s lesson that the students will continue to work on their diaries and give and receive feedback on one of their peers works. Introduction – 5 minutes I will inform the students that they will be given the next 30 minutes to continue working on their diary entries. Before the students begin working I will inform them that the last ten minutes of class will be dedicated to them receiving feedback from a peer of their choosing. I made this decision, because I wanted to the students to pair up with people they felt comfortable with. I will also answer any concerns that I may have noticed from yesterday’s exit slips. Before I conclude I will ask if anyone would like the chance to conference with me. I will then work one on one with those students while answering any questions the students have. Class – 30 minutes The students will be given the next 30 minutes to work on their entries. As the students work I will either be conferencing with students or walking around the classroom, ensuring that they are remaining focused on the task at hand. Closure Activity – 10 minutes The students will be given the next ten minutes to conference with a peer. During this time, I want them to look at their peers’ resources (did they use the book/scholarly website, do they have a works cited?), do they have four-five entries that are a paragraph long, and if their entries show their understanding of the period. At the end of the period I will remind the students that they need to print off (before class) their favorite entry and bring it with them to class tomorrow in addition to turning their document into classroom by tomorrow (10/18) at midnight. I will also remind the students that they will need to bring their textbooks to class tomorrow. Hello,Please see below for the things that you will be missing in class tomorrow.Thanks,Ms. Dirks Have your diary submitted to Google Classroom by 11:59 Thursday night. You will miss our study of Roman culture. Select one of the following cultural elements (statues, architecture, engineering skills, Virgil, Horace, or Livy) and on a piece of computer paper make an image explaining why this was an important cultural element within ancient Rome. Please see pages 163-165 within your textbooks to help you with this poster. Please have this completed by Friday.Day VII – Art, Architecture, and Literature – 10/18/2018Student goals/objectivesWe will finish our study of the Romans way of life and move on to examining their art, architecture, and literature. During today’s lesson it is my hope that the students will walk away with a cultural appreciation for this period. Introduction – 20 minutes The students will participate in a gallery walk. The students will come in with a printed copy of one of their diary entries. They will then place these around the room. The students will walk around the room and leave their responses to their peers’ works. In addition, the students will initial their responses. Class – 25 minutes Within small groups the students will examine essential elements of Roman culture. I will give each group a piece of computer paper. On this piece of computer paper, they must make an image depicting what they were assigned with and an explanation as to why it was an important cultural element within ancient Rome. The students will use pages 163-165 within their textbooks. 4th hour Statues: Jacob, Brianna, and ReedArchitecture: Ayden, Megan, and BradeynEngineering skills: Sam, Wizdom, and Cole Virgil: Declan, Will, and Juliyana Horace: Cross, Hilby, and Johnathon Livy: Rylie, Charlie, and Jestin7th hour Statues: Ava, Payton, Ben, and Fatma Architecture: Michael, Kyle, Connor, and Elizabeth Engineering skills: Kai, Sarah, Amanda, and Malakhi Virgil: Brianna, Cade, Sharon, Gabe Horace: Paige, Kate, Max, Owen Livy: Trevor, Wyatt, Isabella, Ethan I will remind the students that their diary entries are due tonight by midnight and that they will need their textbooks tomorrow. Day VIII – Roman Religion / The Rise of Christianity – 10/19/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will participate in learning stations to learn more about Roman religion. These learning stations will cover the following things: comparing the Roman and Greek gods, contrasting the Roman and Greek gods, Jesus’s message, the rise of Christianity, Roman persecution of Christians, and the triumph of Christianity. Introduction – 2 minutes The students will be participating in six learning stations. During these learning stations they will learn about the Roman gods and the rise / fall of Christianity. I will warn the students that they will only have 6 minutes to complete a station, so it is essential that they remain on task. To remain on task the students within their small groups will be assign themselves with one of the following roles; scribe, host, passage finder, in seventh hour their will be two passage finders within each group. 4th hour Jacob, Brianna, and ReedAyden, Megan, and BradeynSam, Wizdom, and Cole Declan, Will, and Juliyana Cross, Hilby, and Johnathon Rylie, Charlie, and Jestin7th hour Ava, Payton, Ben, and Fatma Michael, Kyle, Connor, and Elizabeth Kai, Sarah, Amanda, and Malakhi Brianna, Cade, Sharon, and Gabe Paige, Kate, Max, and Owen Trevor, Wyatt, Isabella, and Ethan Class – 40 minutes The students will complete the six below learning stations. They will have six minutes per learning station. Resource for learning stations one and two Closure Activity – 3 minutes The students will return the classroom to order and go around the room and share one thing that they learned over the course of today’s lesson. After the students have finished their stations I will collect the scribe’s papers and then asses the students out of total of 12 (2 points per station). Learning Station 1Using the website on Classroom complete a list which explains the similarities between the Roman and Greek Gods. Learning Station 2Using the website on Classroom complete a paragraph which explains the differences between the Roman and Greek Gods.Learning Station 3Using pages 170-171 within your textbooks, create a tweet and two hashtags explaining Jesus’s message.Learning Station 4Using pages 171-172 in your textbook create an image within your notebook explaining the spread of Christianity. After you have completed your picture caption it with a description. Learning Station 5Using pages 172-173 in your textbook create a rap explaining why the Roman’s persecuted Christians. This rap should be at least four line long. Learning Station 6Using pages 172-174 come up with at least two campaign slogans explaining the triumph of Christianity. Day IX – The Fall of the Roman Empire – 10/22/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will examine the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire. During today’s lesson it’s my goal to get them thinking critically about the collapse of this empire. Introduction – 5 minutes Today the students will be making their own comic strips explaining the fall of the Roman Empire. They will use the below two websites. The first website is where they can find information about the fall of Rome. They only need to focus on one of the causes found on this website. Then they will turn their findings into a digital comic strip. Their comics should explain one of the causes behind the collapse of the Roman Empire. When the students are done I will have them use the snipping tool to submit their comic to Google Classroom. This assignment will be worth ten points. The link to this free website can be found below. For an example of a comic I created using this website see below. Before the students start working on their digital comics I will walk them through how to create a comic. Class – 30 minutes The students will be given the next thirty minutes to work independently on their comics. During this time, I will be circling the room ensuring that the students are remaining focused and on topic. Closure Activity – 10 minutes The students will have the chance to walk around the room and see everyone’s comics. Day X – Study Time for Test – 10/23/2018Student goals/objectivesThe students will be tasked with recalling the central aspects of our unit. During today’s lesson it is my goal for the students to recall the main aspects on our unit on ancient Rome. Introduction – 15 minutes The students will fill out the below worksheet. Class – 28 minutes The students will test their knowledge of what they have learned over the course of our studies on ancient Rome. We will do this by going through multiple rotations on the site quizlet. Closure – 2 minutes I will remind the students that while they aren’t taking the test tomorrow due to our extended early dismissal schedule, that they need to continue studying for this test which will be on Thursday. Name: _____________________________ Period: ______Conference ReflectionWhat grade would you give yourself for this class? Why do you think you deserve this grade?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are three things you are doing well in this class?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are three things you think you could improve on?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are two things you have learned about so far? What is one thing you’ve accomplished within this class that you’re proud of?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is one thing you would like me to tell your guardian about you if I see them at conferences? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you have any comments or concerns about how I have been teaching? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Day XI – Gladiators 10/24/2018 – 23 minutes extended early dismal Student goals/objectivesThe students will explore what it meant to be a Roman gladiator. The goal of today’s lesson is to get the students thinking about the importance of gladiators in Roman society. Introduction – 3 minutes As the students enter the classroom I will inform them that they need to grab their laptops. I will then let them know that they will be examining the below website. As they read this website I want them to come up with five insightful hashtags explaining the importance of the gladiators to Roman society. I will also let them know that at the end of the period they will be sharing two out of the five of their hashtags. Class – 15 minutes The students will be given the next fifteen minutes to examine the above website and come up with five insightful hashtags explaining the importance gladiators had within Roman society. Closure Activity – 5 minutes We will then go around the room and each student will share two of the hashtags they created. Day XII– Test – 10/25/2018 Student goals/objectivesThe students will test their knowledge on Ancient Rome. They will be given the period to take the below test. Introduction – 5 minutes After the students have cleared off their desks, I will pass out their tests. The test features multiple choice questions, matching, short answer questions, and even a chance for extra credit. After I have walked the students through the test I will ask them if they have any questions. After all questions have been answered, I will instruct them to start. Class – 40 minutes I will give the students the period to take the 50-point test. As they take it I will situate myself at the back of the classroom to watch them as they take the test. For a copy of this test see below. Closure Activity If the students have extra time they will be asked to examine these extra websites which will give them more information about ancient Rome. 10/26 no school parent teacher conferences Name: ___________________________ Period: ___________Ancient Rome Test Multiple Choice (1 point each)Who did the Romans conquer to gain control of Italy?LatiumApenninesEtruscan All the above * Why were the Romans successful at conquering Italy? They made wise diplomatic and political decisions *They were merciless They killed and enslaved everyone None of the above What is an example as to how the Romans were good political decision makers? They did not welcome people as citizens They created the Roman Confederation *They destroyed towns None of the above What is an example as to how the Romans were facing rebellion?They defeated the Apennines *They had a weak military They had a weak fleet B and C What is an example as to how the Romans were good diplomatic decision makers? They overthrew the Latin government They allowed the Latins to have full Roman citizenship * They were not welcoming to new citizens All the above Who were the ruling class in Rome?Consuls Praetors Patricians * Centuriate Assembly What was the name of the people in the less wealthy class? Roman Senate Plebeians *Twelve TablesB and C Who was part of the first triumvirate? Caesar, Crassus, Pompey *Octavius, Antonius, LepidusGaius, Marcus, and Aemilius All the above Who was part of the second triumvirate? Caesar, Crassus, Pompey Octavius, Antonius, Lepidus *Gladiators, plebs, Crassus Cassius, Brutus, Pompey Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?He angered republican senators Cassius and Brutus wanted him dead He was killed after he fell in love with CleopatraA and B *What occurred during Octavius’ 40-year rule? He doubled the size of the empire He fortified roads He remade Rome with grand and practical gestures All the above *What is Crassus remembered for? He was defeated and killed at the Battle of Carrhae * He had an affair with Cleopatra He was assassinated A and B What is Pompey remembered for? His feud with Caesar *Being part of the second triumvirate His feud with OctaviusNone of the above What is Lepidus remembered for? His revolt against Octavian *Being part of the first triumvirate His feud with Caesar B and C What were the Romans known for building?Roads Aqueducts A and B *None of the above Who was known as a Roman writer? Livy * Antony Lepidus Octavius How did the Roman gods compare to the Greek gods?They shared similar traits They came from the same period They shared similar mythological traits A and C * How did the Roman gods contrast to the Greek gods? They had different names They came in different physical forms They had different originsAll the above * What was Jesus message? To love god and one another *To revolt against Rome To save Israel from its foes A and B How did Christianity spread after the death of Jesus? Orally Through Apostles Written materials All the above * Why did Christianity overcome Roman persecution? They killed the Romans The Romans welcomed their religion Grew quickly, took root, and spread widely * None of the above How did Christianity overcome Roman persecution? Their message was impersonal and unfamiliar The emerging role of bishops, clergy, and laity Formed communities which bond people together B and C *What was a case of the fall of the Roman Empire? A lack of food and water Lead poisoning *Caesar lost the war Octavius’ assassination Who were gladiators? Roman emperors Roman professors professional fighters *None of the above Short Answer (2 points each)Choose 6 of the following terms and explain them you will be awarded 12 points for successfully completing this section.Roman Confederation (2 points) – Rome allowed some people especially Latins to have full Roman citizenship. Made allies of the remaining communities allowing them to run their own affairs but they had to provide soldiers for Rome. Patricians (2 points) – great landowners who became the ruling class of Rome. Plebeians (2 points) – less wealthy landowners, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers. Praetors (2 points) - chief executive officers of the Roman Republic, in charge of civil law and how it applied to citizens. Consuls (2 points) – chief executive officers of the Roman Republic, they were chosen yearly and ran the government / led the army into battle.Centuriate Assembly (2 points) – elected chief officials, such as consuls and praetors and passed lawsRoman Senate (2 points) – a select group of 300 patricians (ruling class) who served for life and advised government officials / had the force of law.Triumvirate (2 points) – a government by three people who hold equal power Explain two of the positions within the Roman government. Patricians – great landowners who became the ruling class of Rome. Plebeians – less wealthy landowners, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers. Consuls – chief executive officers of the Roman Republic, they were chosen yearly and ran the government / led the army into battle. Praetors - chief executive officers of the Roman Republic, in charge of civil law and how it applied to citizens. Roman Senate – a select group of 300 patricians (ruling class) who served for life and advised government officials / had the force of law. Centuriate Assembly – elected chief officials, such as consuls and praetors and passed laws Describe the relationship between Antony and Cleopatra. How did these two meet their end and why were their deaths important to the Roman Empire? Antony although married to Fulvia and later Octavius’ sister Octavia, he carried on a love affair with Cleopatra which resulted in children. Loving Cleopatra deeply, Antony wanted to conquer Rome for his lover and their children. Upon hearing this Octavius’ declared war on Cleopatra. These battles continued for the next year until upon hearing news that Cleopatra was dead, Antony stabbed himself. While this proved to be false Antony lost his life and then shortly thereafter Cleopatra killed herself. This is important to the Roman Empire, because Octavian became the sole ruler of Rome. What was life like in ancient Rome? This answer will vary based on what the students wrote about within their diary entries. What were some of the expectations of someone living in ancient Rome? How do these expectations contrast to your life? This answer will vary based on what the students wrote within their diaries and how this contrast to their lives. Name two important cultural elements within ancient Rome. Statues: They were influenced by Greek sculptors, but they produced realistic statues that included unpleasant physical details. They included these works in their public buildings and private houses. Architecture: continued to be influence by the Greek’s by using their styles like: colonnades and rectangle buildings. They also used the arch, vault, and dome. First people to use concrete in their designs which allowed them to build massive structures. Engineering skills: Built roads, bridges, and aqueducts. The Romans were superb builders building massive networks of roads and providing water to a population of a million. Virgil: A famous poet during the Augustan Age he wrote the Aeneid in honor of Rome. Story tells the tale of Aenaes and how he set Rome on its divine mission to rule the world. Horace: A famous writer who liked to point out the follies and vices of his age. Known for writing the Satires within this work he attacked greedy people who weren’t satisfied with their jobs. Livy: Masterpiece was the History of Rome which he wrote 142 books which traced Rome’s great history and provided moral lessons. Why did the Romans persecute Christians? At first the Romans paid little attention to the Christians but then they started to see them as a threat, because they refused to worship the state gods and emperors. The Romans saw this act as treason which was punishable by death. The Christians refused to worship the Roman gods /emperor because they saw it as worshipping false gods. Explain one of the reasons why Rome fell. This answer will vary based off the comic strip they createdExtra Credit – 3 points 4th hour How does our studies of ancient Rome connect to your own life? Name one Roman god. Who do you think is the most important Roman emperor we studied and why? 7th hour How does our studies of ancient Rome connect to modern politics? What is one way that the Roman gods contrasted to Christianity. What is one thing you learned about Roman politics? ................

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